Interview with Daniel Taylor from The Guardian

oakiecokie said:
franksinatra said:
Interesting article and, if you believe him, dispels a lot of the myths about certain members of the media and also our relationship with them. For me it reflects a lot of my views which I have aired and been criticised for numerous times.

Interesting that City are so pro-active whenever negative articles or perceived negative articles are printed. Complete contrast to the perception of many on here.

Nice to see Blue Moon 'in bed' with the devil. Hopefully hospitality was not provided during the interview as I know that is an issue for some moderators on here.

Hopefully those idiots who claim that Vickie Kloss is "not up to the job",have the balls to apologise.I fear not though.
I've always hoped that despite her job, Vickie Kloss never ever reads BlueMoon to see what the fans think.
Exeter Blue I am here said:
Mister Appointment said:
Interesting read. I don't agree with everything he says. In particular when he talks about the perceived negative coverage City get in comparison to other clubs. I think he's deluding himself if he thinks that City aren't either ignored or criticised, but rarely praised, whereas Chelsea, United, Arsenal, and Liverpool all get praise and criticism in relatively equal measures.

Yes, there was a touch of the Mandy Rice-Davis's about that answer, and the one to Ric's question about the Northern Press pack as well, where the chief football writers for 3 of the 4 broadsheets are rags - Ogden, Jackson and, despite what Taylor says, Herbert, who is to Wrexham as referee Anthony Taylor is to Altrincham. And given that Ogden has already acknowledged on Bluemoon that 'click based' articles are a staple of all papers now, DT's denial of bias rings a bit hollow. Fair play to the bloke for coming on here, but for the most part my sentiments echo those of Joe Mercer's Way above

It bugs me the way any criticisms we have of the media are swept under the rug whenever they're posited to a journo. I listen to the Bluemoon Podcast and they've interviewed Ogden and Ladyman in recent months. Both of them come across as you'd expect them too. Absolute cunts who do nothing but focus on the negative at City.
Daniel Taylor is pretty good, so it's not a surprise he's coming across well in that interview. As ever the "agenda" is more about the output of a few rather than some kind of conspiracy.

The bit I thought was interesting was the comment that Mangala would be admitted at £42 million. City have never done that, not publicly. I'd love to know what makes him say that.
Thanks, Ric. A good read.

Daniel Taylor is a good journalist. A stark contrast to the individual who took over his role following the promotion.
A brilliant piece of promotion for Bluemoon, Ric

There's enough material there to keep The Agenda thread going for at least another 500 pages
Ric said:
I interviewed Daniel Taylor, The Guardian's chief football writer, recently on issues such as the title race, FFP, , Twitter and the "agenda":

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Nice one Ric well done
Shit, I didn't realize that Rags conceded less than us. That's quite embarrassing.

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