For the first time in my life I'm genuinely terrified for the future. Most people are maxed out or over now on their budgets. When your outgoings start to become more than your incomings through no fault of your own what do you do? Every single time I do a food shop almost everything has increased in price. I'm one of the lucky ones I have no mortgage or rent and some savings. It must be horrific for those who have, who face becoming homeless due to rises in both to add to all the other costs. As for business owners none will exist soon. How can they sustain the huge costs in heating, lighting etcetera? They can't increase prices to the extent needed as unless they supply something people can't do without, like food, nobody will pay it. Worse there seems absolutely no way out of this nightmare, if anything it will get worse. We're approaching Mad Max territory at a rapid rate and the brakes have failed.