If this is how the club treat loyal supporters...

Skashion said:
Except in the 110/111 toilets where this grand tradition still thrives. Smokers of all football clubs unite!

Never been the most relaxed fag I've smoked in there though, funnily enough..
Do you have any right of appeal over this? Just wondering because my grandson went to the Blackpool game with several of his friends. Someone threw a plastic bottle in the crowd and the steward went to one of his friends, pointed to him and signalled for him to follow him onto the concourse, which he did. He was accused of throwing the bottle, which he didn't and has lots of witnesses to back him up, but he had his season ticket taken away from him and thrown out of the game. He is hoping that the cameras will pick out who the culprit was, in fact it was nowhere near where these lads were sitting but the stewards were apparently very heavy handed with the lad and he is asking for an appeal. I hope he is successful because this lad has been going since he was a junior blue and has never been in trouble before.
This stinks. I've always considered swearing as being part of being at the football.

Last season, I was sat up in the rafters (cos it was the only tickets they had left) freezin me tits off watching us beat Pompey 2-0. I had a few choice words about the linesman, I let these out and was met instantly with a black look from a woman in front, who also looked at the 2 kids beside her as if to say "Don't swear because I've got 2 kids with me."

I wanted to reply with something along the lines of "Well if you don't want them to hear bad language, go sit in the fucking family stand then/don't bring them to the fucking game then". Decided against this approach..

But anyone like me, who started going to games in the late 70's/early 80's, is usually disappointed these days by the actions of stewards.

Fuck me (the other guy was right, it's a disease), this sort of attitude towards swearing is half the reason the atmosphere in modern stadia is so poor! Time was when you used to go to football matches to shout yer lungs out! Not allowed any more it seems...
City have moved on. City now have money and want to attract better fans, hopefully fans with more cash and class. Look what happened when it was 5 pounds a ticket not long ago, it created yobbish behaviour. Soon as the rich owners hike the price up to 80 quid a ticket this will stop lager louts and people swearing during a match
Threaten them with feckin legal action mate. How can they take your season ticket away on the word of some soft **** who should go to the opera rather than football? Your word against theirs anyway. Worth making a big deal about and getting the story printed in the media. God knows there are not many football fans at any club who have never sworn in the heat of battle.
Different if its the family stand but even then I'd have thought it was three strikes and your out type stuff.

They didn't chuck the entire ground out when we all sang fuck off millwall from maine road as one did they?

Seriously there are people round me who must shout fuck off at the referee or the opposition at least ten times a game. More. Should they be thrown out for it? Don't be fucking daft.
Sounds like you encountered some particularly small penis owning stewards.

For my sins, I was in the North Stand on Saturday and the bloke nearby was having a time of it with his naughty words but a steward simply had a quiet word with him and all was fine for all parties concerned.

Authority corrupts, a lot of people like the feeling of putting on a uniform and making others do as they say. It's perverted and a bit bent but there you go.

Write to the club, mention the stewards are dicks and fight for your rights, boy.
There's a guy in our stand who kicks the f*** out of the chair infront of him when things go wrong. And I mean kick the f***. I'm half expecting the seat and the person stood infront of it to go flying one day.

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