If this guy becomes Prime Minister...

willy eckerslike said:
DiscoSteve said:
Labour are finished now all the Jocks are going to vote for SNP - they'll never get a majority ever again without the tail that is Scotland wagging the English dog.

Due to the defragmentation of politics and bigger regional identities, the psephologists are predicting closer elections in the future thus resulting in more coalition governments than previously expected. The main parties have lost ground in Scotland and Wales due to the voters demanding better regional representation, not solely due to poor policies. Labour are being wise to move to the left in preparation of a closer working relationship with the SNP and Plaid Cymru. The Conservatives have less options. The thought of a Sturgeon/Milliband love-in is scary enough, but not as bad as Farage/Cameron.

I'm voting Labour and hoping the Tories win outright. I'm quids in and my conscience is clear.

It will be sad state of affairs for ALL English voters if the SNP end up being involved with a deal this coming May which involves SNP MPs voting yes on fundamental bills concerning English matters. A completely bollocks system in place.

I mean I know Scottish MPs already vote on english matters, but as part of a coalition or deal, this can have more of an effect.
Johnsonontheleft said:

Labour will fuck this country up again at a time when we are just starting to recover. Use your vote in May to make sure this doesn't happen.

Scandalous that the boundaries are skewed in their favour but we can still keep them out.

I think that the biggest problem with a Labour Government is that they will treat the billions of pounds raised in taxes and revenues as their own money!
I remember the election in 97 when the tories said a minimum wage would cost the country millions of jobs .......well I have not been home in 10 years so I dont know the facts....it did not cost the country millions of jobs from 97 to 2005 it just made poor people better off....was the Tory scare tactic about job losses in 97 a way to keep their buddy millionaires happy or has their genuinely been millions of jobs lost because of the minimum wage ?

I suspect they were pressured by CEO's to debate against it as they would only be able to have 1 yacht and not 2
Blue Til Death said:
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!
Let me think, obsessed by money, conceited, arrogant, obnoxious, don't care who suffers as long as they are alright?
I think you have Labour and tory mixed up.
& when I have time i will use facts and figures to expose the myth that the tories are anything but a disaster for EVERYONE but their mi££ionaire mates
law74 said:
Blue Til Death said:
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!
Let me think, obsessed by money, conceited, arrogant, obnoxious, don't care who suffers as long as they are alright?
I think you have Labour and tory mixed up.
& when I have time i will use facts and figures to expose the myth that the tories are anything but a disaster for EVERYONE but their mi££ionaire mates

don't bother with your stats That is just not true I am working class born in the Labour stronghold of Wythenshawe

but as I now own my own Business I can assure you I am much better off under the Tories and it would be a total disaster for my business and ultimately my staff if Milliband and his cronies were to get anywhere near Downing Street.

Anyone who runs a small business is acutely aware what a potential amageden awaits if people are daft enough to put that clown Milliband in power and that is why no Businesses are backing Labour
whp.blue said:
law74 said:
Blue Til Death said:
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!
Let me think, obsessed by money, conceited, arrogant, obnoxious, don't care who suffers as long as they are alright?
I think you have Labour and tory mixed up.
& when I have time i will use facts and figures to expose the myth that the tories are anything but a disaster for EVERYONE but their mi££ionaire mates

don't bother with your stats That is just not true I am working class born in the Labour stronghold of Wythenshawe

but as I now own my own Business I can assure you I am much better off under the Tories and it would be a total disaster for my business and ultimately my staff if Milliband and his cronies were to get anywhere near Downing Street.

Anyone who runs a small business is acutely aware what a potential amageden awaits if people are daft enough to put that clown Milliband in power and that is why no Businesses are backing Labour

Well said.

law74 said:
Blue Til Death said:
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!
Let me think, obsessed by money, conceited, arrogant, obnoxious, don't care who suffers as long as they are alright?
I think you have Labour and tory mixed up.
& when I have time i will use facts and figures to expose the myth that the tories are anything but a disaster for EVERYONE but their mi££ionaire mates

You mean you will make stuff up like balls up and millipede do Instead of answering any questions put to them...! Don't bother mate,
I have had my fill of the lies and propaganda spewed out by labour..! As whp says, they are a complete disaster for the country, business and recovery. Balls says labour are good for business, in fact he was only talking to er, erm whats his face, Bill somebody about it the other day....!
Blue Til Death said:
law74 said:
Blue Til Death said:
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!
Let me think, obsessed by money, conceited, arrogant, obnoxious, don't care who suffers as long as they are alright?
I think you have Labour and tory mixed up.
& when I have time i will use facts and figures to expose the myth that the tories are anything but a disaster for EVERYONE but their mi££ionaire mates

You mean you will make stuff up like balls up and millipede do Instead of answering any questions put to them...! Don't bother mate,
I have had my fill of the lies and propaganda spewed out by labour..! As whp says, they are a complete disaster for the country, business and recovery. Balls says labour are good for business, in fact he was only talking to er, erm whats his face, Bill somebody about it the other day....!
if the tories are so good for the economy, have created record numbers of new jobs and more small businesses, how has tax revenue fallen?
facts not propaganda
business want another 5 years of reduced wages (or free labour from ids) and the option of how much (if any) tax to pay, of course they dont want a party that will stand up to them elected

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