in the defence of the hughes outers

Damocles said:
Are you on crack?

2 points per game would give us 76 points at the end of the season, which would put us about 3rd. You think anything below 3rd is unacceptable?
Didn't you know that Neil McNab is really Khaldoon al Mubarak?

I love these people who keep telling us that the owners really expect 4th place minimum and will sack him if we don't get that or that he has no passion for the club. What miraculous powers they must have.
BillyShears said:
So I ask again, as I asked earlier. This time of the likes of Soulboy et al who really do just want rid of Hughes....

Should the owners do it mid-season, or do you think he deserves until the end of the season at least?

Woah,hold your horses there Billy lad!

You accused me yesterday of putting words in your mouth... so I assume this is payback by you doing the same to me!

You've clearly only read posts of mine that suit your agenda, as your selective reading obviously hasn't read what else I've stated.

Never called for Hughes head. I fully expect him to see this season out, and a good chance he'll still be in place next season. I've stated both those views just recently.

Do I think he's good enough? Not a chance.

But until next summer we can't bring in anyone better, so we have to go with what we've got until then. It's like some players may be not good enough, but until you get better you have to stick with them.

So he's still got half a season to prove me wrong.

And unless Stevie Ireland is dropped sometime in the near future, I dare say you'll give him that much time as well?
2 points per game is needed for top 4 and for the investment City have had should be their target this season. If we've signed players from top 4 teams with less ambition than this it doesn't say much about their motivation.
BillyShears said:
So I ask again, as I asked earlier. This time of the likes of Soulboy et al who really do just want rid of Hughes....

Should the owners do it mid-season, or do you think he deserves until the end of the season at least?

as soon as possible imo, the pressure has got to Hughes now and consequently this safety first philosophy is being translated across to the team.

in essence it would generally be easier to change managers in the summer as better options are more likely to be available however now is the time to make the "money" count.

whether it is Hiddink or Jose that we go for i am not too bothered either way but if the writer from The Times was correct that ADUG have sounded out high profile managers recently then the sooner we move on and unite behind a world class manager the better imo.
Rammy Blue said:
BillyShears said:
So I ask again, as I asked earlier. This time of the likes of Soulboy et al who really do just want rid of Hughes....

Should the owners do it mid-season, or do you think he deserves until the end of the season at least?

as soon as possible imo, the pressure has got to Hughes now and consequently this safety first philosophy is being translated across to the team.

in essence it would generally be easier to change managers in the summer as better options are more likely to be available however now is the time to make the "money" count.

whether it is Hiddink or Jose that we go for i am not too bothered either way but if the writer from The Times was correct that ADUG have sounded out high profile managers recently then the sooner we move on and unite behind a world class manager the better imo.

I really can't see it though Rammy. Not mid-season because, other than Hiddink (who may already be promised a nice easy job 'upstairs' at Cheslea anyway) who is there? Can't see Mourinho coming mid-season even if Inter go out of the Champions League and then we may be selling ourselves short with appointing someone else. Why not just wait and see at the end of the season. If we are sounding managers out they will be professional enough to have their 'people' watch us and advise them on who we would need in the Summer on the player front. There's no way that a new manager would be coming in completely cold, they're far too professional for that nowadays.

Sorry to depress you but Hughes isn't going anywhere for the time being. Thinking Hughes is not the man for the job doesn't necessarily equate with wanting him out immediately in everyone's case.
Soulboy said:
BillyShears said:
So I ask again, as I asked earlier. This time of the likes of Soulboy et al who really do just want rid of Hughes....

Should the owners do it mid-season, or do you think he deserves until the end of the season at least?

Woah,hold your horses there Billy lad!

You accused me yesterday of putting words in your mouth... so I assume this is payback by you doing the same to me!

You've clearly only read posts of mine that suit your agenda, as your selective reading obviously hasn't read what else I've stated.

Never called for Hughes head. I fully expect him to see this season out, and a good chance he'll still be in place next season. I've stated both those views just recently.

Do I think he's good enough? Not a chance.

But until next summer we can't bring in anyone better, so we have to go with what we've got until then. It's like some players may be not good enough, but until you get better you have to stick with them.

So he's still got half a season to prove me wrong.

And unless Stevie Ireland is dropped sometime in the near future, I dare say you'll give him that much time as well?

Actually mate, I don't have a photographic memory of your posts. I just read what you posted last night about Ferguson, and so chose to ask the question. No offense intended.

You should really give up on the Stevie Ireland jibes though. I would be equally scathing of Hughes if he suddenly chose to drop Ade in place of Santa Cruz. As much as it suits people to pigeon hole others into Hughes In or Hughes Out, I think for a lot of us the question is much more complex than that...

On a more general note. If it's widely accepted that Hughes isn't going anywhere until the end of the season, then I don't see the point in people posting the same "he's not good enough" stuff over and over again ad nauseum - and insisting on turning any thread about him into a In/Out battle.

