I sincerely Hope Stoke Get To The Cup Final...

funbus said:
Ricardo Fuller is a great player!extremely talented!you mancs need to take a good long look at yourselves.

If hes as good as you say...why TF is he playing for stoke ??
Mr.Red said:
You don't half think highly of yourselves ey?

Theres a select few on here that know what they are talking about and don't moan and insult becuase they've got nothing else to beck them up.

If you had even watched the match, or the one before that, or our game against Arse for that matter, you'll notice that this rubbish about us being all about the long ball, the throw ins is bollocks.

Stop reading the sun for your match reviews and just admit you were beat fair and square (after 3 attempts).

so your goal against us and the arse wasnt from a delap long throw....you deluded twat.
Shafter said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
We shouldn´t take the bait from these Stokies coz let´s not forget we have beat them 2-0 and 3-0 at a canter and they will NEVER do that to us in 90 mins they have to pull their tripes out to get a draw - simples !
Never say never windmill, we are going to be around in the premier league for a very long time!!

No you're not...
r.soleofsalford said:
jrb said:
Once out of 4 attempts. Not bad really. It's got them into the last 8 of the FA CUP. Will it get them any further? I still prefer to look at the league table.

ffs. you do what you have to do to win matches. unfortunately we didnt. regarding stoke, they havent been blessed with owners like ours, or with the cash we have, not that its done us a tremendous amount of good so far, but we live in hope.

looking down your nose at other clubs is a rag trait, and showing a bit of humility wont hurt this club or its fans. because being arrogant twats make us look small time or worse, like scum

i wish stoke the best of luck because whats the alternative anyway. chelski , spurs or even worse, winning the fa cup


Who's looking down at the club? I'm looking down at Pulis's style of football. It's an opinion. I'm allowed one, just like you are. (see above) I don't see any merit in that kind of football(?) whatsoever. It surves a purpose and I understand that. Beyond that it has no appeal to me whatsoever. So get off your 'arrogant twats' high horse, Mr PC.
scowy68 said:
Tricky_Rici said:
Not sure about majority mate, they don't seem to stick in my mind as much as they do yours though obviously. Enlighten me. ;-)

I would guess about the same amount as the freakish goals you've scored against us that involve lucky rebounds off the post or bouncing back off a defenders head who was on the floor. There's a million ways to score a goal and defenders have to deal with them all.

That's the joy with Fuller, he can do both and if he doesn't get past the defender down the channels it often ends up with a throw, but he rarely loses it. Fuller's spent practically his whole career running the channels and the outcome of that is you often get a lot throw ins. It's a long way from thinking he's lumbering donkey, with no skill and all we do is "play for throw-ins" which is what an awful ot of people on here seem to think. He's a quality player with skill in abundance as your own supporter has just said who's watched him throughout his career and those YouTube clips show. He's been very unlucky with injuries including a very bad back injury as a youngster that nearly ended his career and has knees that could apparently go at any minute. A few years back though he was on the verge of joining Liverpool before the next injury came along and messed it up.

Everybody seems to think we'd be fucked if Delap got injured but in truth it's Fuller who's pivotal to our team and is the only one i'd have nightmares about getting injured.

If he's that great.Why only one premier league goal this season?

It's a mystery i'd like answering myself that one as this season he's playing as well as he has done since he's been here. He's made an awful lot of goals for others though that have mainly all come from picking the ball up in the channels and beating the full back or centre-half.

You need to understand though that we're a defensive team and he spends an awful lot of the time up front on his own as Sidibe usually drops back and makes a 5th midfielder. You could stick Torres in our team and he wouldn't score that many goals. The nett result is what's important though and even though we don't score that many just look at the table and look at our goal difference compared to the likes of the teams down the bottom. There's a massive difference. Is that because the back four are world class or is it that we defend as a team which sacrifices a few goals at the other end? I think we both know the answer.

I think it was Joe Royle that said "He's as slippy as 10 bars of soap" and that's a very fair assessment i think.
jrb said:
r.soleofsalford said:
ffs. you do what you have to do to win matches. unfortunately we didnt. regarding stoke, they havent been blessed with owners like ours, or with the cash we have, not that its done us a tremendous amount of good so far, but we live in hope.

looking down your nose at other clubs is a rag trait, and showing a bit of humility wont hurt this club or its fans. because being arrogant twats make us look small time or worse, like scum

i wish stoke the best of luck because whats the alternative anyway. chelski , spurs or even worse, winning the fa cup


Who's looking down at the club? I'm looking down at Pulis's style of football. It's an opinion. I'm allowed one, just like you are. (see above) I don't see any merit in that kind of football(?) whatsoever. It surves a purpose and I understand that. Beyond that it has no appeal to me whatsoever. So get off your 'arrogant twats' high horse, Mr PC.

My two cents.

I'm getting fucking fed up of Stoke. You scored one decent goal, one long throw which Given, who is in outstandingly poor form, failed to deal with, and then you hit us on the break when we were chasing the game.

Our defensive frailties cost us, but you can't legislate for Ade's sending off, which patently wasn't worth a red card.

There's only so much the Stokies will put up with Pulis - one of my best mates is one and he can't stand him. If they start getting ideas above their station, and the odds are after this cup run they will, Pulis will be on borrowed time: he refuses to sign flair players - the board went over his head in buying Tuncay - and there's only so much hoofing that the fans will put up with.

What annoys me most about Stoke is that away from their airport runway of a pitch, they do fuck all. They came to Eastlands on Boxing Day and offered nothing - three or four wouldn't have flattered us; and I think they know that without Ade's sending off, we would have won last night.
Good luck to stoke, players with something ours don't have; passion and ambition,hope you get to the final.
crossan said:
Good luck to stoke, players with something ours don't have; passion and ambition,hope you get to the final.

That's bollox and you know it. I was at the league game and all the city players gave their all that night. Last night was the same. We bossed that game for the first 30 minutes. After that both teams cancelled each other out. The game only changed in Stoke's favour after the sending off. It really pisses me off when people like you post shit like that. Regardless of what they earn, they all want to win. Unfortunately it can't awalys be that way.

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