I found a wallet last night

I found a wallet in a bar once and handed it in to the bartender. She turns around and gives it to this brick shithouse of a manager. I see him rifle through it and put it in his pocket. I had one more beer and was about to leave when this bloke comes in and starts looking all around the area I found the wallet then asks the bartender if anyone's handed it in. She refer's him to said brick shithouse who's within ear shot and he tells him "NO"! Then goes on to sympathise about what a pain it is getting a new driver's license, cancelling credit cards etc. I went outside and waited for the poor bloke to come out. When he did I told him that the manager did infact have the wallet. he marched right back in and I left. It pissed me off intensely... I was mad at myself for handing it in - what made me think they would be honest? I never went back in that bar.

Then... about 6 months ago, I found another wallet. I held onto it and tracked the guy down from his drivers license that had his home address on it. I gave hime the wallet back and felt good about it. Miserable twat never gave me a reward though.
NSBFL said:
I found a wallet in a bar once and handed it in to the bartender. She turns around and gives it to this brick shithouse of a manager. I see him rifle through it and put it in his pocket. I had one more beer and was about to leave when this bloke comes in and starts looking all around the area I found the wallet then asks the bartender if anyone's handed it in. She refer's him to said brick shithouse who's within ear shot and he tells him "NO"! Then goes on to sympathise about what a pain it is getting a new driver's license, cancelling credit cards etc. I went outside and waited for the poor bloke to come out. When he did I told him that the manager did infact have the wallet. he marched right back in and I left. It pissed me off intensely... I was mad at myself for handing it in - what made me think they would be honest? I never went back in that bar.

Then... about 6 months ago, I found another wallet. I held onto it and tracked the guy down from his drivers license that had his home address on it. I gave hime the wallet back and felt good about it. Miserable twat never gave me a reward though.

I left mine sat on the table, stuffed with a couple of hundred quid, at Belle View Dog Races.

I was halfway home when I realised. Drove back and they were cleaning up. A lovely young waitress of about 17 had it and have it me back.

I was so delighted I didn't give her anything apart from profuse thanks, I felt bad after when I realised. Should have bunged her a score or something.

I found one once too, belonging to a neighbour who I'd never met. There were 2 bottles of wine waiting for me on my step the next day.
Obviously you have to empty any wallet/bag/purse etc before handing it in, think of it as a finder's reward for being such a good sport and returning it to them, it's like an unwritten rule
Pigeonho - obviously no morals, like some of the scum we have to put up with every week who act like morons around the bars at COMS.
Bloke last week in the Q next to ours, had kids q'ing up for 10 mins then he turns up when they reach the bar, takes their place and makes a joke about thats why he brings them to the game. You could tell that everyone behind him thought he was a complete knob ! He couldn't see it, selfish t**t.
We are all supposed to be on the same side....FFS

He is just using the tools at his disposal, whats the issue?
Pigeonho said:
Chippy_boy said:
What? Pigeonho openly admits to regretting not having been a THIEF and you are instanly on his side?

This forum is just unbelievable at times.

The age old debate of finders keepers i'm afraid. If the bag was still on the arm of the woman it belonged too and I took it, then yes i am a thief. It wasn't though, I had no idea who's it was. It was a bag full of money and I wanted it. Put it this way, you're walking down the street and you see a fiver. Would you pick it up and go out of your way to the nearest cop shop like a good little lad, or would you think 'ah nice one, i'll have that ta very much'. Anyone who says they would do the first is a complete liar.

But it wasn't a fiver, was it. I wouldn't take a fiver because it's not worth it. But £500 in a bundle? Yes, I would take it to the cop shop. If you can't believe this, then it says more about you than it does about me.

And anyway, there is no "finders keepers" law. It's either yours, or it's theft.

I mean where do you draw the line?

"I was walkng past the sun lounger and some fool had left his camera on it, so I took it"? It was just lying around after all.


"I parked round the back of Boots and there was a roll cage full of Braun stuff, so I grabbed handful." It was only lying around.

Finders keepers? No, theft.
NSBFL said:
I found a wallet in a bar once and handed it in to the bartender. She turns around and gives it to this brick shithouse of a manager. I see him rifle through it and put it in his pocket. I had one more beer and was about to leave when this bloke comes in and starts looking all around the area I found the wallet then asks the bartender if anyone's handed it in. She refer's him to said brick shithouse who's within ear shot and he tells him "NO"! Then goes on to sympathise about what a pain it is getting a new driver's license, cancelling credit cards etc. I went outside and waited for the poor bloke to come out. When he did I told him that the manager did infact have the wallet. he marched right back in and I left. It pissed me off intensely... I was mad at myself for handing it in - what made me think they would be honest? I never went back in that bar.

I'd have called the police.
Chippy_boy said:
Pigeonho said:
The age old debate of finders keepers i'm afraid. If the bag was still on the arm of the woman it belonged too and I took it, then yes i am a thief. It wasn't though, I had no idea who's it was. It was a bag full of money and I wanted it. Put it this way, you're walking down the street and you see a fiver. Would you pick it up and go out of your way to the nearest cop shop like a good little lad, or would you think 'ah nice one, i'll have that ta very much'. Anyone who says they would do the first is a complete liar.

But it wasn't a fiver, was it. I wouldn't take a fiver because it's not worth it. But £500 in a bundle? Yes, I would take it to the cop shop. If you can't believe this, then it says more about you than it does about me.

And anyway, there is no "finders keepers" law. It's either yours, or it's theft.

I mean where do you draw the line?

"I was walkng past the sun lounger and some fool had left his camera on it, so I took it"? It was just lying around after all.


"I parked round the back of Boots and there was a roll cage full of Braun stuff, so I grabbed handful." It was only lying around.

Finders keepers? No, theft.

So answer this then, cos you haven't so far. If you found a fiver on your trravels, would you pick it up knowing you can treat yourself to a pint or 2, or would yuo stand by your morals and let the next person to find it pick it up?
When i was in school we used to have to raise sponsorship money for a cross country run each year. When i was about 13 i found £90 sponsorship money on the floor in the car park. I picked it up, took i to the head of year and handed it in. I got 3 merits 3 FUCKIN MERITS what is that all about, i wish i'd have kept the fuckin money what can 3 merits buy you absolutely jack shit, £90 could have bought me some nice new trainers and still had some spare.

From that day forward, any money i find is mine, because if you're stupid enough to drop money, you don't deserve it back
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