Injuries whilst celebrating a City Goal

Wigan away two or three years ago, the first two rows were not on sale and I was on the third row with no one in front of me. City scored and me and my mate dived on each other, then our weight took us over the seats in front of us, as they were empty their was no one to stop us and hit the deck with a mighty thud. Stewards were gonna throw us out but then they realised I'd hurt myself and called the St Johns people who took me to the back of the Wigan stand to the treatment room. As I was walking round holding my hand the Wigan fans where signing " He fell over " at me ! Anyway that resulted in me breaking a bone in my hand.

The way seating is in stadiums it is more dangerous than terracing. The only thing that was dangerous in the older days was the fencing that stopped people getting ontothe pitch.

I've had a gash in my thigh from falling on a seat in front that split and i fell onto the sharp jagged edge that was left. (Old Trafford, League Cup semi)

I've gone arse over tit over the seat in front and ended up doing a full on summersault over the next seat also and smashed my face on the floor. (Anfield, 2-1 win in 2003)

They were probably the worst two. But the lasting ones are the constant scrapes on the shins week-in-week-out from the seat in front. I've got full on calcified lumps on my shins.

With safe standing (or even old fashioned terracing) none of these things would have happened. I think seating at football is very dangerous.
Snapped my Achilles Tendon after SWP scored fourth in 4-2 win over Arsenal.

To this day, not sure if I caught my leg under the seat or the 18-stone Arsenal fan sat next to me stamped on me.

Knew it was bad, but end of the game, took me a half an hour to hobble back to car.

Dad told me I was a soft bastard, made me drive home.

Hospital next morning, spent three weeks in plaster, next five months in a plastic air cast boot, 22 more weeks of rehab.

To this day, I still have various issues with movement at times, scar tissue.

Would not wish this injury on anyone, wish I had broken both my legs, would have been back a lot sooner.
city v oldham,cant remember the year,it was on a bank holiday,2-2,it was the match when city took over the whole ground,an amazing day,anyway,we were behind the goal in with the oldham fans city scoredbut as i jumped up after scoring i didnt notice the metal stantions and bump, knocked myself cold,i thought i had been hit on the head until my mate told me,a bit embarrassing.

that really was a great day,even my old fella was in the away end,true domination of an away ground
last week at ewood park, grazed all my shin on back of seat in front of me and have a huge bruise where I hit my thigh on my own seat, still aches now
Got myself impaled on the railings at the back of the old kippax in the early 90's,we were getting beat 1-0 off a good Leeds team at the time so i was making my way out like you do in injury time and city equalised-jumped around like a fucking loon and impaled my new fucking designer sweatshirt on the bastard railings cutting my arm in the process-it was fucking worth it though-we seemed to have the indian sign over leeds at home at the time-think we beat them 4-0 twice within 6 months of each other.
johnny crossan said:
lost a contact lens in the Kippax celebrating a goal against Borussia Munchengladbach. Went down to look for it and got kicked in the head (I think it was Didsbury Dave)

haha brilliant fella-i bet dd's smiling at that one!!!
Not an injury as such but a guy who used to buy tickets off my mate was in the East stand fancied a smoke at half time, so made his way towards the steps ready to beat the rush. He went to where the disabled seats are and stood around there. The stewards came over and told him to go back to his seat. Rather than go back he explained that he didn't feel too well and felt a bit feint so was just having a minutes rest as he felt so bad.

Next thing St. johns were there with a wheelchair and whipped him off to the back of an ambulance where he was connected to a monitor for the second half and twenty minutes after the game.
Re: Injury's whilst celebrating a City Goal

SalfordCityBlue said:
Metalwork under the seats at Eastlands is like a torture device.

Not suitable for wild celebrations at all. Much cutting and bruising of the calf area after pretty much every game!

You see we all moan about Stuart Pearce but he had the fans in mind!!!

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