Inter Milan Vs Manchester City Match Thread

citymad said:
The ones watching it on tv were the lucky ones. Watching it live was terrible. We have alot of work to do to even be top 6. Try telling the inter Milan players it was just a friendly. They played us off the park in their FIRST friendly. I can't tell you how shit these players were live. Adebayors body language was disgraceful. The small band of arsenal fans were laughing at him and it was hard to witness.

Fuck me, if i was ade my body language would be disgraceful. The service to him was shocking, how many chances did the midfield create for him??

If Dickov had played tonight and run his tits off and done fuck all, some ppl wolod of said he had a great game!!

It was like putting vegetable oil in range rover sport

Mad City
waste of fucking time, useless. Why insist on playing with 3 defensive midfielders in a fucking friendly game with absolutely nothing to lose. Why? Just why?

Then we lose Vieira, instead of going to what would make sense and play a 4-3-1-1 with Ireland being put in behind Adebayor, but no we persist with this ridiculous formation and are torn a new arsehole by an aged inter team with a few kids sprinkled into their side for good measure.

Disgrace, thought Kidd would have some balls and try something a bit more attacking today in Mancini's absence, obviously lacks the testicular fortitude.
This result is Null and void to me, spoilt by a stupid referee.Not helped by Matterazzi rolling round liked he had been shot. In the Lisbon game (I think) Jo was fouled by the last man who was given a yellow in what a game may have mattered was a red. I'd also like to know why Ireland never started this match, anyways with 5-6 star players not starting the match tonight i thought Shaun did very good when he came on, gave them something to think about anyways.

We are now ready to bring in the Artillery.
Fanny Fart said:
citymad said:
The ones watching it on tv were the lucky ones. Watching it live was terrible. We have alot of work to do to even be top 6. Try telling the inter Milan players it was just a friendly. They played us off the park in their FIRST friendly. I can't tell you how shit these players were live. Adebayors body language was disgraceful. The small band of arsenal fans were laughing at him and it was hard to witness.

Fuck me, if i was ade my body language would be disgraceful. The service to him was shocking, how many chances did the midfield create for him??

If Dickov had played tonight and run his tits off and done fuck all, some ppl wolod of said he had a great game!!

It was like putting vegetable oil in range rover sport

Mad City

Every time he got the ball, he fucking lost it. Adebayor's shitness pre-dates pre-season.
TFC said:
Uwe Roslers Grandad said:
at the end of the day a bad tour, we'll get slated in the press, so fking what, its all about the spurs game (who got beat 4-1 by valencia). The ref spoilt tonights game, although i dont think we would have got much better against inter who looked strong, hence why their european champions.

The tour was about building the brand and taking the team to get prepared for the season. Lets look at the brand.....not won a game and not set the USA on fire, ok not the best advert, but on the flip they've built strong ties, the roof top pitch in spanish harlem a prime example that city have made their mark more so than beating a team in a freindly!!

On the squad/team wise....mancini took alot of youngsters on this trip for the sole reason that you can have as many u21's next year and those players that went will be called upon if needed, when will they get tested properly if he doesn't take them on this trip, if that means us getting beat, so what, its all experience!!! As an earlier poster said if he wanted to win every game he would have recalled carlos and told silva to get to usa as quick as possible.

In short, the trip has spread the word that is city, better of the pitch than on, we've now given vital experience to some young lads coming through and we've still got some world class players to come back ready for the spurs game!!!

tbf, the states probably isnt the best place for City to improve their brand, American blues aside, no one would really give a fuck that Manchester City came to play in America. They would have been better served playing in a country that is football mad (last years tour in SA this year might have been a good call after them having the WC).

Bit of a damp squib really the whole tour, originally I was gutted that I couldnt make it to Atlanta, but on reflection I'd rather save my pennies and come home for a proper competitive game or three sometime next season or the season after.

I'm working on the Indian Sub Continent at the moment> I work for an Indian company and the first part of English culture they get, is that they support a football team called Manchester City. Why you may ask .....?

1) They are honest and have charicter
2) They are loyal ( Fans and players)
3) They teach you to be a stronger individual (Ups and downs)
4) Eventually we WILL be the best

It's not about the destination, it's about the journey to get there
When you're down to 10 men you need your man up front to hold up the ball and retain it. Adebayour can't do this. We don't possess a striker that can. So don't expect us to ever hold out when we go down to 10 men.

The plus out of tonight is that the players got some work in, more than expected anyway!

Come on City!!
nashark said:
Fanny Fart said:
Fuck me, if i was ade my body language would be disgraceful. The service to him was shocking, how many chances did the midfield create for him??

If Dickov had played tonight and run his tits off and done fuck all, some ppl wolod of said he had a great game!!

It was like putting vegetable oil in range rover sport

Mad City

Every time he got the ball, he fucking lost it. Adebayor's shitness pre-dates pre-season.

Changed your tune pre quick their sharky?

Anyway, were you one of the fans screaming at him everytime a ball was lumped to him against spurs at home and he lost it? not really his game is it?

If a striker has 5 chances and scores 1 or 2 he is having a good day, how many chances were created for him today?
oneyeartillheaven said:
If the team had Tevez, Koralov, Boeteng, Silva and Yaya (after more than 2 halves) in it I would be worried as it didn't I am not.
Its clear to me though, that this team seems to be struggling. 2 goal in 4 games against mostly decent but not brilliant teams from a squad worth well over £150m(?) = whichever way you put, that just isn't good enough

I think Mancini will be signing several more players, never mind just a couple more. But you have to remember, with respect to Mourinho, this Inter team was built by Mancini and has won the Serie A 5 consecutive times now. Mancini built a lasting team at Inter, I have confidence he'll do the same at City time.

Mancini has bought Boateng, Silva, Kolarov and Toure who has shown he could be one of the most important buys we'll have made in this new era. Miles better than what the clueless Hughes could of done with his second rate Adebayor and the ridiculous 25m for... Joleon Lescott.

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