Surely whether you like him or loathe him, if he's here until the summer, lets get behind the club and hope we can push for a top 4 spot...
Damocles said:
I think one of the problems, and certainly my biggest with Hughes (I'm a Hughes In until at least the end of the season), is that he comes across a lot as if he doesn't give a fuck.

He could be managing any team, with any set of players, there is nothing unique about our club, and I find that a little distasteful. I remember his first press conference, where he said that he is a professional, and will manage any club to the best of his abilities.

Obviously, professionalism is great, but not at the expense of the soul of the club. City is turning into a well oiled machine (if you excuse the pun) from top to bottom, and there currently may as well be any name or badge on the strip. The team has lost it's Cityness, and will lose more of it once Richards and possibly Ned move on. Our team is now another group of professionals, doing their job, with a few obvious exceptions.

Of course, I prefer this now to the madness of Pearce, but at least Pearce had a respect for what went ahead of him. All Hughes seems to say, is about how we need to change our attitude, our outlook on football, and change our culture as a club. I like our culture as a club, that gallows humour has always been a big part of our identity.

Many like the idea of Jose Mourinho, because from listening to him, you get the idea that he is passionate about the clubs he manages. He even said that he loved Chelsea at one point, and went on to have a discussion about which Chelsea legend was better than another.

Hughes is doing his job, and somehow, I just want more than that. This could be overlooked as a passing annoyance but when stacked up with the results, the Cassell thing, and the performance and especially, the attitude of his players, a picture starts to be painted of a team that I don't particularly like.
A superb insight.

I've thought that way for some time, but you have articulated it brilliantly.

I want a manager who inspires me. Who will remind me that City are indeed unique and that managing them is an honour.

Childish, I know, but thats's why Keegan did it for me for a couple of seasons and why even Sven (who I was never that big a fan of) got me believing for half a season.

I never get that feeling from Hughes.
Rammy Blue said:
BillyShears said:
So I ask again, as I asked earlier. This time of the likes of Soulboy et al who really do just want rid of Hughes....

Should the owners do it mid-season, or do you think he deserves until the end of the season at least?

as soon as possible imo, the pressure has got to Hughes now and consequently this safety first philosophy is being translated across to the team.

in essence it would generally be easier to change managers in the summer as better options are more likely to be available however now is the time to make the "money" count.

whether it is Hiddink or Jose that we go for i am not too bothered either way but if the writer from The Times was correct that ADUG have sounded out high profile managers recently then the sooner we move on and unite behind a world class manager the better imo.

I understand that point of view totally. What worries me is the idea that this mentality that Hughes is a dead man walking will permeate throughout the squad. This will without doubt lead to players underperforming or just not giving a fuck. Which will in turn lead to this season petering out into nothingness. Almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
BillyShears said:
Soulboy said:
Woah,hold your horses there Billy lad!

You accused me yesterday of putting words in your mouth... so I assume this is payback by you doing the same to me!

You've clearly only read posts of mine that suit your agenda, as your selective reading obviously hasn't read what else I've stated.

Never called for Hughes head. I fully expect him to see this season out, and a good chance he'll still be in place next season. I've stated both those views just recently.

Do I think he's good enough? Not a chance.

But until next summer we can't bring in anyone better, so we have to go with what we've got until then. It's like some players may be not good enough, but until you get better you have to stick with them.

So he's still got half a season to prove me wrong.

And unless Stevie Ireland is dropped sometime in the near future, I dare say you'll give him that much time as well?

Actually mate, I don't have a photographic memory of your posts. I just read what you posted last night about Ferguson, and so chose to ask the question. No offense intended.

You should really give up on the Stevie Ireland jibes though. I would be equally scathing of Hughes if he suddenly chose to drop Ade in place of Santa Cruz. As much as it suits people to pigeon hole others into Hughes In or Hughes Out, I think for a lot of us the question is much more complex than that...

On a more general note. If it's widely accepted that Hughes isn't going anywhere until the end of the season, then I don't see the point in people posting the same "he's not good enough" stuff over and over again ad nauseum - and insisting on turning any thread about him into a In/Out battle.

Surely whether you like him or loathe him, if he's here until the summer, lets get behind the club and hope we can push for a top 4 spot...

So if you think he's here until the next close saeson, at least, why do you keep posting defensive comments, supportive of retaining him?

Could it be that this is a messageboard, and that is what it is there for? That people give opinions, both for and against, and we all discuss them like adults.

Or should all the Hughes critics just shut up and say nowt, leaving the board solely to those who think Hughes is doing a wonderful job?

How fucking boring would Bluemoon be then!!!

Press the foe button on my posts if they so irritate you.

I actually like your stuff. It's entertaining, passionate and makes me think.

It's just that we don't agree. No biggie...

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