immigration yay or nay

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
4) Immigrant communities add a lot to the country in terms of culture, foods, music, sport etc. However I do feel that we should try and instill a sense of pride in them at being English once they are a citizen. Just look at the second names of the USA football team-all immigrant families but all immensely proud of being American.
And what if they move to Scotland, Wales or NI? Hardly going to expect them to feel English then are we.
blue jim said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
4) Immigrant communities add a lot to the country in terms of culture, foods, music, sport etc. However I do feel that we should try and instill a sense of pride in them at being English once they are a citizen. Just look at the second names of the USA football team-all immigrant families but all immensely proud of being American.
And what if they move to Scotland, Wales or NI? Hardly going to expect them to feel English then are we.

Well I live in England so I make no apology to you.
Damocles said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
1) most of the older builders I know (well not most but a lot) moaned about the Poles initially which I found rather funny as I knew for a fact 3 of them had worked in Germany in the 1970's for months at a time because the money was better and they shared houses 3 to a room!

2) Economic migrants should be welcomed with open arms. The reason why the USA is so successful today is because the people who went over initially were poor, hungry risk takers. They chose to leave everything behind and wanted to make a success of their lives.

3) I think the 'first safe country' law on asylum seekers needs to be enforced harshly-i.e if you life was in danger and you fled, why trek all across France and try and cross the channel to the UK-smacks of them knowing we're a soft touch on scroungers.

4) Immigrant communities add a lot to the country in terms of culture, foods, music, sport etc. However I do feel that we should try and instill a sense of pride in them at being English once they are a citizen. Just look at the second names of the USA football team-all immigrant families but all immensely proud of being American.

I can't believe I'm saying this to a BB2.0 post, but I absolutely agree with all of this

I'm shocked an' all as i thought bb was full of shit on this subject, His post however, pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject.
Immigration is a great thing - as long as you are moving to contribute.

Afterall, i think it's ridiculous that Geographical luck determines a large portion of your life.

Since we've created these societies where we are willing to pay to look after other (kind of) i don't think there should be any restrictions on where you can and can't move to... but if you move away from your 'homeland' and new country of residence will be under no obligation to support you until you are contributing like any other regular citizen.
No problem if they work but you get ones that come over here and milk the system.

Next door to us are a family of Czech's, there's 7 adults, 3 kids and a baby all living in a small 3 bedroom house. None of the adults work and yet they seem to get a new car every month.
Nope, it's the Guardian reading middle classes - 21st Century Pecksniffs - who sing the praises of multiculturalism but run like hell when it becomes more than just a waiter handing it to them on a plate on a Friday night, or something they can pop into the CD player.
Damocles said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
1) most of the older builders I know (well not most but a lot) moaned about the Poles initially which I found rather funny as I knew for a fact 3 of them had worked in Germany in the 1970's for months at a time because the money was better and they shared houses 3 to a room!

2) Economic migrants should be welcomed with open arms. The reason why the USA is so successful today is because the people who went over initially were poor, hungry risk takers. They chose to leave everything behind and wanted to make a success of their lives.

3) I think the 'first safe country' law on asylum seekers needs to be enforced harshly-i.e if you life was in danger and you fled, why trek all across France and try and cross the channel to the UK-smacks of them knowing we're a soft touch on scroungers.

4) Immigrant communities add a lot to the country in terms of culture, foods, music, sport etc. However I do feel that we should try and instill a sense of pride in them at being English once they are a citizen. Just look at the second names of the USA football team-all immigrant families but all immensely proud of being American.

I can't believe I'm saying this to a BB2.0 post, but I absolutely agree with all of this

Yeah, that's my take on it too, the "first safe country" law is a joke. The French, intentionally, house assylum seekers within striking distance of Calais so they can hop over the channel and it becomes the UK's problem. If it's discovered they came to the UK from France then we should legally be able to send them back to France.
The immigrants who have arrived since 1997 have provided over 7 times the amount in revenue (tax) than they have cost (in terms of education, health care, benefits) according to PriceWaterhouseCoopers review of UK immigration policy 2008.

Anecdotally, it appears to me that most immigrants are also happy and prepared to prop up our economy by doing the jobs that lazy, ill-educated 'native' wasters are not.

Also, I am yet to meet a Polish / Latvian / wherever girl who hasn't turned me on by simply looking at me and saying "Hello Sir, may I help you?" in an Eastern European accent.

I say - The more the merrier!
An interesting thread with some good contributions. So, the two of you turning it into a personal argument please stop now :-)

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