I’m A Celebrity - Get Me Out Of Here!

The death of her father hit her hard, went from size 12 to 20 and drank heavily every night. That’s a tough dark place to be.
Doesn’t excuse what she said to Fred and her behaviour, but it does add some context and the level of hate she will get needs to cool off a little imo
My Dad died when I was 21, my Mum a few years ago. I don't remember ballooning to a fat fuck and being a ****.
My Dad died when I was 21, my Mum a few years ago. I don't remember ballooning to a fat fuck and being a ****.

Bog standard excuse for being a ****. "Well Dad/Mum/Sibling/Hamster/Fish died"

Nope, you got fat and had a drink problem because you like food and alcohol a bit too much.

Fucking grow up, and learn about accountability.
Wonder how much Nella has been paid to out-**** Farage.

She‘s an influencer. She’s doing her job.

That is a possibility. I'd never heard of her prior to this show but what I've seen of these YouTube "Influencers" is the more outrageous and loud they are, the more followers they get and the more money they make. You only have to look at that idiot who got invited to the EUFA awards, an utter plank but he's rich from it. She's grown up watching the show and is internet savvy but she might have pushed it too far with the Fred situation, the audience for this show won't be the same demographic as her own channel.
My Dad died when I was 21, my Mum a few years ago. I don't remember ballooning to a fat fuck and being a ****.

People handle grief in different ways and go down dark places, fair enough if you can’t sympathise with that.
However like I said, doesn’t excuse what she has said to Fred and how she has behaved.
That is a possibility. I'd never heard of her prior to this show but what I've seen of these YouTube "Influencers" is the more outrageous and loud they are, the more followers they get and the more money they make. You only have to look at that idiot who got invited to the EUFA awards, an utter plank but he's rich from it. She's grown up watching the show and is internet savvy but she might have pushed it too far with the Fred situation, the audience for this show won't be the same demographic as her own channel.
I’ve not seen a second of it. I haven’t for years, so I have no idea, however:

It’s literally her job for her to influence how people think.
The way that she completely misread the situation was weird enough. But her reaction after shows what an immature narcissistic **** she is. Imagine being on Day 3 of potentially 21 cooped up with a bunch of strangers and choosing to act like that!

The vast majority of people would just accept the very sincere (and completely unnecessary) apology and get on with things to keep the peace. Instead she's decided to create loads of tension after 3 fucking days because her feelings matter more than everyone else's. The rest of them must think she's a right twat.

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