Invincibles? I hate doing this but....

I have to say that in my opinion, this seems to me to be the best squad we have ever had.

I am willing to predict that we will come very close to going the whole season unbeaten. Our strength is phenomenal and Pep really does seem to be on top of his game.

I know its by no means a certainty but looking at the strength of our squad and the that of the opposition I just cannot see anyone getting close to us. The likelihood of us getting overturned will be by a lower struggling team as opposed to any of the big guns.

I hope I haven't jinxed us but we really do have strength all over the place, brilliant cover and a fantastic group of youngsters eager to get involved.

Most importantly what we have which I think will deliver for us is.... a settled squad that is regularly and comfortably rotated.
Mate, I know you're getting pelters for starting this thread and for saying what you've said but I say well done for thinking what you think and for voicing your thought.
Football is for dreaming and for dreamers.
Which one of us, in the not too distant dark days didn't dream of us winning the league or the champions league or of one day going to the rags shithole and tearing them a new one, to paraphrase Buzzer, while believing in the back of our minds, if we were honest, that it was never going to happen, and it wasn't if Sheikh Mansour hadn't rocked up when he did.
Who didn't sing "best team in the land and all the world" when we were shit. That wasn't a jinx, it was the dream and it happened.
What keeps the fans of lesser clubs, those with a cat in hells chance of achieving anything other than avoiding relegation, going year in year out?
It's the dream.
The dream of doing what City have done, what Leicester did or even what Wigan achieved against us.
That's what it's about, achieving what seems to be impossible, against all the odds.
Having achieved all that at the time felt like the impossible dream, we must continue to dream some more impossible dreams until they come true.
So don't let the pessimists and naysayers put you down.
Just carry on dreaming your dream.
Mate, I know you're getting pelters for starting this thread and for saying what you've said but I say well done for thinking what you think and for voicing your thought.
Football is for dreaming and for dreamers.
Which one of us, in the not too distant dark days didn't dream of us winning the league or the champions league or of one day going to the rags shithole and tearing them a new one, to paraphrase Buzzer, while believing in the back of our minds, if we were honest, that it was never going to happen, and it wasn't if Sheikh Mansour hadn't rocked up when he did.
Who didn't sing "best team in the land and all the world" when we were shit. That wasn't a jinx, it was the dream and it happened.
What keeps the fans of lesser clubs, those with a cat in hells chance of achieving anything other than avoiding relegation, going year in year out?
It's the dream.
The dream of doing what City have done, what Leicester did or even what Wigan achieved against us.
That's what it's about, achieving what seems to be impossible, against all the odds.
Having achieved all that at the time felt like the impossible dream, we must continue to dream some more impossible dreams until they come true.
So don't let the pessimists and naysayers put you down.
Just carry on dreaming your dream.
Great response! I personally think it is unlikely that we would go unbeaten in the league all season but that we have a better chance of doing that this year than any other. A big factor in this could be Gundo's return and him having given up international football. This should make us stronger after those irritating breaks when the likes of KdB come back exhausted.

It would be great to take away one of the few reasons the tarquins have to lord it over us and others.

But "Typical City" is going to happen at some point!
Seeing as this thread is about making predictions around defeats, I stridently predict we’ll lose a couple of games in the autumn and the usual knicker wetters will be all over this board like tedious clockwork, confidently predicting that this season ‘doesn’t feel the same’ and that we’ve been ‘found out’ before disappearing again in the late winter/early spring.

We’ve always got a fuck up against some lower league dross in us.

We’ll have a flukey shite game and get beaten by the likes of Everton or Palace or United in a typical one shot one goal scenario. Won’t make any difference in the grand scheme of things but I guarantee it’ll happen like it does every year.
‘The Invincibles’ was a truly remarkable achievement but it was a freak, and once the finish line was in sight not losing became more important to Arsenal than winning, which is a complete anathema to Pep.

The fact it has only happened twice in 140 years is telling. All teams have off days, just as all teams in the PL are capable of raising their game on occasion. That, happenstance and poor refereeing mean it’s so unlikely over 38 games at this level it’s not worth wasting emotional energy on. At least not until the clocks go forward.
I think this is our best ever squad. A great blend of youth and experience and a team full of winners. We could win everything but you need a lot of luck for that to happen.

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