I am very puzzled and quite frankly slightly hurt.

What so it's a problem not liking someone who is a 2 faced prick.
Not at all, if that’s your thing. Whatever you think of him, do you think he should be racially abused and should it happen and he’s asked about it, is he allowed to say it shouldn’t happen?
I am, as you all must be sick of reading, a bit middle aged ;-) but I don’t think I’m prejudiced against anyone (except naturally LiVARpool and that Stretford lot) and I’m definitely NOT racist or against the youth of the country. You can’t teach and be involved in education at all levels for over 50 years and not like youngsters.

So why all of a sudden is it ok to be oldageist? This month alone I’ve been patronised by 2 professionals who should know better, I read about people resenting our having to use the NHS and services. I’ve been reading about a tennis personage who has accused older people of not having good eyesight because he didn’t get what the tennis player thought he should. Now Lewis Hamilton is attacking old people.

Please someone explain to me why it is wrong to grow old? I remember years ago watching a film in which people over, I think it was 30, were ‘disposed’ of because the population was being kept under control. Is this what these people want to happen now?

I worked all my adult life, paid a full NI Stamp and still pay taxes on my Teacher Pension that I paid a percentage of my salary toward and don’t and never did claim anything at all. I was a one parent ‘family’ without support from my ex-husband as the laws were not very good in those days. My kids didn’t get free dinners (because I was too proud to apply for them) although one son did get a partial grant when he went to Uni (before loans) but he worked to pay for his accommodation and I took a part time cleaning job for a time to help with the rest. If I had been able to afford it he wouldn’t have had to apply even for that part grant.

My offspring and their offspring and my extended family love me so that helps but why are people so hurtful?

Sorry for the sort of rant but I am hurt as well as puzzled.
I think you’re ace EB.

The mother of the forum
What so it's a problem not liking someone who is a 2 faced prick.

I think the problem might be that you accuse him of “being offended by everything” whilst he is in the news for being offended by being called a “neguinho” by a Portuguese speaking ex driver.

The insinuation, whether intended or not, is that you think that is acceptable language and nothing worth highlighting.
Or try using the other quote "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
"Perhaps--I want the old days back again and they’ll never come back, and I am haunted by the memory of them and of the world falling about my ears" (Ashley Wilkes) Great film
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Not at all, if that’s your thing. Whatever you think of him, do you think he should be racially abused and should it happen and he’s asked about it, is he allowed to say it shouldn’t happen?
With replies I have had it was to do with racism. I have never said anything towards him to even suggest it was. I just think he is a 2 faced twat.

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