I found a wallet last night

Pigeonho said:
Chippy_boy said:
But it wasn't a fiver, was it. I wouldn't take a fiver because it's not worth it. But £500 in a bundle? Yes, I would take it to the cop shop. If you can't believe this, then it says more about you than it does about me.

And anyway, there is no "finders keepers" law. It's either yours, or it's theft.

I mean where do you draw the line?

"I was walkng past the sun lounger and some fool had left his camera on it, so I took it"? It was just lying around after all.


"I parked round the back of Boots and there was a roll cage full of Braun stuff, so I grabbed handful." It was only lying around.

Finders keepers? No, theft.

So answer this then, cos you haven't so far. If you found a fiver on your trravels, would you pick it up knowing you can treat yourself to a pint or 2, or would yuo stand by your morals and let the next person to find it pick it up?

I did answer it already.

But I will say it again. No, I wouldn't take it to the police station. Not because it's "ok" to steal it, but from the pure practicality standpoint that it's not worth it. I might stick it in the cancer research tub at Tesco's or something. Or forget it and spend it.

But that does not mean you win the argument because I am just as bad as you and the amount doesn't matter. The amount does matter. The only reason I wouldn't hand a fiver in is for the same reason I wouldn't hand a 20p in. But I would not trouser £50 for example.
AntonDonJuan said:
From that day forward, any money i find is mine, because if you're stupid enough to drop money, you don't deserve it back

Spoken like a pillar of society. I hope we never meet.
Chippy_boy said:
But I would not trouser £50 for example.
It's like the egg advert, the balance of good and evil....whilst you're handing the cash in to the nearest copper (who will almost definitely pocket it) there's me 10 miles down the road skipping to the pub, £50 in my sky rocket buying everyone a beer.

It keeps the world in balance, we need people like you. I salute you chippy man and all you stand for
Chippy_boy said:
AntonDonJuan said:
From that day forward, any money i find is mine, because if you're stupid enough to drop money, you don't deserve it back

Spoken like a pillar of society. I hope we never meet.
I'd buy you a beer with the £20 i'd just found on the bus, we'd have a good time i reckon
Chippy_boy said:
Pigeonho said:
So answer this then, cos you haven't so far. If you found a fiver on your trravels, would you pick it up knowing you can treat yourself to a pint or 2, or would yuo stand by your morals and let the next person to find it pick it up?

I did answer it already.

But I will say it again. No, I wouldn't take it to the police station. Not because it's "ok" to steal it, but from the pure practicality standpoint that it's not worth it. I might stick it in the cancer research tub at Tesco's or something. Or forget it and spend it.

But that does not mean you win the argument because I am just as bad as you and the amount doesn't matter. The amount does matter. The only reason I wouldn't hand a fiver in is for the same reason I wouldn't hand a 20p in. But I would not trouser £50 for example.

Not in the school yard mate. I'm not out to win any arguement. I have to say though that based on what you said, a thief is a thief yet you say you would pocket 5 quid and perhaps spend it? I once got told that whether you take a Jaguar or a dinky car, its stealing no matter what the object is. That is to take something which is in the possesion of someone else though, whereas as finding a fiver on a curbside or a bag full of money with no-one in sight, is not stealing. If you later found out that was drug money, would that make your consience any clearer, (if you kept it I mean)?
AntonDonJuan said:
Chippy_boy said:
Spoken like a pillar of society. I hope we never meet.
I'd buy you a beer with the £20 i'd just found on the bus, we'd have a good time i reckon

Yeah, maybe we would. But you shouldn't steal things mate. It's just not right.

I lost my mobile coz I left it on the train recently and no tosser handed it in. It was a load of grief with all the stuff I had on there and all of that could have been avoided if some low-life handn't thought "oh goodie a new phone for me". Wanker. I hope he crashes his car while using it.
Chippy_boy said:
AntonDonJuan said:
I'd buy you a beer with the £20 i'd just found on the bus, we'd have a good time i reckon

Yeah, maybe we would. But you shouldn't steal things mate. It's just not right.

