I'm ashamed to be a blue tonight

Fair enough mate, and I appreciate everything you're saying, but at the end of the day it really is starting to become worrying under Mancini. I said 3 games ago id give it another 5/6 before I made any sweeping statements on his management, but in all honesty, this side really does look devoid of any confidence and confidence; at such a crucial stage of our season (fixture wise). The next few games really are make or break on whether or not we finish 4th, and I cant honestly say that im confident about them at all.

Tonight wasnt the worst ever, but however people want to dress it up, we lined up AGAIN with 7 defensive minded players (some out of position) in a game that should of never occured considering we had the chance to beat the shite at COMS.

I wasnt Hughes' biggest fan at all, but I can honestly say that I thought it was wrong to sack him when we did to replace him unless it were for Hiddink or Mourinho. Mancini, whilst successful in his homeland, was still an unknown quantity and the other two have won all over the place.

Compare that side with the one that swept aside Arsenal in the cup (albeit weakoned). The comparisons in the ways in which our players went about that game both spirit and quality wise is actually scarey when watching us now. We look frightened to attack teams.
I agree. Mancini has got us to 4th after all. No, we can't expect constant success, not even during this peroid of constant hype and circus around us. Hell, even Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and M*n U still concede losses.

If we want to be permanently within the top 4, we're gonna need more than one season.
OP - great post. Couldn't agree more. Anyone who was making the hand gestures or v signs should hang their head in shame. There is a reason we are derided as being bitter obsessives and it's because of people like this.

One question for the "mourinho inners" - did you ever fookin watch Chelsea? Their football,whilst successful was dire.

Chin up OP these morons are in the mnority (but you can bet your life they'll be out in force on the alan brazil breakfast show tomorrow, embarrassing us again).
Kazzydeyna said:
OP - great post. Couldn't agree more. Anyone who was making the hand gestures or v signs should hang their head in shame. There is a reason we are derided as being bitter obsessives and it's because of people like this.

One question for the "mourinho inners" - did you ever fookin watch Chelsea? Their football,whilst successful was dire.

Chin up OP these morons are in the mnority (but you can bet your life they'll be out in force on the alan brazil breakfast show tomorrow, embarrassing us again).

You just despair really these morons and thier disrespect and insulting behaviour towards Manchini, surely they can be identified and santioned for this disgracefull nonsense!!
Kazzydeyna said:
OP - great post. Couldn't agree more. Anyone who was making the hand gestures or v signs should hang their head in shame. There is a reason we are derided as being bitter obsessives and it's because of people like this.

One question for the "mourinho inners" - did you ever fookin watch Chelsea? Their football,whilst successful was dire.

Chin up OP these morons are in the mnority (but you can bet your life they'll be out in force on the alan brazil breakfast show tomorrow, embarrassing us again).

I love the negative posts about Mourinho, they do make me laugh. Inter Milan, highest goal scorers, fewest conceded.

Mourinho is a born winner, players love playing for him, and hes been ridiculously successful wherever hes managed.

Why do people talk so negatively about him, hes a wonderful manager.
Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.

Spot on IP. Our away support has gone down the tube in the last 18 months or so IMO. There are just too many pissed up dickheads among them now who either know sod all about football or just think every match is an excuse to have a pop at the latest target be that a manager or player.
bammy blue said:
jamiegrimble said:
Not ashamed.Dissapointed that Bobby didnt take us to the next level.
take us to the next level? he's only had 2 months in the job!
Out of the Semi Final of the Carling Cup to the Enemy?
Out of the FA Cup to Stoke?

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