
Another deliberately ignorant, ill-informed and shit stirring thread from the right designed purely to cause a cyber-ruck.
We had this nonsense just the other day.
Any chance a moderator could merge all of these tiresome 'scared Little Englander' threads into one, so that I don't have to waste my time playing 'Spot The Bigot' on half a dozen of the wretched things?
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Another deliberately ignorant, ill-informed and shit stirring thread from the right designed purely to cause a cyber-ruck.
We had this nonsense just the other day.
Any chance a moderator could merge all of these tiresome 'scared Little Englander' threads into one, so that I don't have to waste my time playing 'Spot The Bigot' on half a dozen of the wretched things?

An Immigrant Cyclists thread would do the trick.
chabal said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Another deliberately ignorant, ill-informed and shit stirring thread from the right designed purely to cause a cyber-ruck.
We had this nonsense just the other day.
Any chance a moderator could merge all of these tiresome 'scared Little Englander' threads into one, so that I don't have to waste my time playing 'Spot The Bigot' on half a dozen of the wretched things?

An Immigrant Cyclists thread would do the trick.
Nicked from Buzzer1's shed?
dronefromsector7g said:
chabal said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Another deliberately ignorant, ill-informed and shit stirring thread from the right designed purely to cause a cyber-ruck.
We had this nonsense just the other day.
Any chance a moderator could merge all of these tiresome 'scared Little Englander' threads into one, so that I don't have to waste my time playing 'Spot The Bigot' on half a dozen of the wretched things?

An Immigrant Cyclists thread would do the trick.
Nicked from Buzzer1's shed?

I wouldn't dare nick anything from his shed.

It's not so much the fear of having 250,000 volts shooting through my body as the subsequent 15 year legal liability battle that scares me.
RadcliffeRick said:
Don't worry. They will enrich the lives and culture of the people already living in the UK. After all there has been immigrants into the British Isles for thousands of years!!........................At least that is what we are constantly being told!!

Possibly because it's the truth.
If you disagree, then by all means point out what is wrong with that statement, and why.
It's called 'substantiation'.
My folks were both Irish immigrants, who came here with not very much.
Through a combination of luck, opportunity and sheer hard work, they managed to put two kids through university, and they never claimed a penny off the state.
They were fiercely proud of their Irish heritage, but were equally full of praise for England - a country that gave them the chance of a better life.
They paid their taxes, they never broke the law, and they managed not to blow anybody up.
They are now resting in Southern Cemetery.
However, as we are apparently so short of space in this country, I am contemplating digging them up and returning them to the country of their birth, so that some indigenous person can take their place.
Ideally some lazy, workshy crackhead who has contributed precisely fuck all to this country.
English Graveyards For English Corpses.
nimrod said:
when I emigrated to Oz, there was a points system

you got so many points for the amount of money you could bring, points for your job (ie skilled/professional got more), points for being able to speak English, points for your age & points for your health, if you reached a certain number of points you could apply if you didnt you neednt bother applying. If your occupation was on a 'required' list you got even more points.
They were obviously wanting people who could afford a house, find a job and speak English, people who were healthy and wouldn't be a drain on the Health service (Medicare) and on the benefits system.

This all seems fair enough to me. Immigrants shouldn't be a burden on the tax payers of they're new country, I trust they do something similar in the UK ?

Nah .... that is too logical and easy to understand and easy to justify. We need more complex system to increase the admin burden to employ more civil servants and have more opportunities to bend the rules more easily.
Bearing in mind that todays news headlines are about a Methodist (white-English home grown) minister who swindled (allegedly) £75,000 from a charity before ruining the Co-Op bank, we have nothing to fear from the Romanians, whether they are gypsys or not.
Perhaps we should be more concerned about the rich bastards in high up positions blatantly stealing money and getting away with it. And before you say it I don't hug trees, knit lentils or look like John Lennon (before he was shot)
Blue Mist said:
Bearing in mind that todays news headlines are about a Methodist (white-English home grown) minister who swindled (allegedly) £75,000 from a charity before ruining the Co-Op bank, we have nothing to fear from the Romanians, whether they are gypsys or not.
Perhaps we should be more concerned about the rich bastards in high up positions blatantly stealing money and getting away with it. And before you say it I don't hug trees, knit lentils or look like John Lennon (before he was shot)

If only the Romanian immigrants could aspire to the same high standards of integrity as displayed by the banks, tabloid press and G4S
chabal said:
Blue Mist said:
Bearing in mind that todays news headlines are about a Methodist (white-English home grown) minister who swindled (allegedly) £75,000 from a charity before ruining the Co-Op bank, we have nothing to fear from the Romanians, whether they are gypsys or not.
Perhaps we should be more concerned about the rich bastards in high up positions blatantly stealing money and getting away with it. And before you say it I don't hug trees, knit lentils or look like John Lennon (before he was shot)

If only the Romanian immigrants could aspire to the same high standards of integrity as displayed by the banks, tabloid press and G4S

Don't even start me on G4S. They monumentally f*ck up the Olympic security and are then found to be defrauding the government for millions and yet they still have a contract with them ! (Oh and no one will go to prison)

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