I said he had 8 games to prove me wrong, I'm sorry but....

Everything's clicked into place all of a sudden over the last four or five weeks, and it's been an absolute joy. No more to say than that really. On the assumption he's still here next year, if we carry on like this then he's on his way to immortality, regardless of his foibles. I've always said I'd love Mancini to prove me wrong and he's suddenly got the team playing like he never has before. Long many it continue....

....but if it doesn't, I'm right on his case ;-)
de niro said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
neville goater-in said:
To be fair though going back to the thread from Quagmire, I'd have thought this was what everyone was looking for?

I too have been proved wrong, I'm not afraid to say I was wrong and that Mancini has delivered everything that I thought he wouldn't.

This is not to be seen as a dig but I hope he can continue all the progress and hard work from this season and carry it on to next season.

Being a rabid outer for much of the season I am pleased to say that in the last few weeks we have had a coming together. Some of the passing is very very good, players look happy, everybody seems to know there role within the side and if we can keep this nucleus of this team together am sure that the flowing football will be a joy to watch.

Couldn't be more pleased at the moment to be honest

i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.

so you have changed your opinion of him then Bill

de niro said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
neville goater-in said:
To be fair though going back to the thread from Quagmire, I'd have thought this was what everyone was looking for?

I too have been proved wrong, I'm not afraid to say I was wrong and that Mancini has delivered everything that I thought he wouldn't.

This is not to be seen as a dig but I hope he can continue all the progress and hard work from this season and carry it on to next season.

Being a rabid outer for much of the season I am pleased to say that in the last few weeks we have had a coming together. Some of the passing is very very good, players look happy, everybody seems to know there role within the side and if we can keep this nucleus of this team together am sure that the flowing football will be a joy to watch.

Couldn't be more pleased at the moment to be honest

i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.

It sounds like you still don't get it.

It's not like Mancini has in the past 4 weeks realised he has to flip the switch on the negativity button, and suddenly the players are full of invention. He has said from day one that firstly we need to get our house in order. And he did that. He got the foundations in and built a strong, robust side.

Now it is about decorating, fine tuning and adding a distinct character of his own to the house. And that's a hell of a lot easier when you have a stable platform to work from. Arsenal have been playing great football for 6 years but not won jack shit. And that's because their house isn't in order. In fact, much of Wengers initial success came from the back 5 he inherited from Graham. I'm of the belief that Mancini is competent in both the attacking and defending arts. The kind of free flowing football we saw last night will be the norm IMO. But in order to get there we have had to go through a process. Not just of personnel, but character building, culture, mentality (it takes time for a manager to instill his) and tactics.

Talk of "he should have done this earlier, we'd have won the league" is crazy.

I mean, it has essentially been the same structure all season. The much maligned "3 DMs" won us the FA Cup semi and final.

He deserves so much credit for what he has done.
I'm so glad that we proved those pundits and bets wrong when they predicted Mancini would be one of the first to walk out the door. They were spot-on with Hughton though.

Forza Mancini.
Project said:
It sounds like you still don't get it.

It's not like Mancini has in the past 4 weeks realised he has to flip the switch on the negativity button, and suddenly the players are full of invention. He has said from day one that firstly we need to get our house in order. And he did that. He got the foundations in and built a strong, robust side.

Now it is about decorating, fine tuning and adding a distinct character of his own to the house. And that's a hell of a lot easier when you have a stable platform to work from. Arsenal have been playing great football for 6 years but not won jack shit. And that's because their house isn't in order. In fact, much of Wengers initial success came from the back 5 he inherited from Graham. I'm of the belief that Mancini is competent in both the attacking and defending arts. The kind of free flowing football we saw last night will be the norm IMO. But in order to get there we have had to go through a process. Not just of personnel, but character building, culture, mentality (it takes time for a manager to instill his) and tactics.

Talk of "he should have done this earlier, we'd have won the league" is crazy.

I mean, it has essentially been the same structure all season. The much maligned "3 DMs" won us the FA Cup semi and final.

He deserves so much credit for what he has done.

You're very wise.

This is not some crazy u-turn. Rather, we've been working towards this all season - the solid defence, the possession-based style. As a previous poster notes, it was always going to take time to bed in all the new signings (most from abroad), and this was what the more football-savvy amongst us appreciated. Only a child could seriously have thought that money = instant success.

We owe Mancini a great debt, in fact - rather than adhering to the less-sustainable Spurs model (buy good players, let them play), he's taken the harder path and built success upon solidity. If he were to go to Juve tomorrow (touch wood), he'd leave behind a side that are extremely well-drilled and hard to beat.
de niro said:
i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.
No, we wouldn't be pushing for the title right now, nor would we have won the title. What we would have been doing is sitting here with our ass-cheeks clenched so tightly that we wouldn't have taken a collective shit in weeks because we would be sitting somewhere between 5-7 place wondering if everything might fall into place on the last day to scrape a Europa League spot while looking at a trophy cabinet that gathered more dust while the rags chortled about their new 36-year banner. Oh, and Joe wouldn't have won the Golden Glove although it's quite probable that Carlos would have walked with the Golden Boot.

