in the defence of the hughes outers

deynaskaz said:
Hang on a min how did we attract the players we got in august after last year ,thats probably because we had a dream and still have it ,did the players we signed sign 6 month no money contracts or long well paid ones ,because i for one believe if we didnt but another player this year we would still have the strongest squad in the prem bar maybe chelsea .So as much as the players would be dissapointed with not finishing top 4 i feel the calibre of player hughes has brought in will stand us in good stead.

If only it were that simple, I hope your right and that all the players are in it for the long haul come what may but we all know that modern day footballers are'nt the most loyal of servants. Anyway hopefully we'll push on and earn a top 4 spot anyway.
deynaskaz said:
So as much as the players would be dissapointed with not finishing top 4 i feel the calibre of player hughes has brought in will stand us in good stead.

1. Any player who is "disappointed" if we don't finish top 4 needs to look at themselves as much as anyone else, they're clearly not doing enough.


2. While Hughes has brought them in, then he is also responsible for the coaching of them (he selected the coaching staff), and for me, we haven't improved.

Its easy to just blame the players, but if they're carrying out MH's plan, its clearly not working, so he needs a new plan, and if they're not carrying out his plan, then why does he keep picking them ?

He's "quoted" in one paper today, as saying he's "not worried" about us giving away leads, why ? I certainly am. We've conceded 7 in the last 3 draws, we've led in 2 of them, and every one of those goals conceded has been down to crap defending, so what is he doing about it ? If the "not worried" quote is correct then we have a problem.
I feel better about things today - there are some signs that things are starting to turn for the better (although I accept it may be wishful thinking)...

There have been a lot of newspaper reports that have been critical of our lack of ambition yesterday. I don't think Hughes has done himself any favours with his comments after the game either. We know the club read Bluemoon and I'm sure they read the papers, so we now know they are aware of the dissenting voices, and that they aren't just coming from fans who are impatient for success. They also know that this issue is dividing the fanbase and that can only be damaging to the club and must not be allowed to continue, one way or the other.

There was also the rumour that we have been sounding out two big name managers in recent weeks. Very encouraging. I wonder if there was something in the comment from Derek McGovern (which we all dismissed) about rumours swirling that the owners were running out of patience with Hughes?

It also can't look good that there are stories of dissent in the ranks (Micah, Jim Cassell - which is criminal for me - and of course, the inability to control and get the best out of Robinho).

Hopefully in the next few days there will be more hints and suggestions of a change, and I think this run of three home games could be the end of him if we fail to improve results sufficiently.

The hawks seem to be starting to circle. Let's hope they are putting the pieces together behind the scenes on a deal that will give us a manager we can all unite behind.
deynaskaz said:
Hang on a min how did we attract the players we got in august after last year ,thats probably because we had a dream and still have it ,did the players we signed sign 6 month no money contracts or long well paid ones ,because i for one believe if we didnt but another player this year we would still have the strongest squad in the prem bar maybe chelsea .So as much as the players would be dissapointed with not finishing top 4 i feel the calibre of player hughes has brought in will stand us in good stead.
Part of attracting the players was the project and there is a void there that I can't bridge. We have 3 top players at the min along with Ireland Barry and SWP and a quality side capable of finishing top 4 so if we fail!! something has to give, if it's not the manager how do you keep selling the dream!! to other top players if you assume that the one's we have will move on in search of champions league. I'm not talking about a tight 5th or 6th and a couple of points off, on the last game.
Cheltblue said:
de niro said:
i think it depends who the top 4 are, if we are 5th behind the usual top 4 then thats no disaster, if we get pipped by say villa or spurs then that wont do, we then will have had to have won a cup.

I think that the way you lay out your posts De Niro, you like many of us, would love to turn it around, but also like many of us know deep down that we will win nothing with Hughes at the helm. Just my opinion of course!
i dont think we have to turn it round, i just want to win things, i also think hughes can do that for us. do we chop and change? do we go for hiddink? its all ifs and buts and city are so important to me i dont want anything to stop this chance we have now got to slip away.
de niro said:
Cheltblue said:
I think that the way you lay out your posts De Niro, you like many of us, would love to turn it around, but also like many of us know deep down that we will win nothing with Hughes at the helm. Just my opinion of course!
i dont think we have to turn it round, i just want to win things, i also think hughes can do that for us. do we chop and change? do we go for hiddink? its all ifs and buts and city are so important to me i dont want anything to stop this chance we have now got to slip away.

