I never wanted to say this but.....

Soulboy said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
The only thing to fear, is fear itself.

I agree Mancini has his own attributes, but this club requires a man for the moment, a rallying call, a man to have players walking through bricks wall for.

This is what he brings, and, the more I pick up on, what we will get.

To be entirely honest, there are people who are saying he will be the new manager, whether we get top four or not.

That would say even more to me about Jose's desire and motives.

But nobody can ignore that continual fly in the ointment, Real Madrid.

I don't doubt for a second that there are voices at City claiming that Mourinho is the best we could get... even if Mancini gets top 4... I don't question that.

But what I do question is this mistaken and on-going belief that it is a "done deal". Nothing could be further from the truth.

All you are doing is getting people giddy on here at the prospect of the best manager in the world taking over at City... you are raising expectations and putting Mancini in an impossible position... as every bad defeat or performance inevitably has the same siren voices coming on and telliing us not to worry as "Mourinho will be here in the summer"...

But what if he isn't? What if he does go to Real Madrid ... and you even comment that this is a strong possibility... where does that leave the current manager?

It leaves him as a dead man walking... as second hand goods... as a poor man's replacement for Jose... instaed of him being given the respect he deserves, all that is being created on here is an expectation that Jose will take over soon and everything will be all right.

Like I say, I would love Jose here (and I am a huge Mancini fan as well) but I don't see it happening for many reasons.

Every time posters such as yourself come on telling everyone that Jose is coming you just as quickly state that it is not a done deal.. so if it's not a done deal... stop saying that he is coming! All you are doing is speculating like the rest of us,but none of you know for certain.

I am not putting Mancini in an impossible situation, soulboy.

City did that the day they were forced to look elsewhere and quickly. The fact is Mancini knew the score and he was the ideal candidate based on a set of circumstances at that particular time.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
fbloke said:
Are you wavering at all considering you were really sure recently?

Has anything happened or been said etc that would make you doubt, or be more certain of Mourinho?

I know you originally spoke in terms of it being very likely to happen but in truth I would expect doubt to start to creep in?

My information is third-hand, albeit, from people high enough up the club tree to know these things, with no agendas, people who have worked there and seen both the good and bad times.

This is why there always has be an element of doubt. Mourinho has knocked us back before having initially given out positive vibes.

I do sense there is a feeling now the club should have been straighter with fans in terms of Mancini's caretaker role.

Things can get very confused over the period of time, but the biggest indicator for me was a few hours before Mark Hughes' sacking.

I was told Hughes was being sacked later that day, I was told Mancini was a short term deal until the end of the season (this has subsequently been borne out in various comments from himself).

I was told we had received strong indications Jose Mourinho had agreed to become the next manager of Manchester City this summer, that he was being handed the keys to the safe.

Jose did not want to leave Inter Milan mid-season, prior to having a go at Champs League, especially so, having drawn Chelsea and being clear at the top of the table.

If you want me to go balls out, I have no problem with that. Jose Mourinho is the next manager in waiting of Man City and we are about to announce the club to the entire world.

It will be the greatest summer in our history, the very cream of world footballing talent rockin' up to our place.

Whether anyone chooses to believe, is another matter. If it doesn't happen, there is nothing myself or source for info would have been able to do about it.

I will caveat this by saying I have nothing against Mancini whatsoever, but don't be too surprised if he is shown the door and the pain may be relieved very quickly by Inter Milan...

We both know that ITK info can very quickly turn to DYLFSIFOEOB (Dont you look fecking stupid in front of everyone on Bluemoon) and we can be left dangling and so I have no issues with the fact that Jose might not be at the helm come Summer.

I was wondering if the whispers remained the same and you seem to suggest that the agenda is in place and will carry on towards Mourinho.

The dreamlike state I would be in in summer if Jose were told to go out and make hay with a billion quid cannot be understated but there is a part of me that wants Mancini to be treated in the same way.

Sometimes its not easy being a blue and on this occasion it is for very positive reasons.
I have been a huge critic of Mancini's tactics since he came here but he must be given time to get it right

He has definately improved us defensively and that was evident with the way we coped with liverpool even with gerrard and torres on the pitch...they looked less likely to score than us.

The problems is tha he has got the balsnafe too ar the other way from what MH had.

