I bet Nu Liebour do jack s**t about this...

hackneyslim said:
"Until the US, and the rest of the world for that matter, deals with Israel and the Palestinian problem, the chances of ever getting a real peace are none."

Well, you said it, mate.

See, i told you we wasn't a million miles apart.

Like i said in the post above, forget politics, this march in this town is morally repugnant.

Off to bed mate, enjoyed the debate, it's nice to debate and differ without it becoming a shouting, childish abuse session.
PistonBlue said:
aphex said:
what you dont seem to grasp, is the fact that not letting the march go ahead, coupled (if you read, i dont think it should be in wooten basset) with already massively damaged relations between whites and muslims in this country, is going to cause a hell of a lot more trouble than not allowing the march's

why do you think democracy is the longest lasted political movements? it allows both sides a voice.

That doesn't make sense Aphex. Also, Muslims are not a race of people of any paricular skin colour, so how would relations be damaged between whites and Muslims? Islam is just a religion, followed mostly by non-whites yes, but not exclusively so.
I think this is part of a common misconception that, anybody who is anti-Muslim extremism (and surely every right minded individual is against any sort of extremism that involves violence) is branded a racist by the left, when Race is nothing to do with it.
Religion and race are two completely separate issues, and yet when it comes to Islam, the two seem to mingle into one.

piston, i meant they should be allowed to march. but not in wooten basset.

my arguement still stands. democracy is a funny thing, pacifying the people as they think there voices are being heard.

it stops all out war, and for me, that works.
Ronnie the Rep said:
aphex said:
i've said it once already in this thread. i dot think they should be allowed to march through wooten basset, as i see it as an inflammatory act. they should however be able to march there protest. they are a facist group and do not represent the thoughts or ideals of every british muslim, as the muslim council of britain has stated.

like some other people have said, to have a bnp leader on question time, really backs you into a corner when shouting off what is fair and what isn't. accept it for what it essentially is.. pro-democracy.. you'd all be fucking moaning if your rights were being supressed, it seems you just cant win.

Evening Aphex. what you say is true, we have backed ourselves into a corner but we have to set reasonable limits and these guys have plenty of ways of protesting without carrying empty coffins through Wooton Bassett. They should be banned under the law about inciting racial hatred or whatever.

the voice of reason. thankyou ronnie.
scottyboi said:
I hope they get the shit kicked out of them.Fucking scum.

That would be too kind for them.

A civil/race war is upon us this decade.
Challenger1978 said:
buzzer1 said:
Just remind me exactly who is occupying a country(s)? and evil, the only evil i see is clearly the west, and please don't come at me with the WMDs or we are doing this to protect Britain rubbish because alls you need to do is beef up the homeguard, shut the borders and root out the so called terrorists from within, simple.

Buzzer firstly the liberals would go ape shit if you tried to do that (I'm all for it BTW) so its a none starter to begin with. Secondly you did watch that documentary that i sent a link to you didn't you ?. If so you should of picked up on the fact that it all comes down to oil, are entire society falls apart and millions die literally (just in the UK) if we don't have oil. Just because of that fact we can't become isolationist, We have to get involved, to make sure we get a share of the oil.

You raise some fair points challenger, but just one thhing about the oil, apparaently the USA are sitting on a mass of oil, and that place is, Dakota, and this is just what they are tellin' us about.

<a class="postlink" href="http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2008/04/10/ndoil/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://minnesota.publicradio.org/displa ... /10/ndoil/</a>
blueinsa said:
buzzer1 said:
I only need to look at your location to realise that you are not capable of reasoned argument when it comes to an issue re government or authority? For your info, we are in Afghanistan and was in Iraq at the behest of the democratically elected governments of those countries, something that they hadn't had for a very long time before someone decided enough was enough and were prepared to do something about it. Of course the WMD argument was bollox, never the less, the people of these two countries lived in fear under dictatorships, were murdered by the thousands and for the first time in their lives, they finally have the chance to adopt a democracy, one that the very people like Mr Choudary and Bin Laden are desperate to take away from them.

As for this evil you speak of and only the west perpetrating it, i take it you have no problems with hundreds, no, thousands being killed by suicide bombers? As i have pointed out on this thread, it is proven that around 80% of deaths arising from the criminal and cowardly acts of the terrorists are indeed, innocent muslim civilians who are trying to get on with their lives but are unable due to the minorty of extremists who demand power and who are willing to use a religion and mass murder as a way to trying to acheive it.

So just because i say fuk authority that makes me incapable of forming a reasoned argument, well aint you a genius? if ever i heard such an ignorant and brain dead comment well this has to be it, it surpasses all the inept bullshit views i have ever heard on this forum. For your information, truth should be the authority and not authority be the truth, and as soon as the penny drops with certain people then we can all move on, as one. So like the location says, fuk authority.
What we need to remember is this...

Peter Sutcliffe, Gary Glitter and Ian Huntley were all white, straight, English males yet were/are odious people who committed odious crimes.

However, I'm white, straight, English and male yet I'd hate to be thought of in the same league as these guys.

Now, some Muslims are complete bell ends, that's just a fact. Yet not all Muslims are like the ones your papers tell you about.

I don't assume all white men are rapists, paedophiles and serial killers.

I don't assume all black men are gun wielding drug dealers or pimps.

I don't assume all Muslims want me dead and are constantly strapped to explosives just in case.

Just remember that just because the papers say the baddies are now Muslims doesn't make it true...
TheMightyQuinn said:
What we need to remember is this...

Peter Sutcliffe, Gary Glitter and Ian Huntley were all white, straight, English males yet were/are odious people who committed odious crimes.

However, I'm white, straight, English and male yet I'd hate to be thought of in the same league as these guys.

Now, some Muslims are complete bell ends, that's just a fact. Yet not all Muslims are like the ones your papers tell you about.

I don't assume all white men are rapists, paedophiles and serial killers.

I don't assume all black men are gun wielding drug dealers or pimps.

I don't assume all Muslims want me dead and are constantly strapped to explosives just in case.

Just remember that just because the papers say the baddies are now Muslims doesn't make it true...

Unfortunately mate, some people can't get their heads around the fact that the media supress the truth and the daily star and their own bullshit conditioned life has been/is a waste of time. Its scary mate.

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