I don't like this Feeling in my Head

Age has been mentioned a lot in this thread , I'm 46 I have had a season ticket since I was 13 years old .

On the back of this we are now not only the richest club in the world but now we are the most talked about !!It's a massive statement of intent.

If it's positive or negative who gives people every where in the world they now know the name Manchester City !!!

Those who say it's obscene , bollocks to them .It's the Sheiks money he can spend it on what he wants .

There is no credit crunch in the Sheiks world and yes Mr Wenger he does live in a different world get used to it !!

Should KAKA sign I don't care what he costs , or what he gets paid , I will be one silly middle aged bloke with tears rolling down my cheeks .
Whilst I agree to a degree with the OP sentiments, I cannot wait to be eating at the top table and I'm 37 and never seen us win bugger all and think I've bided my time now. My Dad always says 'you've never really seen a good side have you' or 'you've never seen us win anything have you' that rankles with me.

bluenova said:
If football was more of a level playing field. If the right manager could take you to the very top. If a recently promoted team had a chance of a top 4 finish. If there wasn't a big 4 that no-one else can compete with financially.

If there were quotas on non-home grown players. If there was a wage cap. If there was a transfer draft. If....

I might agree. But football has been on a slippery slope since gate reciepts stopped being shared. Then the Premiership started. Then the Champions League provided regular exessive income to the big two, three, four as the places allocated increased.

Villa have a billionaire owner. The big 4 have rich owners. The only way football will be fairer in the near future is if another 90 billionaire's turn up.

We've been supporting city and paying for tickets when there was no chance we would win anything simply because we hadn't got enough money. Nothing has changed in football - but everything has changed for us. Let's smile and enjoy :)

This is the best post on this thread imo and the sums up nicely why there is no conclusive argument against what City are doing. The game is unfair and anti competition but that happened a long time ago.

Nevertheless, there are legitimate questions to be asked about the excess that City are taking it to. I don;t have the answers to them though.

The posts that are just 'fuck em' or accuse the opening poster of lacking ambition or anything like that are a joke though and the sort of 'don't give a shit' attitude that will soon see City fans as disliked as United and Chelsea fans. Which is a shame because it doesn't have to be like that if we as a group chose not to mirror their fan's wankerish, persecution complex, fuck everyone, arrogant attitude. Cos it's not needed and plays no part in making the club successful or unsuccessful
I couldn't give a fuck.

Who wants to be "poor likkle Citeh" forever? We are blessed to have the Sheik, so lets use this opportunity to finally taste the success that some poor bastards on here have been waiting their whole lives for. There are people here double my age that haven't seen us be anything other than long term crap.

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted. One moment...
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
It was ever thus. Surely teams try and buy the league all the time. That's why they fork out for quality players. Mostly it doesn't work but if we are not trying to 'buy the league' then why even bother competing in it in the first place. Same for any club. Money boosts the chances. Rich clubs do better than poor clubs.

There is nothing new in this. Thirty/ forty years ago it was no shock that City broke transfer records. Here we are again gone full circle.

As for Kaka, he is but one player and as Rodney Marsh showed sometimes a quality player can have a negative impact on a team. There is more to it than just cash.
Felt like you at first when the takeover first happened but now its sunk in and we have gone through the frustration of the first half of the season (yet again!) I've realised we have to make the most of the luck that fallen upon us.

Spending this type of money is an necessity at the moment, it's just a short term thing to get the ball rolling if we want to compete. Everyone, whoever they support, realises that we will need to do this, they just need to except that we can, so we will. Once we have built a team and gained success we will just have to add one or two players per window. At this point they will be far more willing to want to come, then if they want to, the owners can start to pull the purse strings and play hardball. It's not like we are throwing this sort of money at every player we want to sign.

And as for rag supporters, I don't give a crap what they have to say. Loving every comment coming my way. Had to put up with local and off shore one's tormenting me for too many years and they're worried. Very worried.
I just want us to win something and if that means we have to bid exhorbitant sums for the best players to achieve it I can live with that. I don't care about other people whether they hate us or not I just love City.
In the words of Garth from Waynes World, "we fear change". But change we must, if we want to win big competitions.

Kaka is one (very fucking big) more building block in the new era of Manchester City. Success in football has been closely linked to spending power for years, and when ADUG came in the rules changed for us overnight.

I am 38 and I have had a season ticket since I was 15, and I've kept the faith for 23 years in the hope that one day, somehow, we might have the chance to really challenge for top honours. And yes, in the hope that we might eclipse those arrogant wankers over at the swamp.

If we sign Kaka, that means no player in the world will doubt the ambition of the club. Any players that did turn their nose up at us thinking all we could offer was "trophy free" cash, will now be scrambling for the phone to call their agent.

If we sign Kaka ..... god knows what I'll do, but it wil be very funny to watch and I suspect that I'll be too happy and emotional to care.
BimboBob said:
It's not often i start posts but i've got something nagging in the back of my head that i can't shift.Obviously it's about Kaka and all this on/off/will he/won't he transfer business.

To be honest i'm a little embarressed to be a City fan at the moment.I've been a blue since i was old enough to kick a ball(i'm 42 now).I have seen my beloved club rise,fall,rise and fall only to rise again and never once have i felt like this.I've cried tears of joy,happiness and sadness but i have never felt like this.

£100+ million? £250-500 thousand a week? What have we become? Is any player worth this sort of cash to be spent? The whole world is in financial melt down and we go and do this.It is total madness.Of course i want Man City to be the best team in the land/Europe/wherever but i would like to do it the City way.Buy some players,bring in the youth,build a team,play decent football and above all be repected by other football fans.

We are fast turning into the scum or Chelsea.Buying players for massive amounts and trying to buy the league.

Players like Bridge i could cope with,decent money for a decent player,Robinho was fantasy football and the right price for the player but Kaka? This will(if it hasn't already) turn us into a hated team like that other lot near Manchester and i would hate for this to happen.

I hope i'm wrong.I really do.

bimbo ,only just come onto this thread. i am 54, I saw the good times as a kid, after I had witnessed shit in the mid 60's.Mind you I didnt know any better.
My old fella passed away last month and had been a blue all his 79 years. he would not have given a minutes thought to what was going on, as long as his beloved City were winning. I think we should all go along with it.
many of us have been up down and up again. Maybe this time we can be up and stay there

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