If this is how the club treat loyal supporters...

This is worse than when the illiberal owner of this site tried to ban the use of the word '****'. The word '****'. ****.
Level 2 is becoming more corporate by the game. I have sat there since the start but will be moving next year. It's fcking sterile and I can't stand the number of day trippers we have now. Football is about an experience now and that's why clubs can charge theatre prices for the day out. A bloke near me got thrown out the other week for arguing with someone who I have never seen there before. The thrown out bloke is there every week!! Says it all.

If you were swearing in 110/111 or on level 3 you wouldnt have even had to start this thread.

Unfortunately the bigger we become the more this will be the norm as there will always be someone ready to jump on the bandwagon.
Good job this particular set of hitler stewards weren't here during Peter Swales' turbulent final weeks at the club or they'd have thrown the fuckin' lot of us out!
Ireland_for_pm said:
franksinatra said:
Sorry about the situation you find yourself in, Im pretty sure the incident was in my block although I didn't see it, i remember during the same a bloke asking people around my area " are you the ones who complained about my son?" Some, commented that you must of been behaving badly, well I never noticed anything during the game, just like any other match, with a lot of swearing as you would expect at a football game. Im going to make a special effort myself in that area from now on.
Yeah mate that is right my grandad went back to ask who complained because he thought it was a joke he sits right next to me, do you think i would act like a complete idiot if im sat next to him. What was people saying?

I was sat half way up the block and your grandad was speaking to people nearer the front. He looked quite animated and was clearly upset about the situation.

I hope you get it sorted, I love a lot of the changes which have happened at the club of late and the club goes out of its way to develop it's relationship with the fans. But a common sense approach is needed in these situations. Like anyone I can get lose it a bit during the match, I cant even imagine getting banned for such a minor indiscretion.
Dude that is shite! I had some guy next to me in family stand a few weeks ago giving it one explitive after another. As I had my six year old with me I had a word with him and he calmed down. Wouldn't have even considered telling a steward though that is shady and sooooo sneaky
supergrover said:
Blue Mooner said:
No smoke without fire imo, I'm sorry, but it's unlikely you were thrown out for expressing a few expletives.

For someone to bother making a complaint to the stewards (they're not listening in to 47,000 people) it had to be something pretty bad and very persistent.

There is always two sides to every story so I'm not going to extend my sympathies to someone who has been ejected from the ground and season card rescinded without hearing the other side. I don't for a minute think that the club or any steward would do that lightly (on the whole they are a good bunch trying to do a difficult job)

If you are one of these whingers who swears at your own players then I'm glad you got slung out, we could do with enforcing that policy a bit more in my view.

Completely understand you must be feeling pretty bad at the moment ( I know I would) but can't say I have any sympathy for you as I'm very dubious you have given an honest version of events. Not saying its not true just that I have to say I take it with a pinch of salt.

you sound like the very prick i'm talking about, you got your high vis on now at home?

Skashion said:
supergrover said:
long gone are the days of everyone jumping the stewards with our own justice.
Except in the 110/111 toilets where this grand tradition still thrives. Smokers of all football clubs unite!

See this going well.... (only up to hear now on page 3 or whatever, look forward to seeing where this goes)
nashark said:
This is worse than when the illiberal owner of this site tried to ban the use of the word '****'. The word '****'. ****.

Not banned mate. Just change your settings on your profile.
Regular Joe said:
No smoke without fire? What a ridiculous comment. Ever heard of Colin Stagg, Robert Murat, Tom Stephens? Bet you had Chris Jefferies hung for murder when you saw that old photo of him with blue hair in your Daily Mail last week?

Ok, there's a bit of a difference between being falsely accused of murder and having your seasoncard withdrawn for swearing, but City and Fletcher in particular should have no doubts about the impact it will have on a lifetime fan to do this, and they should be absolutely certain it is warranted before they do so.

The key point here for me is whether there was a warning, and I have no reason to doubt the OP that there had been no such warning. So unless it was much more than just swearing (e.g. racial abuse) then their actions are wrong.

Something for the Supporters Clubs and fans forums to take up with the club, imo.

Like I said I'm not offering a judgement on this case merely an opinion (I wasn't there so can't comment either way) However, what I'm certainly not going to do is simply jump to this guys defence and start the popularist anti steward bandwagon. In my experience they do a thankless but good job.

I know plenty of people who swear at games (whether that be through chants or in my case normally abusing the ref !) and none of them have been chucked out, although I always tone it down if youngsters are in the vicinity. Therefore, I simply question why the club would take such a draconian measure (on one person) without very good reason as on this basis 3/4 of the ground would be empty

Anyone who thinks the club would deliberately alienate its fans in this way clearly has no understanding of a business, therefore, it is my opinion that in this case it had to have gone beyond the odd expletive, otherwise it clearly makes no sense.

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