Bill with respect why is it when we look at and discuss improving the team with better players we're so negative when wanting to improve management?
I just want what's best for our club including manager, players and back room staff!
Unless i have got it wrong the club was talking of steady progress ,it is only the fans and players who are talking up top 4 ,steady progress to me would be targeting top 4 ,if not 6th then having a great run in the cups .
Can you imagine if we made the europa and won it and finished top 4 next season wow , dont get me wrong i think we will make top 4 this season and i would be dissapointed if we didnt but we dont have a right just because we spent 200 mill , spending that money just put us on par squad wise with the scum and arsenal /spurs ,once the team gels we will get stonger and have our own style of play like arsenal and the scum have developed there style of play over a number of years .
We need a bit more patience, and if hughes is not the man im confident the club will is in a good enough place to make that decision and rectify it. Untill then we need to support the staff the club have put there faith in and stop wining like a load of spoilt i want i want and i want it now children.
City Raider said:
I'm not arsed who wants him in or out, as long as we get behind the team. My worry is that in our really big games to come this season, the minute things start to go against us, sections of the crowd will turn on Hughes - not what the team will need. Save it for on here.

In the long run I've just got a feeling it's us that will determine our success to some extent. A test, similar to the one the scum fans failed when they were all calling for baconface to be sacked over 20 years ago. Just as well for them, not for us, their board kept faith.

Maybe this is our test or maybe it's to come, but it will come coz the chances of any manager leading us to immediate success after 30 odd years of misery, without a lot of ups and downs on the way is remote. If we panic every time there is a 'down' it will always be one step forward, 2 steps back.

And anyway, none of those 'downs' will be as bad as watching my City playing at Bury, Stockport, Crewe and Wrexham in league games.

And herein lies the problem with way too many City fans... constantly comparing ourselves to the Rags.

"The rags gave baconface time..."

"We gave them Busby, now we've got Hughes, so it will all turn out all right..."

"United showed patience with Ferguson.."

Yeah, and for that ONE example of faith in a manager, that has now become the benchmark for too many City fans blinded by the glow of success at the swamp.

Fergie didn't succeed because the club "showed patience". Surly Alex succeeded because he was a top quality mnanager BEFORE he ever entered Old Trafford. He was then given the largest budget in football at that time, and then landed lucky that the youth set-up handed him half a dozen players. Please do not be fooled that Ferguson succeeded because the board showed patience. That was way down the list of reasons for his success.

Chelsea have had 6 managers in 5 seasons... and has that affected their success?
Benitez did all his best work at Liverpool in his first season. Wenger did his best work at Arsenal in the first couple of years.

The use of "patience" as a measure of managerial success is a crock of shit.

Mercer transformed us in 3 years. Clough won the First Division in his first season back.

Money transforms a club nowadays. We've got oil barrels full of the stuff, yet we're talking as if we need to lay down a long-term plan that needs careful nurturing. Tosh!

If we don't make Champions League football for next season, we may very well have blown our chances. Players of the required level will not come, some of the better ones we have may move on... and worst of all, Platini's Plan might very well be in place excluding us from the top table.

This project has to achieve its first target of Chanmpions League as soon as possible otherwise our consequent plans become irrelevant.
Soulboy said:
City Raider said:
I'm not arsed who wants him in or out, as long as we get behind the team. My worry is that in our really big games to come this season, the minute things start to go against us, sections of the crowd will turn on Hughes - not what the team will need. Save it for on here.

In the long run I've just got a feeling it's us that will determine our success to some extent. A test, similar to the one the scum fans failed when they were all calling for baconface to be sacked over 20 years ago. Just as well for them, not for us, their board kept faith.

Maybe this is our test or maybe it's to come, but it will come coz the chances of any manager leading us to immediate success after 30 odd years of misery, without a lot of ups and downs on the way is remote. If we panic every time there is a 'down' it will always be one step forward, 2 steps back.

And anyway, none of those 'downs' will be as bad as watching my City playing at Bury, Stockport, Crewe and Wrexham in league games.

And herein lies the problem with way too many City fans... constantly comparing ourselves to the Rags.

"The rags gave baconface time..."

"We gave them Busby, now we've got Hughes, so it will all turn out all right..."