The midfiedl sits deep to protect the back 4. Mancini likes to have no more than 10 yds between the defence and the midfield when defending....and the players have depvelpoed this well and we look very solid. However it si creating a huge gap between the attacking trio and teh rest of the team (to such a point that we have started to play more long balls again upto the likes of Ade...which he isnt suited to)....its leaves the likes of ade swp and even ireland yesterday isolated

What we need to do is encourage one of the holding midfiedlers to join in the attack when the likes of ade swp bellamy/jonno and ireland are attacking...often vs liverpool it was ireland that was supporting ade but it was just them two as swp and jonno to a lesser extend were to busy worrying aobut the compactness of the midfiedl to get up the pitch....this left just ade and ireland up there

it is a fine balance to get right.....he will need time to do so.....

Its not a style of play i like but Mancini clearly does. It will be benefital for him to develpo other styles of play.....Ferguson for all that is sais about him can mix his styles in which his teams play......the play deep and attack on the break or they attack on mass with all the midfielders joining the attackers.....they play patient build up football or quick and incisive

Mancini only has one style at present.

I dont want to see another managerial change at city.....we made that mistake in getting rid of MH....it has caused unrest in various forms and has led to a manager now needing to get to know his team while trying to push for a top 4 position (one that hasnt been under threat fr 15 years!...big pressure!!!).

As i said i dont like Mancinis style of play but yesterday was te first time that i saw some eveidence of him trying to get a better balance (though it ultimately didnt work)......lets see if he can continue to progress
flb said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
My information is third-hand, albeit, from people high enough up the club tree to know these things, with no agendas, people who have worked there and seen both the good and bad times.

This is why there always has be an element of doubt. Mourinho has knocked us back before having initially given out positive vibes.

I do sense there is a feeling now the club should have been straighter with fans in terms of Mancini's caretaker role.

Things can get very confused over the period of time, but the biggest indicator for me was a few hours before Mark Hughes' sacking.

I was told Hughes was being sacked later that day, I was told Mancini was a short term deal until the end of the season (this has subsequently been borne out in various comments from himself).

I was told we had received strong indications Jose Mourinho had agreed to become the next manager of Manchester City this summer, that he was being handed the keys to the safe.

Jose did not want to leave Inter Milan mid-season, prior to having a go at Champs League, especially so, having drawn Chelsea and being clear at the top of the table.

If you want me to go balls out, I have no problem with that. Jose Mourinho is the next manager in waiting of Man City and we are about to announce the club to the entire world.

It will be the greatest summer in our history, the very cream of world footballing talent rockin' up to our place.

Whether anyone chooses to believe, is another matter. If it doesn't happen, there is nothing myself or source for info would have been able to do about it.

I will caveat this by saying I have nothing against Mancini whatsoever, but don't be too surprised if he is shown the door and the pain may be relieved very quickly by Inter Milan...

Tolmie,just a quick question,why did we get rid of Hughes mid-season if Mourinho was approached about becoming City manager after the seasons end?

Because they were convinced that Hughes was not the right man to continue in the role. No conviction City would be anywhere near the target of top four in a matter of weeks.

There were a combination of arguments both on and off the pitch why the owners pulled the plug. They wanted a man of pedigree to keep us in the mix, hence the initial approach to Hiddink, then Mancini.

I believe Mourinho was sounded out last year, but the indications were not positive. Whether Mourinho's state of mind has changed because of his dislike for Italy, City signing players like Tevez etc, only he knows that.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Soulboy said:
I don't doubt for a second that there are voices at City claiming that Mourinho is the best we could get... even if Mancini gets top 4... I don't question that.

But what I do question is this mistaken and on-going belief that it is a "done deal". Nothing could be further from the truth.

All you are doing is getting people giddy on here at the prospect of the best manager in the world taking over at City... you are raising expectations and putting Mancini in an impossible position... as every bad defeat or performance inevitably has the same siren voices coming on and telliing us not to worry as "Mourinho will be here in the summer"...

But what if he isn't? What if he does go to Real Madrid ... and you even comment that this is a strong possibility... where does that leave the current manager?

It leaves him as a dead man walking... as second hand goods... as a poor man's replacement for Jose... instaed of him being given the respect he deserves, all that is being created on here is an expectation that Jose will take over soon and everything will be all right.

Like I say, I would love Jose here (and I am a huge Mancini fan as well) but I don't see it happening for many reasons.

Every time posters such as yourself come on telling everyone that Jose is coming you just as quickly state that it is not a done deal.. so if it's not a done deal... stop saying that he is coming! All you are doing is speculating like the rest of us,but none of you know for certain.

I am not putting Mancini in an impossible situation, soulboy.

City did that the day they were forced to look elsewhere and quickly. The fact is Mancini knew the score and he was the ideal candidate based on a set of circumstances at that particular time.

But didn't you state that last summer Mourinho was coming and that Hughes was getting sacked? That Mourinho had been giving out positive vibes, had met with the right people, yadda yadda...

