Inflation - when is this going to end?

Nothing will change you mind on this of course, but it isn’t a major factor in the current inflation crisis.
Yes, it is.
It is economically illiterate to suggest otherwise. Artificially suppressing then unleashing demand, alongside creating money, is obviously going to fuel inflation.

I know you're a SAGE and lockdown lover, but these chickens are coming home to roost, as I said they would 18 months ago.
Yes, it is.
It is economically illiterate to suggest otherwise. Artificially suppressing then unleashing demand, alongside creating money, is obviously going to fuel inflation.

I know you're a SAGE and lockdown lover, but these chickens are coming home to roost, as I said they would 18 months ago.
I’m not what you suggest. I have never pined for more lockdowns, I just wasn’t phobic of them, like you seemed to be.

It isn’t a big driver as most countries locked down and now have differing inflation rates.

Access to the single market is a far higher driver of our inflation than meeting our debt repayments, for instance.
I lived through the seventies and the power cuts and three day weeks myself. This is the worst I've known for food costs and heating.

The interest rate rises shouldn't be put on mortgages and rent as people have no choice but to pay those. Thousands becoming homeless will cost the government more, that's if they can find somewhere to house them.
So 25% inflation wasn’t as bad as 10%?
I’m not what you suggest. I have never pined for more lockdowns, I just wasn’t phobic of them, like you seemed to be.

It isn’t a big driver as most countries locked down and now have differing inflation rates.

Access to the single market is a far higher driver of our inflation than meeting our debt repayments, for instance.
I was phobic of them because I knew what was coming, and a significantly smaller economy could take far more years off life expectancy than than a lighter touch set of restrictions might have.

Don't get me started on Brexit!
It absolutely did, it created the massive surge in demand that brought about inflation.

The impact of the Truss mini-budget was temporary only; gilt yields are now below where they were before the budget.

Lockdowns are their restriction on economic activity are the root cause of this inflation. The war has just made it worse.
We vaccinated our way out of the Covid crisis and your routine doesn’t change the facts. Yes Covid hurt us economically and we printed too much money but it was only when the Truss / Kwarsy mini budget was reversed (at the cost of at least £30bn) that the economy stabilised. It was their double act that truly damaged market confidence. It was an economic plan that had failed miserably in Central America 50 years ago but they went for it anyway.

What are your solutions as crying over spilt milk only gets us so far. How do we create the economic zeal that we were promised post Brexit. How do we get people to work hard to fill jobs? How do we reduce the consumption of non renewable energy? How do we get peole to grow more of their own food?
I was phobic of them because I knew what was coming, and a significantly smaller economy could take far more years off life expectancy than than a lighter touch set of restrictions might have.

Don't get me started on Brexit!
Excellent. At least you can never vote Tory again, given their penchant for lockdowns, so we will have a better future, at least.

The way some carry on you'd think this was a British only problem the whole bloody worlds effected for Gods sake we've just been through a pandemic like nothing the world's seen for over a century,then a complete lunatic decides to throw his army into a neighbouring country. If leaving the EU is the cause of all our ill's then it ain't done much for those in it who are suffering just as much or more than we are and they still have some who know how to make things.It's time to face up to reality we aren't members anymore and move on.
said to the Mrs last night we would be better off claiming universal credit and sitting on our backsides, we both work hard but its not enough, im mortgage clear in a few months thank god so should get through but i feel so sorry for the young ones just getting on the ladder

You’d get £525 a month between you on Universal Credit, assuming you have no disabilities.
What exactly has happened to the totally useless but utterly arrogant Truss following her short term but disasterous damage to the UK economy with her proposed fiscal policy ??

It is obviously too much to hope that the useless twat has actually done the decent thing and resigned as an MP and fucked off into hiding and oblivion, never to raise her ugly head in public office again.

No doubt her husband will be reassuring her that her term in office was a 100% success, supporting her through her period of distress and embarrassment - as if the **** is actually capable of remorse, like so many Tory MP's !

Probably like the other public fund waster Mat Hancock, she is sitting at home stroking her ego and writing her memoirs whilst collecting her ex-PM salary.

Is it any wonder we are in such a mess with the Tories running the shitshow ?

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