If we don't sign anyone, we won't finish top 4

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Spurs, Liverpool and Chelsea are panic buying and reacting to what we have done in previous windows. No need for us to panic and bring in another batch of players that need to gel.
What a load of bollox.

Why are Chel$ki and the dippers paying so much for potentially dodgy players?

Because they know were ahead of them already. We have a settled squad;Bobby has weeded out the bad boys and were palying as a team. A bertie big bollox signing may disrupt that.

We will finish in the top 4.
well fuck it we are all doomed. Liverpool will win the league and chelsea will finish 0 which is actually infinity. At this rate we will be relegated after dm=emba Ba scores 90 goals against us including 1 as he come off the team coach
rickmcfc said:
That's my opinion and I have said it. People around us are getting stronger, we have got weaker with the loss of Adam Johnson. Really think we should have tried for Torres and go for Ashley Young in replace of AJ. Come in Mancini, get some players in!

Panic rhymes with titanic.
Re: If we don't sign anyone, we won't finish 4th.

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
rickmcfc said:
That's my opinion. People around us are getting stronger, we have got weaker with the loss of Adam Johnson. Really think we should have tried for Torres and go for Ashley Young in replace of AJ. Come in Mancini, get some players in!


rickmcfc said:
That's my opinion and I have said it. People around us are getting stronger, we have got weaker with the loss of Adam Johnson. Really think we should have tried for Torres and go for Ashley Young in replace of AJ. Come in Mancini, get some players in!

Mastes1 said:
Rubbish. Utd and Arsenal are gauranteed top 4 imo which leaves City, Chelsea and Spurs to battle in out for the other two places. City will definately get one of the remaining two places with Chelsea probably getting the other place, Spurs are a bit too far back and too inconsistent to get top four imo.

How the hell do you know we will definately get 3rd or 4th. We're not exactly firing on all cylindars are we? Apart from Villa at home we haven't played particularly well for ages (Notts=shit, Villa=average, Leicester=average, Wolves=average, Leicester=poor, Blackpool=average, Villa=good, Newcastle=okay, Everton=apalling......).

These other teams have got games in hand and we have to play them. Our forwards are a bit here and there at the mo: Adebayor and Santa Cruz have gone; SWP doesn't get a sniff; Balotelli, Adam Johnson and Tevez are all injured (although Tevez is doing light training); Silva has only played 90mins once in 2011 because of an injury; Jo is shit; and Dzeko is new and even if he had settled in and was up to full speed he couldn't carry us on his own. Not great is it? With all that we've got to play another replay in the FAC, we've got very tough home and away legs with Aris, we've got midweek Prem games the derby and other tough Prem fixtures to come.

Top four is nowhere near a certainty, at all! And not for one minute should we think it is!
You can all laugh and take the piss, but take the blue specs off for 1 second. Chelsea have just signed Torres and I think they will come strong for the second half of the season and Torres is a class player who will do well for them. Liverpool are about to get Andy Carroll and quite possibly Anelka as part if the Torres deal. Reports are that the Charlie Adam deal is still on to liverpool. As regards to all this I really hope I am wrong with this, but let's see come mid-may.
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