Inflation - when is this going to end?

said to the Mrs last night we would be better off claiming universal credit and sitting on our backsides, we both work hard but its not enough, im mortgage clear in a few months thank god so should get through but i feel so sorry for the young ones just getting on the ladder
If fuel increases as they've said next year then everything will rise again. It's fuel prices that's the problem as everything relies on fuel to get it grown, made, imported and into shops. We're fucked unless it's price drops rapidly.
absolutely bang on this, so if you can see it and me why cant the financial experts, i think it was Bulgaria or certainy one of those countries the Government stepped in and stopped the fuel inflation by absorbing the increase this then had a knock on effect keeping costs down saving jobs and benefit payments
said to the Mrs last night we would be better off claiming universal credit and sitting on our backsides, we both work hard but its not enough, im mortgage clear in a few months thank god so should get through but i feel so sorry for the young ones just getting on the ladder

Is that true have to checked it all on
Ive woke up this morning and feel nowt but doom n gloom.
The weather is utter shite, after yesterdays budget im much worse off financially, im a sole trader/limited company and have a choice of banging prices up to cover the rise in my over heads, but risk losing business as my customers have less disposable income or take the hit and in theory be on about 15% less than i was a year ago.

Feel like next years gonna be total wank

For the first time in my life I'm genuinely terrified for the future. Most people are maxed out or over now on their budgets. When your outgoings start to become more than your incomings through no fault of your own what do you do? Every single time I do a food shop almost everything has increased in price. I'm one of the lucky ones I have no mortgage or rent and some savings. It must be horrific for those who have, who face becoming homeless due to rises in both to add to all the other costs. As for business owners none will exist soon. How can they sustain the huge costs in heating, lighting etcetera? They can't increase prices to the extent needed as unless they supply something people can't do without, like food, nobody will pay it. Worse there seems absolutely no way out of this nightmare, if anything it will get worse. We're approaching Mad Max territory at a rapid rate and the brakes have failed.
absolutely bang on this, so if you can see it and me why cant the financial experts, i think it was Bulgaria or certainy one of those countries the Government stepped in and stopped the fuel inflation by absorbing the increase this then had a knock on effect keeping costs down saving jobs and benefit payments

This is the scary part, they do know. The fuel companies are making billions as people suffer and prices rise making them even more profit. So why are people supposedly with their people's best interests at heart not doing something about it?
For the first time in my life I'm genuinely terrified for the future. Most people are maxed out or over now on their budgets. When your outgoings start to become more than your incomings through no fault of your own what do you do? Every single time I do a food shop almost everything has increased in price. I'm one of the lucky ones I have no mortgage or rent and some savings. It must be horrific for those who have, who face becoming homeless due to rises in both to add to all the other costs. As for business owners none will exist soon. How can they sustain the huge costs in heating, lighting etcetera? They can't increase prices to the extent needed as unless they supply something people can't do without, like food, nobody will pay it. Worse there seems absolutely no way out of this nightmare, if anything it will get worse. We're approaching Mad Max territory at a rapid rate and the brakes have failed.
I feel like next year ill be grafting just to sit at home.
I dont desire much in life, we live in a terraced house, i have a a van, mrs a 4 year old micra. I like a foreign hol each year, a pint when i want one and odd weekends away. I dont feel thats overly excessive. But i think most of that will be out of reach soon
I feel like next year ill be grafting just to sit at home.
I dont desire much in life, we live in a terraced house, i have a a van, mrs a 4 year old micra. I like a foreign hol each year, a pint when i want one and odd weekends away. I dont feel thats overly excessive. But i think most of that will be out of reach soon

You are right. You will own nothing and be happy. People have mocked and laughed at conspiracy theorists for years but worryingly almost everything they predicted would happen is happening.
For the first time in my life I'm genuinely terrified for the future. Most people are maxed out or over now on their budgets. When your outgoings start to become more than your incomings through no fault of your own what do you do? Every single time I do a food shop almost everything has increased in price. I'm one of the lucky ones I have no mortgage or rent and some savings. It must be horrific for those who have, who face becoming homeless due to rises in both to add to all the other costs. As for business owners none will exist soon. How can they sustain the huge costs in heating, lighting etcetera? They can't increase prices to the extent needed as unless they supply something people can't do without, like food, nobody will pay it. Worse there seems absolutely no way out of this nightmare, if anything it will get worse. We're approaching Mad Max territory at a rapid rate and the brakes have failed.
Agree. It's families with kids I feel for. As a family we have above average income but it's all bills and food now. The heating is down. The number of families who will be underwater each month just trying to pay bills and put food on the table is frightening.
Ive woke up this morning and feel nowt but doom n gloom.
The weather is utter shite, after yesterdays budget im much worse off financially, im a sole trader/limited company and have a choice of banging prices up to cover the rise in my over heads, but risk losing business as my customers have less disposable income or take the hit and in theory be on about 15% less than i was a year ago.

Feel like next years gonna be total wank
I'm around 50% down from pre covid, absolute shit show from the government and Bank of England, hike the mortgage to ridiculous levels to curb spending ? The vast majority have NO money ??

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