Iran Attack on Israel

I think the 1st gulf war was the original, with CNN covering it, after sadam invaded Kuwait the first time, I was on a work course, and we'd all just got back from the bar very pissed as it kicked off, and we watched for hours on sombody's TV (Aug 1990), the next day on the course was carnage haha.

The 2nd was 2003 (march), and I was actually at work in support of what was going on, in a bunker in NW London.

The counter invasion (of Iraq) was carefully planned to be under the cover of a significant (and very convenient) dust storm, that had been forecast about 6 days out, the bombs and missiles went in before the dust storm, then the troop invasion followed, under the cover of the dust.
yeah, you're right.

mental really, thinking back...
out dancing/drinking in town of an evening,
then back home for televised war.
True. A few other people have said it's Nevatim airbase.

Fair enough. Do you know where and when it's from?

People in the comments and on Reddit saying it's from Libya about 5-6 years ago, but I've not seen the original video. Like I say, I'm inclined to believe that unless some corroborating source comes up.

Israel have just said the only casualty so far is a 10-year old girl from a Palestinian town.

That's always the way, isn't it? The defenseless are the ones who suffer.
The news said the “RAF in the sky over Israel”
It's bollocks, take my word for it, the RAF are in (or were) the skies over Iraq/(near) Syria, on their normal regular patrols. Any missiles/drones will have only come from Iran over Iraq, and we'd have shot them down, as they were a threat to us.

Saudi/Jordan would have similarly shot any down that came over their territory, because they are a threat to their people.

Iraq probably wouldn't have the resources/time to do much (or probably give a shit to be fair), Syria (government) just wouldn't give a shit.

On a another note, any missiles reaching Israel will not be the first ever, as many reached Israel in the 2nd gulf war from sadam.
This is Bluemoon therefore Iran are peaceful freedom fighters and Israel are Zionist scum bud.
Iran have one of the most despicable regime's in the world in charge of it. Absolute utter cunts. Any country that gets it's morality police to kick the shit out of women for being improperly dressed is from the fucking stone age. Not mentioning their support for the lunatic Putin.
Netanyahu couldn’t believe his luck when Hamas attacked. He’d been waiting years to launch an offensive with sympathy and support from most of the west. When that support was running out due to the brutality of the response, an Iranian target is hit. Coincidence or calculated? Iran have responded predictably and the rhetoric coming out of US has switched again. Really dangerous times.
It's amazing how people choose whatever 'starting point' to the conflict is most convenient for them. Sky News just had a bloke on saying that Israel will have no option but to respond to this attack. Which is exactly the same argument for the reasons the attack is happening in the first place, just reversed. He then went on to talk about how Iran has been 'covertly attacking' Israel for years, the evidence being that Iran supplies weapons to groups attacking Israel. Again, by the same measure, every country supplying weapons to any other military is 'covertly attacking' whoever those weapons end up being used on. And I don't necessarily disagree with that assessment, but you can't only apply it one way.
Exactly and far too many on here seem to think it’s a football match where you’re meant to support one “team” through the myopia of fervent bias rather than see it for what it is, cunts on both sides with tiny dicks trying to ferment fear and hatred to cling to power.

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