If this guy becomes Prime Minister...

the blue panther said:
foxy said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
So if someone is anti-Labour they are a RWNJ & Daily Mail reader? You sound like a Labour politician.

Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........

Please, do us a favour, and spare us any more of your pathetic diatribe.

What a well thought out response, well done you. Love it when Labour voters deny what is fact.
foetus said:
Who's favourite?

It's extremely close at the moment. Labour were favourites about 12 months ago but now it's extremely hard to call. Depends how much of an impact UKIP have on Conservative voters.

I think the Conservatives will win it simply because Labour haven't done enough to convince others to vote their way - a stronger leader would have won them this election.
supercity88 said:
foetus said:
Who's favourite?

It's extremely close at the moment. Labour were favourites about 12 months ago but now it's extremely hard to call. Depends how much of an impact UKIP have on Conservative voters.

I think the Conservatives will win it simply because Labour haven't done enough to convince others to vote their way - a stronger leader would have won them this election.

You simply can't predict the election, I never bother with polls, there's too many and are inaccurate. Who could have predicted the Con/LibDem coalition. This is probably one of the most exciting general election for years. Not sure whether there will be another hung Parliament but I think there will be a 'deal' concerning the SNP or UKIP with the governing party.
the blue panther said:
foxy said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
So if someone is anti-Labour they are a RWNJ & Daily Mail reader? You sound like a Labour politician.

Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........

Please, do us a favour, and spare us any more of your pathetic diatribe.

So all his points are wrong then? Perhaps the greatest sickness affecting politics in this country today is the tendency to insult rather than debate. Usually this happens with UKIP, but as your post shows it's a standard tactic nowadays when you don't like something but don't have the skills or intelligence to form a coherent argument. Sadly all this does is let UKIP, and in this case a tory boy off the hook by not calling them out on 'facts' or policy. I wonder how many years the tories will get in power, or how many UKIP mp's will be ellected before Labour sort themselves out?
Helmet Cole said:
the blue panther said:
foxy said:
Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........

Please, do us a favour, and spare us any more of your pathetic diatribe.

So all his points are wrong then? Perhaps the greatest sickness affecting politics in this country today is the tendency to insult rather than debate. Usually this happens with UKIP, but as your post shows it's a standard tactic nowadays when you don't like something but don't have the skills or intelligence to form a coherent argument. Sadly all this does is let UKIP, and in this case a tory boy off the hook by not calling them out on 'facts' or policy. I wonder how many years the tories will get in power, or how many UKIP mp's will be ellected before Labour sort themselves out?

The funny thing is, these same people who are insulting are the ones posting comments and photo shops detesting Conservative policies which is fair enough, they're perfectly entitled to their view. But when Labour are rightly critized for their failings, it is met with arrogance, pontificating and insults.
foxy said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
chabal said:
Is it Spring already?

The first cuckoo.

The first crocus.

The first RWNJs showing their fevered brows after digesting the Daily Mail.

So if someone is anti-Labour they are a RWNJ & Daily Mail reader? You sound like a Labour politician.

Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........

... and thats why we should all vote for Nigel.

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