Ian Cheeseman vlog v Newcastle

He's losing the plot.

Saying we'd won the league in January and now calling out City fans for Saturday without being in full knowledge of the facts. Disappointing.
He isn't alone, unconstituted bodies representing no one writing to the club about it too.

"On Sunday at Wembley a section of City fans sang songs while the rest of the crowd fell silent to remember those who died at Hillsborough. I felt ashamed. Such a lack of respect. On the field Pep showed, by his team selection, that that his priorities are the Premier League and Champions League, by leaving out key players. That disrespects those who travelled at great expense and inconvenience. No wonder City didn’t sell all their seats."

He has a point in the second half of the paragraph, however getting the day wrong won't help him get his "second series".
I listened to his podcast, won’t be doing again. The negative vibe throughout was very odd considering the position our team are in.

He started by moaning about his trip via Dublin to Madrid. Poor thing had to go through security twice. He then went about coming back via Palma ‘because of the cost’.

He then turned his thoughts on not enough players going over to thank the fans after the game! Maybe, just maybe, some players had other things on their minds in the toxic atmosphere?

Then Pep got it in the neck with his team selection for the semi. Whilst many may agree, he and his guests wanted our players patched up and flogged some more, brilliant!

His comments about the minutes silence were odd as he ‘clearly heard the announcement’ from his press seat but maybe some fans in the concourse may have not? He had to mention Munich 58, of course he did!

Got me thinking of when he knifed Mancini in the back on national radio. I had to stop the car to listen to his comments on 5Live. He clearly knew that Bobby was going to get sacked but at the time he was still our manager. He went down in my estimation that day.
I listened to his podcast, won’t be doing again. The negative vibe throughout was very odd considering the position our team are in.

He started by moaning about his trip via Dublin to Madrid. Poor thing had to go through security twice. He then went about coming back via Palma ‘because of the cost’.

He then turned his thoughts on not enough players going over to thank the fans after the game! Maybe, just maybe, some players had other things on their minds in the toxic atmosphere?

Then Pep got it in the neck with his team selection for the semi. Whilst many may agree, he and his guests wanted our players patched up and flogged some more, brilliant!

His comments about the minutes silence were odd as he ‘clearly heard the announcement’ from his press seat but maybe some fans in the concourse may have not? He had to mention Munich 58, of course he did!

Got me thinking of when he knifed Mancini in the back on national radio. I had to stop the car to listen to his comments on 5Live. He clearly knew that Bobby was going to get sacked but at the time he was still our manager. He went down in my estimation that day.

His arrogance in January saying the league was done by a city fan whose been to 100 of games was unbelievable with half the season left to play!
I don't believe it ever got close to due diligence at Newcastle. Ashley was apparently dismissive and quoted a ridiculous price so it never went further.

Everton did take it further but then didn't want to sign the requested NDA's or other commercial confidentiality agreements. So Staveley lost patience with them and walked away.
Thank goodness ! The last 10 years as a City fan would have looked very different if Everton had struck a deal with the Sheikh. Doesn't bear thinking about.

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