I am very puzzled and quite frankly slightly hurt.

Do all pensioners in Spain still get a free holiday during the quiet tourist season?
I don't know. I have a UK pension but pay tax to Spain so they value my contribution.

I get good weather most of the year, Healthcare better than UK, cheaper cost of living and a generally good welcome from virtually all Spanish I have met to date.
That's a very ageist expression.
We should be trying to integrate the whole range of society, not be stuck in the old ways of differentiation.
It is also an expression of reverential affection.

If that is all you found fault with my post though, i will enter my dotage a happy old ****.
Anyway I’ll have you know I’ve just joined a gym, I’ll look like an Olympic athlete by the start of the season ;-)
Joining a gym is in the same category as someone sending a memo. They think the sending of the memo provides the solution to whatever the problem was. Joining a gym is Step 1. Step 2 involves some rather troublesome exercise.
Cracking post Eccles.I do not know you but you come across as one of the nicest posters on here.
Think it is just part of normal life and some youngsters will always have outrageous views on the old plus advertising are always trying to sell us something.Need more than a pen to sell me insurance.lol.
62 now myself but I think back to when I was young I was lucky enough to stay in a street where every youngster grew up to be a decent human being. You would help the elderly in your street as much as possible and you were also out from dusk to dawn playing.
3 TV channels,black and white TV,no internet,no elotronic games.
Street football,cricket and tennis,hide and seek,guess the TV programme,one of the many games where you ran kerb to kerb trying to beat someone in a race and of course bikes and exploring woods in a gang.Anything where money is not involved.
No drugs as well but did experiment with alcohol from 15 onwards.
Bets you there are more than a few youngsters who have not done any of the above.
School seemed a happier place as well and you respected everyone especially your elders.
I was lucky to have great parents but no better than anybody else in our street,again I think that is now more of of an issue today.
Finally I love the game WordWars on my tablet and my tablet itself but I would still rather play Kerbie.
Well said that man, sums up just how I feel
It is also an expression of reverential affection.

If that is all you found fault with my post though, i will enter my dotage a happy old ****.
It comes from mathematics, differentiation to be precise.

The method of denominating a diifferential, popularised by Isaac Newton, was to put a dot above the variable fr the first derivative, two dots for the second derivative etc.

However, Leibniz preferred to use 'd'"s (as in dy/dx). Leibniz annotation became more popular witth young students and older professors were said to be "dotty" and in their "dotage" because they used Newtons notation. Those who preferred Leibniz method were, in return, accused of the d-ism (deism) of Leibniz.


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