I'm sure I read it here.. and I thought it was you? Maybe I've got the wrong person, apologies in advance if it wasn't you who claimed this...

But, bottom line, you admit it is NOT a done deal with Mourinmho... yes?

We all know how Jose plays the game and how he uses the press when it suits... and as it has become clear he wants out of Italy in the summer, then it makes sense to start the rumours of.

I'm not disagreeing with you that City would want him, even to sacrifice Mancini to get him, but I really don't see it happening for my previously expressed reasons. Jose has bigger fish to fry rather than trying to rebuild City... he's not a man who waits!

You even finish off by stating that while you'll put your head on the block and predict it is just a matter of time... it's not certain. And if it's not certain then I'm not sure why you're saying it is!

And as for undermining the current manager? That's exactly what is happening. So many on here have written off a top manager because they are all hungrily holding their hands out for Jose, and it might just fuck this club up big-style if Jose has yet another change of heart about City.

I hope you are proved right, but £50 says you won't be.
fbloke said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
My information is third-hand, albeit, from people high enough up the club tree to know these things, with no agendas, people who have worked there and seen both the good and bad times.

This is why there always has be an element of doubt. Mourinho has knocked us back before having initially given out positive vibes.

I do sense there is a feeling now the club should have been straighter with fans in terms of Mancini's caretaker role.

Things can get very confused over the period of time, but the biggest indicator for me was a few hours before Mark Hughes' sacking.

I was told Hughes was being sacked later that day, I was told Mancini was a short term deal until the end of the season (this has subsequently been borne out in various comments from himself).

I was told we had received strong indications Jose Mourinho had agreed to become the next manager of Manchester City this summer, that he was being handed the keys to the safe.

Jose did not want to leave Inter Milan mid-season, prior to having a go at Champs League, especially so, having drawn Chelsea and being clear at the top of the table.

If you want me to go balls out, I have no problem with that. Jose Mourinho is the next manager in waiting of Man City and we are about to announce the club to the entire world.

It will be the greatest summer in our history, the very cream of world footballing talent rockin' up to our place.

Whether anyone chooses to believe, is another matter. If it doesn't happen, there is nothing myself or source for info would have been able to do about it.

I will caveat this by saying I have nothing against Mancini whatsoever, but don't be too surprised if he is shown the door and the pain may be relieved very quickly by Inter Milan...

We both know that ITK info can very quickly turn to DYLFSIFOEOB (Dont you look fecking stupid in front of everyone on Bluemoon) and we can be left dangling and so I have no issues with the fact that Jose might not be at the helm come Summer.

I was wondering if the whispers remained the same and you seem to suggest that the agenda is in place and will carry on towards Mourinho.

The dreamlike state I would be in in summer if Jose were told to go out and make hay with a billion quid cannot be understated but there is a part of me that wants Mancini to be treated in the same way.

Sometimes its not easy being a blue and on this occasion it is for very positive reasons.

Agree, bud. Can't actually see how City fail to not be the winner in all this. Mancini gets fourth, a man of pedigree, money to spend.

Or Jose Mourinho replaces him. Can see why the owners have given themselves this out.
I'm nothing like as connected as Tolmie. But I can bouch for his authenticity to any doubters. Credibility is built up over a long time on BM and he has that in spades.

I have also been told by more than one good source the exact information that he has. And that includes the fact that Mourinho was in serious discussion with us last season.

And the fact is that every piece of evidence points to Mancini's short term status.
Immaculate Pasta said:
mcfc_die_hard said:
I can really see the owners going for Mourinho in the summer.

Dont anybody think this is a Mancini out thread because its not at all i quite like the man and think he is a bloody good manager and i reckon we will get top 4 but....

I dont think his style will take us to massive things because it wont work in the prem.

I can just see the owners wanting a proven manager in the prem and can attract any player in the world and may want to get him before the scum do.

What do other people think about this?

His temporary style at the moment is the pernament style of Mourinho.

Let Mancini build a squad and we will get entertaining football.
Let Mourinho build a squad and all those who are moaning about Mancini will have comitted suicide six months into his reign.

The one thing, no the only thing that people don't like about Mancini at the moment is the style of football that he is FORCED to use in order to gain enough points to secure him a job here. So why does Mourinho keep getting mentioned?
Fantastic post and agree 100%
I am tired of ifs, buts and maybes, we had Hughes who might have got us top 4, we now have Mancini who might get us top 4 but Mourinho would get us top 4, no ifs, buts or maybes.

whit the currents players?
I tink NOT!!!

but i am an inter fans, and i hope that you drop Mancini in end season and sign Josè: so, happily, Mancini will be back to Inter!!!!

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