IF City were to get relegated

Obviously hypothetically speaking at this stage but does anyone else get quite excited at the thought of us being relegated or ‘expelled’ from the premier league and back down to the lower leagues? Especially now Pep has pledged his allegiance if we are to go down.

No var, no tourist fans taking up away tickets, new grounds out the 92 to tick off, not having to play United or Liverpool twice a season.

I’m torn between how gutted rival fans will be if we are cleared of the charges and reliving my youth in the lower leagues haha.

Bring it on whatever happens
No thanks

I'm sure some people think the likes of Haaland and Rodri would stay and lose 3 seasons of their careers to take us back up

90% of the squad would be gone and probably for a fraction of their market value as vultures would be hovering knowing we'd have to get rid

And as much as Pep says he'd stay, it's more likely that the club would insist he leaves for the good of the rest of his career
Why 3 seasons? They can’t relegate a club they can deduct points which could result in a relegation so we could end up in Championship which now Pep says he will stay will mean only one, if we could persuade the palyers to stay it could be an invincible point total & goals record breaking season
However, it won’t happen as we are innocent
Obviously hypothetically speaking at this stage but does anyone else get quite excited at the thought of us being relegated or ‘expelled’ from the premier league and back down to the lower leagues? Especially now Pep has pledged his allegiance if we are to go down.

No var, no tourist fans taking up away tickets, new grounds out the 92 to tick off, not having to play United or Liverpool twice a season.

I’m torn between how gutted rival fans will be if we are cleared of the charges and reliving my youth in the lower leagues haha.

Bring it on whatever happens

Fuck no.

You win a war by making the other guys lose, not by losing yourself and getting excited by it.

On your feet soldier!
Absolutely not.

I’d still go but I’d be far from excited at the possibility of going from what we currently are to lower leagues…
Why 3 seasons? They can’t relegate a club they can deduct points which could result in a relegation so we could end up in Championship which now Pep says he will stay will mean only one, if we could persuade the palyers to stay it could be an invincible point total & goals record breaking season
However, it won’t happen as we are innocent
Well for a start he said league 1
The problem with accepting any punishment of relegation will come with other punishments, like a transfer embargo of 3 or 4 windows, a wage cap, they would throw the book at us, then loss of sponsorship revenue, premier league money, tv money, and the Biggest fire sale in England,

If the ship goes down the first people to jump are the rats, then forget loyalty, Wife, Kids, and Families, come first, Forget that smiley face of the manager saying League one and I will still be here, as much love we all have for Pep and the players, never forget what brought them here in the first place,

World-class Manager and World-class players will not be playing in League One or the Championship, Also who funding their wages when everything goes pear shape and sanctions imposed,
I’m not having any bullshit arbitrary punishment dished out to us just to placate the filthy rag shitheads and scouse vermin scum. Fucking bunch of cunts they can all eat chimp shit and fucking die.

City are bigger better richer and win fucking everything these days and it’s because we have better players and the greatest manager the game has ever known, not because we’ve cheated. We have nothing to be punished for. Fucking rag **** sympathisers just can’t take being the tiny little dog in the town so they try and throw shit to make some stick. Well it fucking won’t because we’re clean and we’re fucking good.

Fuck off rags. CITY CITY CITY CITY
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