If this guy becomes Prime Minister...

foxy said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
chabal said:
Is it Spring already?

The first cuckoo.

The first crocus.

The first RWNJs showing their fevered brows after digesting the Daily Mail.

So if someone is anti-Labour they are a RWNJ & Daily Mail reader? You sound like a Labour politician.

Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........
Whereas there is a massive list of all the wonderful things thatcher and major did for us,and your point is laughable on the minimum wage,the tories opposed it all the way,thatcher covered up for an abuser,I could go on.
Labour are finished now all the Jocks are going to vote for SNP - they'll never get a majority ever again without the tail that is Scotland wagging the English dog.
happy daze said:
foxy said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
So if someone is anti-Labour they are a RWNJ & Daily Mail reader? You sound like a Labour politician.

Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........
Whereas there is a massive list of all the wonderful things thatcher and major did for us,and your point is laughable on the minimum wage,the tories opposed it all the way,thatcher covered up for an abuser,I could go on.

1) Where in this post have I said I'm a tory?

2) It's not the government who set the minimum wage, if you look it up, the minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under a conservative government based on current growth. Labour forecast is lower....
chabal said:
Blue Smarties said:
Tories need to continue the good work they're doing.

Are you de niro's son?

Similar types of humour I see.

Don't see any humour there,in fact he's spot on
The country simply can't afford another term of labour mismanagement

Labours sense of humour seems to be leaving notes in the treasury saying there's nothing left,the coffers are empty
Ha fucking ha
foxy said:
happy daze said:
foxy said:
Apparently so, you are viewed as RWNJ & Daily Mail reader for pointing out..

Blair has blood on his hands over Iraq
Brown sold gold at the bottom of the Market
Labour failed those who were abused in Rotherham (and Miliband has admitted this)
Clearly point out that the Miliband's avoided tax when they inherited their dad's mansion
Many Labour donor's avoid tax (which I have nothing against)
The tax bill for the rich is higher under the tories than Labour
Minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under Tories than Labour
Not a single Business leader is backing Miliband and Labour
Pink vans will attract the female vote
wreckless spending on public services is better than increasing private sector employment
I could go on.........
Whereas there is a massive list of all the wonderful things thatcher and major did for us,and your point is laughable on the minimum wage,the tories opposed it all the way,thatcher covered up for an abuser,I could go on.

1) Where in this post have I said I'm a tory?

2) It's not the government who set the minimum wage, if you look it up, the minimum wage is forecasted to be higher under a conservative government based on current growth. Labour forecast is lower....
Where in my post did I say you were a tory?
The business secretary sets the minimum wage on advice,he does so on behalf of the govt.
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
chabal said:
Blue Smarties said:
Tories need to continue the good work they're doing.

Are you de niro's son?

Similar types of humour I see.

Don't see any humour there,in fact he's spot on
The country simply can't afford another term of labour mismanagement

Labours sense of humour seems to be leaving notes in the treasury saying there's nothing left,the coffers are empty
Ha fucking ha

No, stop it.

You're giving me a stitch.
DiscoSteve said:
Labour are finished now all the Jocks are going to vote for SNP - they'll never get a majority ever again without the tail that is Scotland wagging the English dog.

Due to the defragmentation of politics and bigger regional identities, the psephologists are predicting closer elections in the future thus resulting in more coalition governments than previously expected. The main parties have lost ground in Scotland and Wales due to the voters demanding better regional representation, not solely due to poor policies. Labour are being wise to move to the left in preparation of a closer working relationship with the SNP and Plaid Cymru. The Conservatives have less options. The thought of a Sturgeon/Milliband love-in is scary enough, but not as bad as Farage/Cameron.

I'm voting Labour and hoping the Tories win outright. I'm quids in and my conscience is clear.
Not even the labour party believe that their poor excuse for a politician leader, can be the next Prime Minister of this country, they have no policies and no idea as usual & they will be obliterated in Scotland for good measure.
Ed Balls is even worse, he couldn't run a school tuck shop, let alone the finances of a country, he's already proved it and continues to do so. Labour are the rags of the political world and despised as much by any sane human being....!

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