Inflation - when is this going to end?

Blame SAGE and their idiotic lockdowns.
The financial markets went into meltdown when the Government lost the trust of the banks. That happened with the Truss / Kwarsy mini budget.

Saving lives didn’t do that (beyond the impact of the virus affecting trade) although why the Government spend £37bn on track & trace and left the loans system open to colossal fraud, I don’t know. Maybe the latter was panic.
Whilst cheap credit was never going to last forever, no one could have foreseen how quickly it’s spiralled.

The JAMs are going to be decimated unless something extraordinary happens.
It's come as a shock for sure, but historically they haven't really spiralled if I remember correctly the Loony of Lamont put them up by 5% in a day. Its just that the world economy has been in such a shit state over the last ten years or so monies been a bit of a giveaway.
It's come as a shock for sure, but historically they haven't really spiralled if I remember correctly the Loony of Lamont put them up by 5% in a day. It’s just that the world economy has been in such a shit state over the last ten years or so monies been a bit of a giveaway.
sure, but 5% on £75k mortgages is more manageable than 3% on a £275k one.
The financial markets went into meltdown when the Government lost the trust of the banks. That happened with the Truss / Kwarsy mini budget.

Saving lives didn’t do that (beyond the impact of the virus affecting trade) although why the Government spend £37bn on track & trace and left the loans system open to colossal fraud, I don’t know. Maybe the latter was panic.
It absolutely did, it created the massive surge in demand that brought about inflation.

The impact of the Truss mini-budget was temporary only; gilt yields are now below where they were before the budget.

Lockdowns are their restriction on economic activity are the root cause of this inflation. The war has just made it worse.
Ive woke up this morning and feel nowt but doom n gloom.
The weather is utter shite, after yesterdays budget im much worse off financially, im a sole trader/limited company and have a choice of banging prices up to cover the rise in my over heads, but risk losing business as my customers have less disposable income or take the hit and in theory be on about 15% less than i was a year ago.

Feel like next years gonna be total wank
Just the next year?

This cost-of-living crisis will outlive the Covid crisis hands down!
Putting to one side this shit government, Truss/Kamikwasi etc Brexit, Ukraine, COVID. Inflation is driven by the cost of energy, it impacts everything. Watching a clip last night, may have been FT or at least credible. Bottom line, without Russian Gas us in Europe are in the shit. Next Winter will be worse than this one. The West is building LNG terminals but they won’t be up and running and the exporters ready until 2026. Renewables can meet some of the demand but not all. That wanker Cameron shredded the subsidies for insulating our homes, “cutting the green crap” that in turn has cost additional billions in lost energy.
buckle up it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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