I got it in the neck for not liking Bob Dylan

jimharri said:
LookMumI'mOnBlueMoon said:
The greatest artist of all time.

Singing's not all about holding notes, man
So; let me get this right. To be a good singer, you don't have to be able to actually, er, sing?


What I mean, Jim, is that it's not always the technically good artists that make the best art. Pete Townshend and Keith Richards are pretty mediocre as players but as writers they're pretty special. Likewise, Dylan might not be able to sing like Elvis but he can write like few others which gives his voice a uniqueness.

Most of the bands/artists I like were not great technically but I dig their heart and soul.
jimharri said:
LookMumI'mOnBlueMoon said:
The greatest artist of all time.

Singing's not all about holding notes, man
So; let me get this right. To be a good singer, you don't have to be able to actually, er, sing?

Oh man he could sing. But not in the way Mariah Carey or Westlife can.

You shouldn't have to be able to have a sparkly pop voice to put real emotion into a song and hold a tune.
jimharri said:
LookMumI'mOnBlueMoon said:
The greatest artist of all time.

Singing's not all about holding notes, man
So; let me get this right. To be a good singer, you don't have to be able to actually, er, sing?


Mick Jagger
Johnny Cash
John Lydon

funny how all the greats in music dont technically have great singing voices
Markt85 said:
jimharri said:
So; let me get this right. To be a good singer, you don't have to be able to actually, er, sing?


Mick Jagger
Johnny Cash
John Lydon

funny how all the greats in music dont technically have great singing voices
Yeah; but what most on that list lack in musical ability, they make up for in personality. I'm not sure that even the most blinkered Dylan fan can say that he has much in the way of charisma.
jimharri said:
Markt85 said:
Mick Jagger
Johnny Cash
John Lydon

funny how all the greats in music dont technically have great singing voices
Yeah; but what most on that list lack in musical ability, they make up for in personality. I'm not sure that even the most blinkered Dylan fan can say that he has much in the way of charisma.

He did in the 60's, he was a gobby little bastard, petulant, talented, mouthy, brilliant, top hair, top clothes, amazing lyrics, amazing music, he was a bad motherfucker in my opinion Jim. He also introduced The Beatles to weed which in turn changed pop culture forever.
TheMightyQuinn said:
jimharri said:
Yeah; but what most on that list lack in musical ability, they make up for in personality. I'm not sure that even the most blinkered Dylan fan can say that he has much in the way of charisma.

He did in the 60's, he was a gobby little bastard, petulant, talented, mouthy, brilliant, top hair, top clothes, amazing lyrics, amazing music, he was a bad motherfucker in my opinion Jim. He also introduced The Beatles to weed which in turn changed pop culture forever.
Sounds like he'd fit in well on here then Quinny!! I was a child of the sixties, so I don't remember him back then. But when ever I've seen him on the telly in more recent times (not that often, it has to be said; does he shy away from publicity?), he has a voice that could send you to sleep on a washing line.
TheMightyQuinn said:
jimharri said:
Yeah; but what most on that list lack in musical ability, they make up for in personality. I'm not sure that even the most blinkered Dylan fan can say that he has much in the way of charisma.

He did in the 60's, he was a gobby little bastard, petulant, talented, mouthy, brilliant, top hair, top clothes, amazing lyrics, amazing music, he was a bad motherfucker in my opinion Jim. He also introduced The Beatles to weed which in turn changed pop culture forever.

'' most on that list lack in musical ability, they make up for in personality.''

what a stupid statement. how do you know what he's personality was/is like and why should it matter ?
Markt85 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
He did in the 60's, he was a gobby little bastard, petulant, talented, mouthy, brilliant, top hair, top clothes, amazing lyrics, amazing music, he was a bad motherfucker in my opinion Jim. He also introduced The Beatles to weed which in turn changed pop culture forever.

'' most on that list lack in musical ability, they make up for in personality.''

what a stupid statement. how do you know what he's personality was/is like and why should it matter ?
Excuse me? Do you know every last thing about his personality? If you do, fine. If not, as I suspect, don't resort to slagging off fellow posters for having a different opinion to yours. As for why personality/charisma/ call it what you will matters, check out that list that was posted one or two posts back by yourself. By your own admission, none of them ''technically had great singing voices'' (your words). So then; how did they become legends? In Lennon's case, it was his outstanding songwriting and guitar playing abilities. I would say the same would apply to Dylan (you will obviously say differently, being a fan; fair enough). Again with Noel Gallagher, it's his talent to compose songs (although his voice isn't the worst on that list). The rest of that list (Liam Gallagher, Johnny Cash, Mick Jagger and John Lydon) have made it by their showmanship (some might call it personality); they are fantastic frontmen who come into their own when they're on stage. Again, fans of those artists may (probably will) disagree with me on that. Fair enough. That doesn't make my (or their) comments ''stupid''. So please, think before criticizing someone's point of view as ''stupid'', simply because it doesn't tally with yours.

And with that I'll bid you goodnight (up early for work in the morning.
His voice is perfect for the music he writes, it is lived in, it carries the weight of the experiences of his life, it doesnt sound polished its not meant to. It sounds like its supposed to and that is american midwest voice of someone who idolised woodie guthrie singing songs about weird and wonderful america. If bob dylan could "sing" (like some on this thread are complaining about) I dont think his music would be nearly as good. Literally thousands of technically good singers have made a complete hash of covering Dylans music because they completely miss the meaning of what he is writing about. The guy who probably covered Dylan the best is Jimmi Hendrix and he couldnt sing either.

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