I'm ashamed to be a blue tonight

im never ashamed to be a blue but i am ashamed to be associated with a minority group like the w#nkers who were pulling fingers at our manager after the game and have thrown the dummy out of the cot on here. it's pathetic
Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.

Amen to that man.
inGavious said:
i'm ashamed to be a blue tonight just on the overal form of the team and manager.

we arent playing anywhere near to what we should and Mancini's record is dire.

it looks like we are playing with no desire or direction, it takes about 20 minutes every game to get going, (the liverpool game was the worse performance i've ever seen in 32 years). Either its Mancini's style of boring, defensive play with no offensive play or the players dont want to play for him anymore and are waiting for the summer for him to go.

God help us at Saturday with Chelsea, 4-0 defeat for us, i tell you now.

I'm just gonna ignore City's games for the rest of the season and concentrate on Pompey .... cos you know there will be at least some entertainment with them this season.

Got to be a rag with a comment like that!
inGavious said:
lancs blue said:
That is the most ridiculous comment on a forum that seems to be full of them recently.

have you seen any performaces recently? the stoke games, the liverpool game, absolute dire. We played ok tonight but apart from Bellers, Lescott and Onohua, no one else can claim they played as well as they should be.

the whole thing looks wrong, whether its the tactics, the mentality or the desire to win with either the players or the manager. it just feels stale and we are going mid-table very soon.

Onouha? You are joking? He was largely missing, Lescott covered his arse on a few occasions and it was Ned's fault for the third.
Ricster said:
Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.

Amen to that man.
double amen.
City fans need to chill the fuck out. stoke fucking played the referee so much, but it was also our fault we let them push us around in the second half, just let them run all over us.
Immaculate Pasta said:
I can take people having different opinions no problem, it's what football is all about. If some people don't like Mancini then fair enough, that's your view but what i saw tonight at the end was disgusting and i don't want any further part in it if it carries on.

I thought we were unlucky tonight, we played allright and created 16 chances with 6 on target accoring to mcfc.co.uk, alot better than in previous games. We had some great chances with Bellamy and Santa Cruz (who by the way, the reactions to both misses from the fans frustrates the fuck out of me, one can't do right for doing wrong even though he's yet to perform for two months "Unlicky bellers, head up" and the other i thought was great when he came on gets slagged to fuck "fuck off santa cruz you fucking waste of space)

We defended well and if we had a keeper who came out for balls and demanded his box they would never have gotten that all important 2nd goal.

But the scenes i saw at the end disgust me and makes me ashamed to be a city fan.

Fucking idiots calling Mancini a wanker, c-unt, twat, knobhead, giving him the wanker signs and the v's, ok it was only 30 or so of them but they are the reason this club is a joke. He saw it all and fuck knows what he must be thinking.

These type of fans and the ones on here who are calling for his head after 3 fucking months in the job without a summer transfer window are the reason this club is viewed as a laughing stock and a circus.

So you get your wish, Mancini goes, next man comes in, then what? Do you only give him 3 months and expect instant success with another mans team? Then what happens when you don't and a new man comes in? What happens then? Another 3 months and if he doesn't deliver us instant success does he go? It will go on and on and 35 will become 36, 37 and then 40 and then no fucker will touch the job as whats the point in coming here when you have to deliver success 3 months into the job or you are on your bike and your career takes a setback.

Not only that but then you get some set of c-unts who then givce abuse to Lescott who i thought was outstanding once again, it's beggers beleife and i'm fucking sick of it.

I'm fucking sick of it, if Mancini gets us 4th which i beleive he should and then gets laid off then i'm fucked if i'm shelling out £500 to fucking rebuild yet again for the 20th time in 10 years.

Martin O'Neill - 4 years
David Moyes - 8 years
Arsene Wenger - 13 years
Alex Ferguson - 24 years

All managers at football clubs with stabilty and a plan and realistic fans.

Stuart Pearce, Sven Goran Eriksson, Mark Hughes, Roberto Mancini all have been manager at this circus in the time Martin O'Neill has rebuilt Villa and given them stability.

Feel us City fans have been hard done by over the years by those in the boardroom, i think you all need to look closer to home.

There's two season tickets up for grab if the twats at this club get their way because i'm not sticking round to see them abuse and call for the head of the next manager's head when he hasn't given them the league title in November after 3 months in the job. Fuck that.

A lot of sense there.
I agree totally, the manager can only do so much, and once the players are on the field it's up to them to put the ball in the net. RSC does seem like a waste of money though.
Thatchersforearm said:
I posted this on another thread but it's more appropriate on here:

The BBC website says :

Stoke 46% Man City 54%

Attempts on target
Stoke 6 Man City 9

Attempts off target
Stoke 4 Man City 6

Stoke 8
Man City 9

The stats don't suggest that we played defensively. Indeed we were very good for the first 30 minutes and Stoke didn't have an attempt on goal until Delaps header 60/65 minutes in. I haven't been a fan of the more cautious style but we were hardly that tonight. We made chances and we didn't take them. If Bellamy scores early on it's a different game all together. We were comfortable with 11 men. So:

Bellamy misses a one on one
Bridge gets turned in the box for their first
Ade gets wrongly sent off
Given was at fault for their second
We get caught on the break for their third
RSC then misses a one on one

All these things are out of Mancini's control! Let's please have a bit of persepective.
suspectandy said:
I agree totally, the manager can only do so much, and once the players are on the field it's up to them to put the ball in the net. RSC does seem like a waste of money though.

Gotta disagree there. RSC did something wonderful tonight that Ade never seems to do because, well, he's just not good at it. RSC held the ball up and controlled those ridiculous kick the ball up the field "passes" from Given. RSC doesn't have his form around the net back yet, but I think with a Tevez and a Johnson around him he can shine for no other reason then he holds the ball up and lays it off in a decent position to the players around him. Anyway, we'll see come Chelsea!
The last people we need to blame after the years & years of dissapionting crap we have had to watch over the years is the fans,
I thought it was clear last night most of the players could not give a toss about this club & mancini (it seems to me) does not have a clue what he is doing,
we have played a very fit & organised pub team 3 times in a few weeks & never looked like beating them once?
Mancini will stay until the end of the season but he needs to at least try & stop posing around messing with his hair, get rid of the stupid scarf & start to get the players motivated.
you should never be ashamed about being a blue,,weve been lower than low,,but us stokies are still proud to be a potter,,

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