if your wtchn on the tv your a ****

Disagree with there being a compulsory cup tickets scheme, that would be disgusing, we aint the rags.

I dont see why all the arguing, let people have their say. When you walk out and realise that hardly anyone is there, its upsetting for some because it doesnt feel like City, thats how it is for me but im not gonna have a go at those that didnt go.

''I was there, I dont care'' should be the attitude, although I do agree that some people just cant be bothered which is their perogative - fuck them I say, I dont care for fair weather fans and would much rather have a hardcore 25k than diluting it with people that would much rather sit in the pub.

The same arguement comes up for away games, this is where I end up on the otherside of the fence because I physically cant afford it - so I can understand how these type of threads make people feel, were all blues after all.

Group hug...........
I couldn't afford it, simple as that. Bills, direct debits, you know, the usual.

So yeah, I have to pick and choose the games I go to.

But I love this football club. If I could afford a season ticket I would buy one every year.

People can spout off all they want and get on their high horse because they go to more games, but all I'm trying to do is live within my means.
although relatively cheap, the cost for a family for a game against aalborg is way too much.

for a family to spend 50 odd quid on last nights game or watch at home, you can understand why people gave the match a miss.

city have been innovative with ticket pricing, but they are missing a trick with the uefa games in my opinion.

the club seem to be settling for 20000 empty seats rather than enticing fans along for what could prove to be a turning point in city's history.

i would offer group ticket prices.

2 adult 2 kids 25
2 adult 4 kids 30 quid
2 adults 20 quid

not only cheaper deals for kids, but also for the regulars, the ones who never get any perks.

the old saying a sprat for a mackarel.
£25 was a bit pricey i think they should've been fiver for kids 15 for adults...The arab owners should spread the wealth on to us the poor twats who have watched some shite over the years!!!
fathellensbellend said:
although relatively cheap, the cost for a family for a game against aalborg is way too much.

for a family to spend 50 odd quid on last nights game or watch at home, you can understand why people gave the match a miss.

city have been innovative with ticket pricing, but they are missing a trick with the uefa games in my opinion.

the club seem to be settling for 20000 empty seats rather than enticing fans along for what could prove to be a turning point in city's history.

i would offer group ticket prices.

2 adult 2 kids 25
2 adult 4 kids 30 quid
2 adults 20 quid

not only cheaper deals for kids, but also for the regulars, the ones who never get any perks.

the old saying a sprat for a mackarel.

Good post. The question should not be about why so many didn't turn up but what can we do to entice them to come along. And that means really big discounts. ST discounts. Group discounts. £5 for kids etc. The only other thing to do is to offer significantly more loyalty points for cup matches up to the final stages.

It doesn't matter that it shouldn't be needed. It is needed. Last night was not a one-off.
Apologies if already mentioned but just being the first leg of a two legged tie on TV must have knocked several thousand off the attendance. There are people out there who pick and choose their games (always have been) and last nights game was an obvious candidate to miss. They've mostly got to watch the second leg on TV anyway so I can understand many of them thinking 'what feckin difference I'll save my cash'. Some blame should be apportioned to UEFA for the seemingly endless number of matches involved before getting to a meaningful stage of the competition.

I'd rather go but I also wish it was full. City should act.

PS Elasticity of demand my arse.
lol to some of the self-righteous pricks on this thread.

24,000 is a small % of our fan base. You're basically calling the vast majority of City fans coonts because they couldn't make a game of football.

I didn't go, and i couldn't give a fuck!

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