I hate this government

FromPollockToSilva said:
BimboBob said:
mackenzie said:
You implied it BB, but I'll forgive you. Mainly because it's more subtle than that. The private sector deems successful hard work as making money whilst my job in the Public Sector deems success as making a difference to someone's life. Im not aiming to get all righteous here, just pointing out that the two sectors have very different aims.
And, in our case, difficult to measure or shout about

My line of work is delivering direct to a customer's address, this also makes a difference to their lives. It might only be a bath panel, but it makes a difference.

In the modern era, the local Council is a business. It is run like a business and as such has to balance the books. The trouble is they have working practices and conditions that are now out of touch.
My staff have one break. Halfway through their shift. That's it. Another of my sites has a complete smoking ban. Once you are in, you can't smoke....even in the carpark until you leave. We have 100% searches. No mobile phones. Rules for this and that. Always bloody rules.

The perception of the average council job is a bit different. It's an outdated perception granted, but it's still the perception.

It isn't run like a business as it isn't aiming to make a profit. That is a fundamental difference that you are failing to acknowledge.

It still is aiming to balance the books. Much like business does. Sure there's no "profit" at the end but if they over spend them that could be called a "loss". See, acknowledged.
uwerosler28 said:
if you dont like the conditions of your job then leave , theres many others who will do it for what is on offer

It's this attitude which makes life so easy for the 1%. Firemen risk their lives, they deserve their pensions. I'm not one for the French mentality of protesting against everything but come on. If hard working people don't take a stand our children will grow up without an NHS, privatised prisons, privatised education, privatised everything. The country WILL be worse off for it.
mackenzie said:
The private sector deems successful hard work as making money whilst my job in the Public Sector deems success as making a difference to someone's life.

This is what some public sector workers would have us believe, but it simply isn't true.

Such shameless self-praise not pretty to see.

Some public sector types genuinely do believe they are a better type of person, who work primarily to give a service and not for money like the rest of us miserable, greedy types.

Paradoxically, this causes them to demand they are sheltered from economic woes and given pay rises when the rest of us aren't getting them.

So despite allegedly not being motivated by money they are never slow to insist that their own personal finances are protected at everyone else's expense.
urmston said:
mackenzie said:
The private sector deems successful hard work as making money whilst my job in the Public Sector deems success as making a difference to someone's life.

This is what some public sector workers would have us believe, but it simply isn't true.

Such shameless self-praise not pretty to see.

Some public sector types genuinely do believe they are a better type of person, who work primarily to give a service and not for money like the rest of us miserable, greedy types.

Paradoxically, this causes them to demand they are sheltered from economic woes and given pay rises when the rest of us aren't getting them.

So despite allegedly not being motivated by money they are never slow to insist that their own personal finances are protected at everyone else's expense.

Well, considering our targets (as laid down by Government) involve what direction people's lives take then I'd say its the Government's idea. Not mine.
And it might have been better if you had quoted me in full rather than editing it.
I do my job for the money like everyone else I wouldn't work if I didn't have to, I do the type of job I do because I enjoy it, I don't want praise it's what I'm paid to do what I do expect though is respect from my employers and honouring their part of the contract we both signed, I uphold my end and I expect the same from them, it is not much to ask is it? The firefighters pension is a drop in the ocean I the big scheme if things and no I do not expect to be exempt my contributions will have increased by 4% next year that's more than than most people pay in total. If it as as easy as leave do you not think hundreds would have done it by now? Unfortunately we are so tied in and the amounts we have put in is huge that to jump ship now would be stupid, however many if the younger ones are doing and I can see more next year so the government will have to to stump up the extra to make up the shortfall which negates the changes in the first place!!
Just an aside as well Osbourne is stopping public sector releasing their pensions as you are now allowed to do in the private sector because the fear is that so many will do it that the government would be screwed financially if they did.
mackenzie said:
urmston said:
mackenzie said:
The private sector deems successful hard work as making money whilst my job in the Public Sector deems success as making a difference to someone's life.

This is what some public sector workers would have us believe, but it simply isn't true.

Such shameless self-praise not pretty to see.

Some public sector types genuinely do believe they are a better type of person, who work primarily to give a service and not for money like the rest of us miserable, greedy types.

Paradoxically, this causes them to demand they are sheltered from economic woes and given pay rises when the rest of us aren't getting them.

So despite allegedly not being motivated by money they are never slow to insist that their own personal finances are protected at everyone else's expense.

Well, considering our targets (as laid down by Government) involve what direction people's lives take then I'd say its the Government's idea. Not mine.
And it might have been better if you had quoted me in full rather than editing it.

I think my quote was sufficient for the point I made.

Public sector staff are acutely aware of money and pay when it comes to their jobs, just like everyone else. If anything, private sector workers often try harder to give good service to their clientele than many public sector ones for the simple reason that they need to please those customers to retain them and stop them going elsewhere.

It's about time nurses, council staff, firemen etc stopped arguing they are especially altruistic and caring as if they were some noble caste in society and better than the rest of us, and therefore deserving of special financial treatment from a grateful and adoring public.

They should realise they are employed by the public, paid by the public, that the public is thankful for their generally satisfactory service, but like any employees they should expect to share in their employers bad times as well as its good.
Hmm good times I don't remember getting any huge bonuses before the crash but I do seem to be paying for that crash now caused by the people who do get big bonuses. Public sector workers not managers are a steady ship but seen as the enemy when the private sector are doing bad but you don't give a toss about us when you are doing well, anyway just keep up your opinion and I hope you have a safe bonfire night as I guarantee I won't be working that night, still I'll go to watch City every cloud and all that.
I feel as though things are really good at the moment. My wife and I earn alright money and we are able to save some each month so long as we don't go out or blow it on unnecessary things. Unfortunately this country has a huge population of people with a high self of entitlement. Things were good for a long time and people could do whatever they wanted. The future was bright too. Then things went to pot and it was tough. Things get better and all of a sudden everyone wants more money. What a surprise. People deserve to earn more than the cost of living. It's unsustainable otherwise. But there are a lot of people wanting to live the lifestyle they've been used to for so long but can't afford to now and are unwilling to give that lifestyle up.

Thank god we're not in a war and being rationed. Thank god we actually can look to the future because we aren't faced with a daily threat of war. Thank god we don't live somewhere where surviving the day is on a flip of a coin. To throw some perspective in, things are alright. They've been better here, but they're not that bad. Public sector workers deserve more money, especially when you see what the government are being paid and what tube drivers get! But we're all "working hard" sat on bluemoon moaning about things.
Blue Maverick said:
Hmm good times I don't remember getting any huge bonuses before the crash but I do seem to be paying for that crash now caused by the people who do get big bonuses. Public sector workers not managers are a steady ship but seen as the enemy when the private sector are doing bad but you don't give a toss about us when you are doing well, anyway just keep up your opinion and I hope you have a safe bonfire night as I guarantee I won't be working that night, still I'll go to watch City every cloud and all that.

You enjoy yourself mate.

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