I lost my mobile coz I left it on the train recently and no tosser handed it in. It was a load of grief with all the stuff I had on there and all of that could have been avoided if some low-life handn't thought "oh goodie a new phone for me". Wanker. I hope he crashes his car while using it.

See now this is a funny one, cos even though I would have no qualms in pocketing a bag full of money, I WOULD most definitely have gone through the numbers on your phone and phoned one of them to say i've found it. I don't know why that is, I guess its cos a phone is a possession that we all have, however a bag full of money is not.
Chippy_boy said:
AntonDonJuan said:
I'd buy you a beer with the £20 i'd just found on the bus, we'd have a good time i reckon

Yeah, maybe we would. But you shouldn't steal things mate. It's just not right.

I lost my mobile coz I left it on the train recently and no tosser handed it in. It was a load of grief with all the stuff I had on there and all of that could have been avoided if some low-life handn't thought "oh goodie a new phone for me". Wanker. I hope he crashes his car while using it.
See now technically i don't think it's stealing, because if you find £50 on the floor, chances are the person who dropped it aint never gonna get it back. I was joking before about emptying the wallets, if i found a wallet/purse etc i'd hand it in. But it's like the other week, i bought a pair of new running shoes, left them in the gym first day i had them and was in the gym the day after resigned to the fact i'd lost them. I wouldn't begrudge them going walkies, i shouldn't have left them behind it was my own fault. Turns out someone handed them in which was kind, but i was extremely suprised
AntonDonJuan said:
Chippy_boy said:
Yeah, maybe we would. But you shouldn't steal things mate. It's just not right.

I lost my mobile coz I left it on the train recently and no tosser handed it in. It was a load of grief with all the stuff I had on there and all of that could have been avoided if some low-life handn't thought "oh goodie a new phone for me". Wanker. I hope he crashes his car while using it.
See now technically i don't think it's stealing, because if you find £50 on the floor, chances are the person who dropped it aint never gonna get it back. I was joking before about emptying the wallets, if i found a wallet/purse etc i'd hand it in. But it's like the other week, i bought a pair of new running shoes, left them in the gym first day i had them and was in the gym the day after resigned to the fact i'd lost them. I wouldn't begrudge them going walkies, i shouldn't have left them behind it was my own fault. Turns out someone handed them in which was kind, but i was extremely suprised

If the shoe was on the other foot(arf) would you have taken the running shoes?
Pigeonho said:
Chippy_boy said:
I did answer it already.

But I will say it again. No, I wouldn't take it to the police station. Not because it's "ok" to steal it, but from the pure practicality standpoint that it's not worth it. I might stick it in the cancer research tub at Tesco's or something. Or forget it and spend it.

But that does not mean you win the argument because I am just as bad as you and the amount doesn't matter. The amount does matter. The only reason I wouldn't hand a fiver in is for the same reason I wouldn't hand a 20p in. But I would not trouser £50 for example.

Not in the school yard mate. I'm not out to win any arguement. I have to say though that based on what you said, a thief is a thief yet you say you would pocket 5 quid and perhaps spend it? I once got told that whether you take a Jaguar or a dinky car, its stealing no matter what the object is. That is to take something which is in the possesion of someone else though, whereas as finding a fiver on a curbside or a bag full of money with no-one in sight, is not stealing. If you later found out that was drug money, would that make your consience any clearer, (if you kept it I mean)?

There's no confusion in my mind, and there shouldn't be in yours. Either something belongs to you, or it does not. If you find something that does not belong to you and you keep it, then that is theft and it is wrong.

The only issue is, from a pure practicality point of view, it's just not worth taking 20p to the police station, so I would not bother, and nor would the Pope.

But if it was a serious amount, I would hand it in.

You say "That is to take something which is in the possesion of someone else though, whereas as finding a fiver on a curbside or a bag full of money with no-one in sight, is not stealing."

Yes, bud, it IS. The fact is it belongs to someone and that someone is not you.

What about my camera on a beach towel example? Would you take that? Like the bag of money, you don't know WHO it belongs to. And you aren't going to get caught. There's no-one around. It's dark. They have shut down for the day. My guess is you'd nick that as well. I would not. And it has nothing to do with whether you would be caught or not.

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