Individual Match Tickets

No new SCs were issued last year or this. None will be issued next year either.

When the extended NS opens it will be interesting to see how many new SCs (if any) will be issued. My feeling is that after relocations there might be a token few but anyone thinking there will be around 7000 additional SCs available is going to be very disappointed. Why sell seats at SC prices when then can be easily sold at matchday and package prices?
Hoping there's not 7000 new S/C , think there should be just about half that, and the rest matchday seats.
Hoping there's not 7000 new S/C , think there should be just about half that, and the rest matchday seats.
Those are the sort of figures I'm thinking of. There will be no problem getting 3000 current SC holders to relocate to the new NS. What the club won't do is sell all the vacated seats as SCs. Maybe a token 500 but as no-one will know how many they are covered.
No new SCs were issued last year or this. None will be issued next year either.

When the extended NS opens it will be interesting to see how many new SCs (if any) will be issued. My feeling is that after relocations there might be a token few but anyone thinking there will be around 7000 additional SCs available is going to be very disappointed. Why sell seats at SC prices when then can be easily sold at matchday and package prices?
Sad but true. Average legacy fan without a season ticket is slowly being priced out. Price we pay for success? Maybe, but doesn’t make it right.
Common cases. Whilst no system will keep everyone happy, this current system is so flawed and doesn't reward longstanding fans. Hopefully we can gain some traction on the protest thread and get something done about this. It's only going to get worse as the club grows, if longstanding fans don't make noise about it at the stadium. 'I'm alright, Jack' attitudes by seasoncard holders (of which I am one) will not wash before long, we will all be affected and lose our club to the masses, look at what happened to seasoncard holders not on the scheme for the Real Madrid game.
I thought all season ticket holders could get a ticket for the Madrid? Even not on the cup scheme? And that it only sold out when it went to any member?
Sad but true. Average legacy fan without a season ticket is slowly being priced out. Price we pay for success? Maybe, but doesn’t make it right.
If you apply cold, hard business logic (which the club are doing) then it makes perfect commercial sense. Why sell thousands of seats at say £30-50 a pop for every game when you can sell them on a match by match basis at far higher prices? The business model is based on Liverpool's as they have a much smaller proportion of season ticket holders than we do and their match day revenue is far higher than ours.

I bet the club feels like throwing up when they see my over 65 ticket averaging less than £17 a game :)
If you apply cold, hard business logic (which the club are doing) then it makes perfect commercial sense. Why sell thousands of seats at say £30-50 a pop for every game when you can sell them on a match by match basis at far higher prices? The business model is based on Liverpool's as they have a much smaller proportion of season ticket holders than we do and their match day revenue is far higher than ours.

I bet the club feels like throwing up when they see my over 65 ticket averaging less than £17 a game :)
Makes sense I suppose.

Sounds like it’s only a matter of time before they ramp up season ticket prices then if demand and matchday prices continue to grow?
Don't think so, I think from now on when someone retires from going that season ticket will go too until we're down to Liverpool levels of season card holders.
Gold value is also under threat, can see them being reduced in quantity year on year until none exist.

My thoughts too. I think the writing is on the wall with Value Gold by migrating the majority of them to SSL3. Less of a price jump from other areas in the ground. I don't think the isolated single seats will be the notoriously hard sell they used to be.

I'm unsure of what the best breakdown of potential new ST holders would be when the new stand is ready. (That's assuming any become available). Whilst there's loads wanting a season ticket I imagine the demand will easily outstrip supply. Great if you secure one but for those less fortunate they may well be wishing more seats were made available to members instead.
Which does make you wonder how long it will be before the club think that needs addressing?
They are addressing it. The discount has fallen every season since I had this seat and it is now the lowest proportionally in the stadium. When they jack up the full adult prices mine will go up accordingly

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