If this is how the club treat loyal supporters...

supergrover said:
Blue Mooner said:
Haha no, only when I go cycling.

Look the guy has had his season card taken off him and been ejected. Anyone who thinks that was simply for uttering a few swear words is naive in the extreme.

Not sure what the guy has done, but I'm pretty certain that this would not have been undertaken without good reason. I havce more faith in the club that you do clearly.

no need to stick the boot in the guy, as for city i hear them blow their own trumpet about how much the fans mean to them but i'm sorry to say since wardle left i am losing count with the amount of incidents such as this, some seen with my own eyes.
If the guys is being honest who is to say i could not go to a steward make some shit up and get you kicked (not that i ever would fella, thats a sin) your right some of them are great stewards but then there is some who are still bitter about not getting in GMP.
That is the best point of all, how can that person complain about me when i hear swearing around me all game. I was seriously considering going back to the stand and pointing out an innocent person and wanting them to be ejected just to make the point but im not that sad.
This is absurd. Get into contact with the club. No one should have their season ticket taken away for swearing.

I hope you get this sorted, it would never happen where I live at any sporting event.
those who attack the stewards with beer or whatever are in the wrong and I think are quite pathetic, and the smokers deserve to be kicked out if they light up, it's clear that it's not accepted anywhere in the ground so you're flirting with a ban.

That being said the pre-match announcement is always along the lines "can fans be reminded that persistent foul and abusive language will not be tolerated, particularly in the family stand where in these situations stewards have the right to bring the individual aside and warn them, and an ejection MAY follow".

It seems very much down to the individual steward on whether you do get ejected and the policy seems orientated to the family stand, from my point of view I think you at least should have got a talking to.
ban-mcfc said:
i think i swear about a 1000 times during every game.
I suppose its the luck who your sat around. I told the stewards i would tone it down but that would of meant not speaking throghout the game and im that passionate about the team i cant sit in silence. Another thing we was winning theres not much to swear about.
I've Been asked to stop swearing by parents before and subsequently stopped. Did they ask you to stop swearing beforehand?

However having heard your news I shall be swearing a lot less.
nashark said:
Dave P said:
This topic comes as no surprise. My cousin has previously received a ban from the club following the trip to Schalke. Unfortunately, he was on the coach to Sunderland where the entire coach was arrested and the majority were de-arrested. His problem was that he was one of the few who were charged.

One person was charged by the Police with being in possession of drugs, however the Club or Mr Fletcher to be precise did not see fit to take action against that individual. Lucky for him I'd say.

Getting back to my cousin, this has been rumbling on in the background since the Sunderland away game. My cousin has been told that he is banned and the club wanted to know where he would like his season ticket monies paid back to. My cousin who has had a season ticket for over 90% of his life and his father who has had a season ticket since around 1972 have sent letters and emails to Mr Fletcher who has taken an eternity to answer and has still not indicated if it is a lifetime ban, or whether he can be re-admitted after this season. It is not surprising that it takes an eternity to get a reply when there are so many people being thrown out of their seats for such offences as swearing.

My cousin accepts that he did wrong and has accepted a ban. However Mr Fletcher does not seem intent on clarifying the precise terms of the ban and its duration. However, if you are not happy with the stance that he has taken, who do you correspond with to get this issue resolved ?

Can he not attend the matches anyway?

It must be pretty difficult to actually prevent someone from going to the game.

The club are threatening to extend his ban and all he wants is to come back and sit with his mates and family.
It's ridiculous that you've been penalised for that , and if that's the rules they could kick out most of our support ...... who doesn't swear at the game???

I'd get onto the club and state just that , and tell them you've been victimised.
No smoke without fire? What a ridiculous comment. Ever heard of Colin Stagg, Robert Murat, Tom Stephens? Bet you had Chris Jefferies hung for murder when you saw that old photo of him with blue hair in your Daily Mail last week?

Ok, there's a bit of a difference between being falsely accused of murder and having your seasoncard withdrawn for swearing, but City and Fletcher in particular should have no doubts about the impact it will have on a lifetime fan to do this, and they should be absolutely certain it is warranted before they do so.

The key point here for me is whether there was a warning, and I have no reason to doubt the OP that there had been no such warning. So unless it was much more than just swearing (e.g. racial abuse) then their actions are wrong.

Something for the Supporters Clubs and fans forums to take up with the club, imo.
Manchestercitychorlton said:
I've Been asked to stop swearing by parents before and subsequently stopped. Did they ask you to stop swearing beforehand?

However having heard your news I shall be swearing a lot less.
Ive never had so much as a warning in the 6 years ive sat there since eastlands was open. They got me and said we have to remove you from the stadium. It annoys me that the stewards turn a blind eye to everyone that smokes on the concourse not that i have a problem with that.

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