I said he had 8 games to prove me wrong, I'm sorry but....

MCFC1993 said:
MCFC BOB said:
I don't know whether I should say this after the Bolton game on Sunday or not, but we've played 5 games in 17 days - an average of a game every 3.4 days - and we've managed to win 4 of them and dominate for half of the game we lost. This team seems to have pulled itself together, and at the right time. Our form has been patchy ever since the draw away to Arsenal at the Emirates, and had a few mistakes not been made, we'd be challenging for the title still. But 3rd place in the league with a game to go is enough to make me emotional now.

When that final whistle on our season goes, and we sit in the top 4, holding an FA Cup trophy, I will be thankful for Roberto for what he's done. If he left now, I don't know what I'd do. I just hope he does. He's the best manager I've ever seen at this club (I have only been going every week for 8 years, so he is only up against Sven or Hughes) and everyone knows the Sheikh would be stupid to get rid of him.

thats not hard is it bob!
Oh you. ;)
fbloke, you have to say this because we've won the cup and got a good chance of finishing 3rd, so you would look stupid to question Mancini anymore but to question him after the Liverpool defeat only shows how negative you are, I bet your a right moaning **** and one of them who doesn't do the poznan, why don't you try getting behind the team.
bitterbilly said:
fbloke, you have to say this because we've won the cup and got a good chance of finishing 3rd, so you would look stupid to question Mancini anymore but to question him after the Liverpool defeat only shows how negative you are, I bet your a right moaning **** and one of them who doesn't do the poznan, why don't you try getting behind the team.
bitterbilly said:
fbloke, you have to say this because we've won the cup and got a good chance of finishing 3rd, so you would look stupid to question Mancini anymore but to question him after the Liverpool defeat only shows how negative you are, I bet your a right moaning **** and one of them who doesn't do the poznan, why don't you try getting behind the team.

Yeah, spot on mate that's exactly what I am - I am so negative all the time.

Ask Billy Shears and Didsbury Dave and many others about my constant negativity I am sure they will back you up.

I enjoyed doing several Poznans last night as well but lets not ruin a good theory eh!
Well said fbloke.

Though I do wonder why so many fans can turn on/off at one or two performances. We have been absolutely shocking in about 4 games this season but have always recovered well. Every team is allowed a bad performance from time to time but it is always the response that is important.
Tbh it's only games like Fulham and Blackburn at home that have cost us the title. We dominated Stoke last night and in the final and this is a team that comfortably beat Arsenal a week ago and was on form. We also dominated Everton at their place in the first half. It's just games like that, Villa away, Fulham home and Blackburn at home and again Everton at home that we need to fix. Had we won those we'd be right up the rags arses, it'll be different next year.

I think winning at Wembley twice has really united the fans behind Mancini, there was always doubt before that as in can we beat United, we might not be good enough but we are. The last few games have really massively boosted the teams confidence. We played some brilliant football last night and all of the players who sometimes have had bad games like Milner, Lescott have turned into world beaters. Both for me have been brilliant the last few games they played and we are talking about players who just didn't look upto it the first half of the year but i'm glad we have both now as they have been outstanding.

We started the season not knowing who our best back four was and now we have it and they are the first names on the teamsheet, it all just takes time. I can't pick a single player who's had a bad game recently and it's down to Mancini's management, he has spotted the consistent performers and they are there every week now, is it any surprise we have the best clean sheet record in the country and also the second least goals conceded in the league.

Pushing Yaya forward has to be the genius move of the year, he's been brilliant you really can't deny, possible contender for player of the year but i doubt he'd be nearly as good had he of been a little deeper in the holding role as everyone expected him to be when he came here. Mancini puts him in an advanced role and he scores potentially 2 of the most important goals in our recent history, that's the signs of a brilliant manager. Willing to take a risk which would pay off because he knows his players strengths.

We'll be lethal next year because Mancini knows his best back four, he knows the players better and our new lads have an idea of the Premiership, we were slow this year to score goals because it took time to click but now its much different. It's also brilliant to see Mario settling and maturing because after the Kiev game a lot of people said he'd be off and never wanted him to play again but he got his head down and sorted himself out so fair play, he's a great character to have at the club, along with Yaya he's one of my favourite players. Definitely a man of the match performance from him in the final and it was a shame he didn't get much gametime last night but anyway he's another one who will come good for us and he's only 20 too, again it's all down to Mancini.

If we win at Bolton and finish 3rd, Mancini will of completed the most successful season in this clubs history in his first full year in charge.. Not something to be ignored tbh.. Manager of the year award please!
So if we play like we did against Liverpool next season you'll have your doubts again?! Every team has a few stinkers each season!
fbloke said:
The 3-0 Liverpool defeat was the lowest point for me and many others on here in terms of believing in Mancini.

I wasn't, and am not one of the Mourinho in types. My thoughts and opinions on Mancini were based on what I saw of him, his tactics (and body language ;-) ) and how the players were responding to his management style.

I made it clear then that he had 8 games to convince me that he had what it takes to be City manager.

I'm sorry to say this but............he only really needed 7.

I can forgive the Everton result as a blip as most of what I have seen has been excellent.

Last night was a truly enjoyable game, we bossed it from start to finish and the team yet again looked like a team.

The low point at Liverpool proved to everyone that Mancini was able to say he got it wrong, and I believe that small act of accepting that it was his fault (and I am sure more was said behind closed doors) seems to have created the hard working, committed and happy team that is now on a high.

I look forward to seeing Roberto back at COMS next season irrespective of any Mourinho muttering that continues on the fringes.

Just highlights the fact that yer can't stake a season, a reputation, or success on the back of a game or couple of games.
inbetween said:
If we win at Bolton and finish 3rd, Mancini will of completed the most successful season in this clubs history in his first full year in charge.. Not something to be ignored tbh.. Manager of the year award please!

...this comment was brought to you courtesy of Sky and the Premier League - creators of football in 1992.
i sat on the fence and always said i will judge him at the end of the season when all results were in and see what he may or may not of achieved well with one game to go he has secured champions league football(qualifier stage so far) our first trophy in over 3 decades and he may get us to finish 3rd in the table yet!

don't get me wrong i had some doubts along the way as a lot of us have for instance i honestly thought the title was for the taking this year with the squad we had but all in all its been a very odd premiership season were even chelsea the double winners of last year struggled!

major step up for Mancini next year if he is manger(i say that because you really never do know in football what will happen),the premiership title will be the target next year with maybe also champs league football and two domestic cups to be fighting in!

is Mancini the manager to do this well going off what he has done this season YES why not!!!!!

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