"United showed patience with Ferguson.."

Yeah, and for that ONE example of faith in a manager, that has now become the benchmark for too many City fans blinded by the glow of success at the swamp.

Fergie didn't succeed because the club "showed patience". Surly Alex succeeded because he was a top quality mnanager BEFORE he ever entered Old Trafford. He was then given the largest budget in football at that time, and then landed lucky that the youth set-up handed him half a dozen players. Please do not be fooled that Ferguson succeeded because the board showed patience. That was way down the list of reasons for his success.

Chelsea have had 6 managers in 5 seasons... and has that affected their success?
Benitez did all his best work at Liverpool in his first season. Wenger did his best work at Arsenal in the first couple of years.

The use of "patience" as a measure of managerial success is a crock of shit.

Mercer transformed us in 3 years. Clough won the First Division in his first season back.

Money transforms a club nowadays. We've got oil barrels full of the stuff, yet we're talking as if we need to lay down a long-term plan that needs careful nurturing. Tosh!

If we don't make Champions League football for next season, we may very well have blown our chances. Players of the required level will not come, some of the better ones we have may move on... and worst of all, Platini's Plan might very well be in place excluding us from the top table.

This project has to achieve its first target of Chanmpions League as soon as possible otherwise our consequent plans become irrelevant.

Very well put my friend just shows there is more than one way to skin a rabbit, i agree with some of your points but i dont believe we would have blown it if we dont get champions league this year ,maybe next year but i think the players brought in will be here next year bar the ones we dont want and robinho ,because a s you so rightly stated money talks and the players at city are getting shit loads of it .
Soulboy said:
City Raider said:
I'm not arsed who wants him in or out, as long as we get behind the team. My worry is that in our really big games to come this season, the minute things start to go against us, sections of the crowd will turn on Hughes - not what the team will need. Save it for on here.

In the long run I've just got a feeling it's us that will determine our success to some extent. A test, similar to the one the scum fans failed when they were all calling for baconface to be sacked over 20 years ago. Just as well for them, not for us, their board kept faith.

Maybe this is our test or maybe it's to come, but it will come coz the chances of any manager leading us to immediate success after 30 odd years of misery, without a lot of ups and downs on the way is remote. If we panic every time there is a 'down' it will always be one step forward, 2 steps back.

And anyway, none of those 'downs' will be as bad as watching my City playing at Bury, Stockport, Crewe and Wrexham in league games.

And herein lies the problem with way too many City fans... constantly comparing ourselves to the Rags.

"The rags gave baconface time..."

"We gave them Busby, now we've got Hughes, so it will all turn out all right..."

"United showed patience with Ferguson.."

Yeah, and for that ONE example of faith in a manager, that has now become the benchmark for too many City fans blinded by the glow of success at the swamp.

Fergie didn't succeed because the club "showed patience". Surly Alex succeeded because he was a top quality mnanager BEFORE he ever entered Old Trafford. He was then given the largest budget in football at that time, and then landed lucky that the youth set-up handed him half a dozen players. Please do not be fooled that Ferguson succeeded because the board showed patience. That was way down the list of reasons for his success.

Chelsea have had 6 managers in 5 seasons... and has that affected their success?
Benitez did all his best work at Liverpool in his first season. Wenger did his best work at Arsenal in the first couple of years.

The use of "patience" as a measure of managerial success is a crock of shit.

Mercer transformed us in 3 years. Clough won the First Division in his first season back.

Money transforms a club nowadays. We've got oil barrels full of the stuff, yet we're talking as if we need to lay down a long-term plan that needs careful nurturing. Tosh!

If we don't make Champions League football for next season, we may very well have blown our chances. Players of the required level will not come, some of the better ones we have may move on... and worst of all, Platini's Plan might very well be in place excluding us from the top table.

This project has to achieve its first target of Chanmpions League as soon as possible otherwise our consequent plans become irrelevant.

I think you'll find since Mourinho have won 1 credible trophy, the FA Cup last season, and 4 managers have been and gone since then.

Wenger won the double early yes but it took him time to win it again added to they haven't won anything for years.

Benitez fluked the Champions League and the FA Cup(2bh), if it weren't for Gerrard they wouldn't have won either. They've won nothing since.

Fergie is once in a lifetime and the Rag's will never have a more successful manager.

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