I need some girl advice

johnny on the spot said:
Smash her back door in.
I don't think vandalism is the answer in this case.

I'd go to your mate first, if he's an arse about it, then take it up with your almost, maybe, but not quite girlfriend.
Have a chat with your mate, cos if you don't you will either find out through a way which will hurt you, or you will just convince yourself its happening and end up losing both your mate, and your chances of patching up things with her. If he is seeing her, don't lose face and look a nob, just say, 'right ok, nice one', and walk away with gritted teeth. It will more than likely be a phase if its happening, so you don't want to go in all guns blazing as the liklihood is it will peeter out into nothing. Officially you are single, so is she and no-one is doing anything wrong, but I know morally its not like that. What you do next is you get your head in gear and go and fuck women, lots of them, old, young, fat, thin, swallowers, non-swallowers, blonde, ginger, brunette, tanned, pasty.....anything.

Men do not make friends with girls out of choice unless they find them attractive or think that this girl might be interested in something happening between us.

Don't you remember school? Popular girls were always the prettiest. And you knew of other girls if they were slags.

Girls do not realise that men never become friends with you because they just wanna be friends. You might be friendly with a girl because you are in the same social group, but you wouldn't go out your way and say they are a good friend of yours... and if you ended up staying in the same bed together after a night out, you'd probably have a go.

Anyone disagree? Thought not.
Men do not make friends with girls unless they have done, intend to, or are hoping on sleeping with the girl.

Why the fuck would you want to be friends with a girl when all they do is moan about everything they can do and are the opposite of men.

Like i said, your mate is 99.9% already poking her, and don't hold out hope on that 0.1%, because if by chance they haven't already done it, you can bet your life he won't think twice about giving her one
AntonDonJuan said:
Men do not make friends with girls unless they have done, intend to, or are hoping on sleeping with the girl.

Why the fuck would you want to be friends with a girl when all they do is moan about everything they can do and are the opposite of men.

Like i said, your mate is 99.9% already poking her, and don't hold out hope on that 0.1%, because if by chance they haven't already done it, you can bet your life he won't think twice about giving her one

Yeah, if he hasn't then he would.

"...well no offence mate, but it's not exactly like you two are together anymore and I've always sorta liked her"

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