Inflation - when is this going to end?

Yep, if we invented a way to use rain water as energy we would all be driving lambos.
Water wheels. The rain hits the roof of the Etihad and plunges down those huge shuts into a drain and away. Why not make the end narrower so that the water is funneled and therefore faster, stick a water wheel and generator at the bottom and ...............

Got to dash, I'm going to ring City.
When we have to go to Tesco (other supermarkets are available) with a suitcase full of money just to buy a loaf of bread.
The depressing part is that even though it will fall over time, the prices it has now caused are embedded and so until wages catch up over years, we are all going to be worse off. Can anyone really see the prices of dairy products for example dropping back to where they were a year ago? The rate may well drop but the prices won't.
I see the Chancellor appears to blame Russian gas exclusively for the state of the economy.
Surely petrol and diesel is more the problem RE excessive transport and gas oil prices.
The way some carry on you'd think this was a British only problem the whole bloody worlds effected for Gods sake we've just been through a pandemic like nothing the world's seen for over a century,then a complete lunatic decides to throw his army into a neighbouring country. If leaving the EU is the cause of all our ill's then it ain't done much for those in it who are suffering just as much or more than we are and they still have some who know how to make things.It's time to face up to reality we aren't members anymore and move on.
I read the first 20 pages and couldn’t find a mention of the EU. No doubt I missed one or two references and I couldn’t be bothered going on searching. All the tables I’ve seen in recent days indicates our economy is performing badly compared with G7, as well as other major European countries.

No doubt lots of countries are struggling but we’ve inflicted a few more own goals on ourselves. It’s not surprising if as a nation we voted to pay for France to control our borders, allow people to vote in referendums who’ve taken up citizenship of other countries and fail to commit to sustainable food and energy production.

Brexit is what it is and we need to make the best of a bad situation. The only new thing I’ve read is that only 7mil of the 17mil who voted for Brexit are economically active in the U.K. so it is a dossers charter.
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