I'm thinking it is corrupt

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ban-mcfc said:
VanPersie said:
Until Ferguson retires Man Utd will always get the rub of the green with referees. They fear him and generally fear old trafford.

no mate it's completely bent as fuck, if you watched us and them every week you'd realise.

that wasn't even debatable and everyone knew it. it's not as though the refs fear fergie so they can't give 50/50s, they're denying blatant decisions here.

to be honest, its a fucking miracle we are this close to them
Im simply not surprised, couldnt watch the match but was somehow pleased that I thought at least the rags had for once managed to win without the referees assistance.

Its institutionalised favouritism. As i have said, all referees know what they need to do to keep their jobs.

If its not 2 penalties against stoke and chelsea its sendings off and dodgy penalties or penalties not given. Just look at the decisions the rags have got in the last 10 games.

It is beyond a joke, but dont expect support from the rag infested media.
Blue Mist said:
EdsBlue said:
Not saying that wasn't a definite pen, but we've got away with a few this season

WTF ? You nee to start a post about how the FFP rules will ruin Citeh or some other shite. 30 posters have a rant about a blatant penalty NOT given against the Rags and you manage to bring us into it. FFS

Just saying its shit refs in general. They all make mistakes/bottle it.
Tricky_Trev said:
It was a blatent penalty, but to be fair, the foul that Barry commited v Stoke was even more of a blatent penalty and that went unnoticed too. This is not an example of corruption, it's an example of incompetence.

fucking horse shit, barry's was more of a coming together and no-one even appealed at the time.

that couldn't have been more of a penalty if he'd picked the ball up and thrown it in the cunting refs face.
I wasn't gonna comment but this has really angered me tonight.

1) the giggs tackle when he went flying in, you've seen red cards given for less. (kompany v united, huth v sunderland to name two this season)
2)If that's not a penalty, why wasn't danny murphy booked for simulation?

An absolute disgrace.
If we are relying on a penalty decision (yes it was a pen) in one match then we are clutching at straws. No matter how many pts they have already, we should be 6 or 7 pts clear now at least.

WBA, Sunderland, Everton, Swansea (and the other ones we will drop pts in between now and may) away is what will cost us the league title. 1 pt our of 12.

We wont get any favours from anyone else, we need to start taking care of things ourselves.

We will more than likely be 6 pts behind them going into kick off at the Emirates, thats the pivitol weekend. If we come out of that 3 or less pts behind we will win it.
Garry.Cook said:
I've seen worse - from where Oliver was it looks as though it's Carrick who got contact on the ball.

Jammy as fook but to use that as an argument for corruption in United's favour - naa.

United lucky again though, the type of "luck" we've hardly seen all season.

Please can you give us an example of anything worse or even close to as bad as what United got away with tonight.
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