I said he had 8 games to prove me wrong, I'm sorry but....

Speaking as a 'Mourinho In' type, I see Glen's thread the other day as a major missed opportunity, as it just descended into the usual farce of 'told you so', and painted people into a corner as usual. We should really be focussing on the many areas that unite us rather than the one or two areas of doubt that still remain. We can all agree that the certainty of 4th, probability of 3rd, and possibility of joint 2nd, represents 'job done' for Mancini. We can all agree that the promise Mancini made to see the banner come down has been fulfilled in his first full season which represents another major feather in his cap. We can all agree that this 35 year old monkey off our back releases the pressure off the club to win a trophy which was proving a log jam to success. We can surely all agree that Mancini has earned the right to build on the foundations he's laid and whether he ultimately turns out to be able to take us to the next stage, we must all have seen enough to say that ditching him now would be a mistake. Lets put past differences behind us and look to the future with optimism that the events of the past week, enjoyable as they were, are just the prelude to some even more exciting and happy times ahead for the club we all love.
fbloke said:
bitterbilly said:
fbloke, you have to say this because we've won the cup and got a good chance of finishing 3rd, so you would look stupid to question Mancini anymore but to question him after the Liverpool defeat only shows how negative you are, I bet your a right moaning **** and one of them who doesn't do the poznan, why don't you try getting behind the team.

Yeah, spot on mate that's exactly what I am - I am so negative all the time.

Ask Billy Shears and Didsbury Dave and many others about my constant negativity I am sure they will back you up.

I enjoyed doing several Poznans last night as well but lets not ruin a good theory eh!

fbloke, in terms of negative comment, there's didsbury dave, I wouldn't place billy and yourself in that category, no way.
It's hardly rocket science to recognise the fact that Mancini and the (newer) players were always going to take TIME to establish themselves properly and perform at their best, and exactly the reason why the Mancini inners didn't want rid just because of a couple of bad showings. The trend from the minute he walked in has been upwards...

Only with TIME (I'll leave off most of the embellishment this time as you've probably got my point) can situations like the ones at Liverpool/Arsenal/Everton/Wembleyx2/etc.... happen!

Too many people from marketing backgrounds trying to apply formulae to real people in the real world, when all anyone ever really needs is to feel valued, confident and be given some trust, love and....

Yes you guessed it....


Why is that so difficult for people to understand?
From the start I have been a fan of Mancini, Ok I have had games where I have thought "What is he doing?" Like when he took a striker off for a midfielder when we are 1-0 down. But, I think he has proved he is a top class manager. He has proved at Lazio and Fiorentina that he can win things without a budget. The fact that he has won a trophy at every single club he has managed says a lot, irrespective of what your opinion is of him.
the god Gerry Gow said:
neville goater-in said:
stony said:
I'm sure the forum is breathing a huge sigh of relief now that you've finally given him your seal of approval.

To be fair though going back to the thread from Quagmire, I'd have thought this was what everyone was looking for?

I too have been proved wrong, I'm not afraid to say I was wrong and that Mancini has delivered everything that I thought he wouldn't.

This is not to be seen as a dig but I hope he can continue all the progress and hard work from this season and carry it on to next season.

Being a rabid outer for much of the season I am pleased to say that in the last few weeks we have had a coming together. Some of the passing is very very good, players look happy, everybody seems to know there role within the side and if we can keep this nucleus of this team together am sure that the flowing football will be a joy to watch.

Couldn't be more pleased at the moment to be honest

i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.
Never been in doubt for me. Sure there have been some lows along the way, but he's always had my support 100%.

The boy done good, just like I knew he would.
fbloke said:
The 3-0 Liverpool defeat was the lowest point for me and many others on here in terms of believing in Mancini.

I wasn't, and am not one of the Mourinho in types. My thoughts and opinions on Mancini were based on what I saw of him, his tactics (and body language ;-) ) and how the players were responding to his management style.

I made it clear then that he had 8 games to convince me that he had what it takes to be City manager.

I'm sorry to say this but............he only really needed 7.

I can forgive the Everton result as a blip as most of what I have seen has been excellent.

Last night was a truly enjoyable game, we bossed it from start to finish and the team yet again looked like a team.

The low point at Liverpool proved to everyone that Mancini was able to say he got it wrong, and I believe that small act of accepting that it was his fault (and I am sure more was said behind closed doors) seems to have created the hard working, committed and happy team that is now on a high.

I look forward to seeing Roberto back at COMS next season irrespective of any Mourinho muttering that continues on the fringes.

well done fbloke - a wonderful reconversion
de niro said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
neville goater-in said:
To be fair though going back to the thread from Quagmire, I'd have thought this was what everyone was looking for?

I too have been proved wrong, I'm not afraid to say I was wrong and that Mancini has delivered everything that I thought he wouldn't.

This is not to be seen as a dig but I hope he can continue all the progress and hard work from this season and carry it on to next season.

Being a rabid outer for much of the season I am pleased to say that in the last few weeks we have had a coming together. Some of the passing is very very good, players look happy, everybody seems to know there role within the side and if we can keep this nucleus of this team together am sure that the flowing football will be a joy to watch.

Couldn't be more pleased at the moment to be honest

i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.

I can say honestly that I wanted him to be sacked just purely because I didn't think that his mentality was suited for the Premier League. That opinion has changed because he has proved me wrong.

I still have doubts but I think that is natural when supporting City, I just hope he continues to produce the level of performances we've become accumstomed too in recent weeks and brings some more world class players to the foundations he's already got in place.

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