And in a few days we would have been looking for a new manager, preparing to completely overhaul the team, and dealing with disgruntled players and outraged fans all while being soundly mocked as cock-ups by every other teams' fans and the entire press.
Project said:
de niro said:
the god Gerry Gow said:
Being a rabid outer for much of the season I am pleased to say that in the last few weeks we have had a coming together. Some of the passing is very very good, players look happy, everybody seems to know there role within the side and if we can keep this nucleus of this team together am sure that the flowing football will be a joy to watch.

Couldn't be more pleased at the moment to be honest

i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.

It sounds like you still don't get it.

It's not like Mancini has in the past 4 weeks realised he has to flip the switch on the negativity button, and suddenly the players are full of invention. He has said from day one that firstly we need to get our house in order. And he did that. He got the foundations in and built a strong, robust side.

Now it is about decorating, fine tuning and adding a distinct character of his own to the house. And that's a hell of a lot easier when you have a stable platform to work from. Arsenal have been playing great football for 6 years but not won jack shit. And that's because their house isn't in order. In fact, much of Wengers initial success came from the back 5 he inherited from Graham. I'm of the belief that Mancini is competent in both the attacking and defending arts. The kind of free flowing football we saw last night will be the norm IMO. But in order to get there we have had to go through a process. Not just of personnel, but character building, culture, mentality (it takes time for a manager to instill his) and tactics.

Talk of "he should have done this earlier, we'd have won the league" is crazy.

I mean, it has essentially been the same structure all season. The much maligned "3 DMs" won us the FA Cup semi and final.

He deserves so much credit for what he has done.

he's done the biggest u turn in football since kaka, he realised we'd win jack shit playing the italian way.

full marks to him for listening to the likes of myself.

as you say he deserves a lot of credit.
fbloke said:
I enjoyed doing several Poznans last night as well but lets not ruin a good theory eh!

I don't know about ruining a good theory but doing the Poznan has definitely ruined a good ankle. Ankle started hurting on Sunday night and I couldn't walk on Monday. Had to take the day off work and couldn't even drive up to the match yesterday. Doctor is convinced it's due to doing the Poznan on Saturday.

Who do I sue for loss of earnings? City, Wembley or Lech Poznan?
Chris in London said:
fbloke said:
I enjoyed doing several Poznans last night as well but lets not ruin a good theory eh!

I don't know about ruining a good theory but doing the Poznan has definitely ruined a good ankle. Ankle started hurting on Sunday night and I couldn't walk on Monday. Had to take the day off work and couldn't even drive up to the match yesterday. Doctor is convinced it's due to doing the Poznan on Saturday.

Who do I sue for loss of earnings? City, Wembley or Lech Poznan?

Balotelli, its all his fault ;-)<br /><br />-- Wed May 18, 2011 3:43 pm --<br /><br />
de niro said:
Project said:
de niro said:
i dont think there were many "outers", most could see the waste of points with the negativity. i just think we needed more open football, we needed to use what obvious talent we have properly and he has definitely changed his set up in order to do that. had he done it sooner or at least more often we'd have pushed for the title.now i can't wait for next season cos i think he's learnt where he was going wrong as the last few games have suggested.

the players look happier with things and that is great to see.
roll on next season.

It sounds like you still don't get it.

It's not like Mancini has in the past 4 weeks realised he has to flip the switch on the negativity button, and suddenly the players are full of invention. He has said from day one that firstly we need to get our house in order. And he did that. He got the foundations in and built a strong, robust side.

Now it is about decorating, fine tuning and adding a distinct character of his own to the house. And that's a hell of a lot easier when you have a stable platform to work from. Arsenal have been playing great football for 6 years but not won jack shit. And that's because their house isn't in order. In fact, much of Wengers initial success came from the back 5 he inherited from Graham. I'm of the belief that Mancini is competent in both the attacking and defending arts. The kind of free flowing football we saw last night will be the norm IMO. But in order to get there we have had to go through a process. Not just of personnel, but character building, culture, mentality (it takes time for a manager to instill his) and tactics.

Talk of "he should have done this earlier, we'd have won the league" is crazy.

I mean, it has essentially been the same structure all season. The much maligned "3 DMs" won us the FA Cup semi and final.

He deserves so much credit for what he has done.

he's done the biggest u turn in football since kaka, he realised we'd win jack shit playing the italian way.

full marks to him for listening to the likes of myself.

as you say he deserves a lot of credit.

Its is interesting to see that the a lot of people are assuming that all that was needed was time.

I think Mancini has convinced many via some changes in his set-up and tweaks in his use of some players.

But a big, big part of the improvement seems to have been a massive increase in the trust they all have in each other.

I firmly believe that Mancini didn't trust his players enough to deliver a performance like the ones we have more recently seen and so he hamstrung them with his tactics.

He has been convinced or realised that they could be trusted (with one or two doubts about Kolarov etc) to go out there and do the job but have the intelligence to put into play what he has in mind.

Trust and confidence have replaced doubt and frustration.

And of course it took time for them to work that out as well.
i would love some of the more "extreme" sky is falling, we will be relegated under mancini, we wont get in europe etc threads to be bumped, just so we can all have a little chuckle and remind ourselves how far we've come. my personal fave was the italian benitez thread ;)

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