Injuries whilst celebrating a City Goal

Re: Injury's whilst celebrating a City Goal

After the 2-1 win in CC semi at home, we were walking back to the car and as I was so 'high' after the win I didn't notice I'd smashed my knee into a stone block. Stung like fuck in the morning.
Injury's whilst celebrating a City Goal

Who the fuck said putting thousands of plastic seats in a football stadium was safe!?
Injury's whilst celebrating a City Goal

chanceathefarpost said:
Snapped my Achilles tendon when vassell scored the opener at old trafford under Sven. Ambulanced to a and e and had an operation! Couldn't walk for about 4 months afterwards!

Has to be rrhe winner.
It was worth it though , surely?

Not in the same league of course but that game caused me to become lazarus. I was ill at the time, the family had gone away and I started the game on the sofa under a duvet feeling like death. By half time excitement had so engulfed me I got dressed, popped to the corner shop and bought 4 stellas. By full time I'd drunk them all and went out and knocked in the door of my blue next door neighbour. I dragged him to the pub and celebrated the night away.
Re: Injury's whilst celebrating a City Goal

Broke my ankle against Huddersfield,when Gidman equalised late into injury time,That fat **** Alan Potter landed on it.Went to a 21st that night, dancing the lot,plenty of liquid painkiller.
The following morning I was in agony,neighbour drove us to A&E.The following replay Potter took the piss,I went twat the prick with my cruthches in the three nuns pub.
CC first leg, i grazed my ankle on a seat.

i'm on an end seat and i usually spray out into the aisle to celebrate, whilst doing this i lashed it against the metal support of the seat infront of me.

then preceded to run down the aisle, surging in a group of about 15 city fans at the rag fans. whilst in huge amount of pain for about 20 minutes.
Dislocated my shoulder when I shot my arm into the air rather too vigorously. Ambulance and hospital followed. But... it wasn't its first dislocation, so not as bizarre/impressive as it sounds. (Plus not as embarrassing as the occasion I dislocated it doing aerobics with a girlfriend.)
Mine feels a bit tame in comparison, but still got a scar on the back of my calf from when we played Leeds in the FA Cup at Maine Road, around 1999-2000.

For some inexplicable reason we'd given up our usual seats in the North Stand and were sat in the Main Stand. Ian Bishop scored a belter to put us unexpectedly 2-1 in front; Leeds were a good side at the time, and we were in Division Two. Or Division One, can't really remember and is down.

Anyway, there was a jagged bit of metal on my seat fittings and as I leapt up to celebrate it ripped down the back of my calf, causing me to piss blood out of my leg. I'd wear it as a badge of honour, but we went on to lose 5-2 with Harry Kewell running amok.
Re: Injury's whilst celebrating a City Goal

waterloo blue said:
Broke my ankle against Huddersfield,when Gidman equalised late into injury time,That fat **** Alan Potter landed on it.Went to a 21st that night, dancing the lot,plenty of liquid painkiller.
The following morning I was in agony,neighbour drove us to A&E.The following replay Potter took the piss,I went twat the prick with my cruthches in the three nuns pub.
I was on that trip you bare a grudge it was about 22 years ago, i didn't mind him drinking me left over beer but i drew the line at him jumpin on me foot.
I once got a nasty bruse on my shin 2years ago celebrating manu's hatrick from hitting the seat in front. I'll never forget the pain, I'll only celebrate a goal by jumping up and down with my back to the team from now on. I basically invented the Poznan...

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