Irani talking out of his **** again

The Flash said:
On the show this morning. Brazil said to Irani "I don't go on Twitter, I'd just get abused and I can't be doing with that". St Ronald had the audacity to reply that "you need to have a thick skin, you were a footballer and must have heard it from the terraces, I got terrible abuse in australia on Tour with England"......

Brazil said he wouldn't be bothering with it and then Irani said, "well if you do get any abuse you just block the idiots and have good banter with your real followers".... just made me lol when I thought about NipHolmes campaign!

I'm convinced Brazil set him up, because of the shit he's getting.

If anyone wants to listen to it, and try and keep a straight face, it's on their podcast from this mornings show. Between 07.30 - 08.00 slot and around about 10 to 15 mins in.
He regulary tells him to jack twitter,the amount of times ive heard brazil say is it worth all the shit and grief ronnie
St rons reply is always..... i love it al blocking all these tools,they wont beat me

Fucking idiot

Switched the radio on this morning in the car, heard him say "weeeeelll, ya knor....." and off it went. Still can't face it. May try again tomorrow as normally the masochist in me has me listening.

I still cant understand how he got to be on the radio. Now I know that there are a few stupid presenters on TSport but even Brazil and Gough have a bit of personality. But Irani?
The cookie monster said:
The Flash said:
On the show this morning. Brazil said to Irani "I don't go on Twitter, I'd just get abused and I can't be doing with that". St Ronald had the audacity to reply that "you need to have a thick skin, you were a footballer and must have heard it from the terraces, I got terrible abuse in australia on Tour with England"......

Brazil said he wouldn't be bothering with it and then Irani said, "well if you do get any abuse you just block the idiots and have good banter with your real followers".... just made me lol when I thought about NipHolmes campaign!

I'm convinced Brazil set him up, because of the shit he's getting.

If anyone wants to listen to it, and try and keep a straight face, it's on their podcast from this mornings show. Between 07.30 - 08.00 slot and around about 10 to 15 mins in.
He regulary tells him to jack twitter,the amount of times ive heard brazil say is it worth all the shit and grief ronnie
St rons reply is always..... i love it al blocking all these tools,they wont beat me

Fucking idiot


It just made me laugh cos he contradicted himself yet again, "you need to have a thick skin" and yet he constantly blocks people who give him grief. Not much of thick skin shown there St. Ronald.

badmash said:
Burnage Burnsy said:
badmash said:
He was at his name dropping best this morning.

Examples please

He went to a charity do (again) with a bunch of Z list celebs

Telling us how Tyrone was belting it out on Karaoke and that Kim Marsh has still got an amazing voice.
Don't know who else was there, I had to turn off
Sharleen Spiteri was today's Z list name drop.

The Flash said:
On the show this morning. Brazil said to Irani "I don't go on Twitter, I'd just get abused and I can't be doing with that". St Ronald had the audacity to reply that "you need to have a thick skin, you were a footballer and must have heard it from the terraces, I got terrible abuse in australia on Tour with England"......

Brazil said he wouldn't be bothering with it and then Irani said, "well if you do get any abuse you just block the idiots and have good banter with your real followers".... just made me lol when I thought about NipHolmes campaign!

I'm convinced Brazil set him up, because of the shit he's getting.

If anyone wants to listen to it, and try and keep a straight face, it's on their podcast from this mornings show. Between 07.30 - 08.00 slot and around about 10 to 15 mins in.

The Flash said:
The cookie monster said:
The Flash said:
On the show this morning. Brazil said to Irani "I don't go on Twitter, I'd just get abused and I can't be doing with that". St Ronald had the audacity to reply that "you need to have a thick skin, you were a footballer and must have heard it from the terraces, I got terrible abuse in australia on Tour with England"......

Brazil said he wouldn't be bothering with it and then Irani said, "well if you do get any abuse you just block the idiots and have good banter with your real followers".... just made me lol when I thought about NipHolmes campaign!

I'm convinced Brazil set him up, because of the shit he's getting.

If anyone wants to listen to it, and try and keep a straight face, it's on their podcast from this mornings show. Between 07.30 - 08.00 slot and around about 10 to 15 mins in.
He regulary tells him to jack twitter,the amount of times ive heard brazil say is it worth all the shit and grief ronnie
St rons reply is always..... i love it al blocking all these tools,they wont beat me

Fucking idiot


It just made me laugh cos he contradicted himself yet again, "you need to have a thick skin" and yet he constantly blocks people who give him grief. Not much of thick skin shown there St. Ronald.


Laughable isn't it. How can it be banter when he blocks anyone who dares question his lies? I got blocked after asking how it was possible his dad has been a ST holder longer than he's been in the country. I mean come on, at least do the fucking math before spouting it live on air, as a justification for being a rag too. Laughable. He's defo on the campaign, great :)

St Ronnie's book reviews make great reading by the way, out of 50 reviews 38 have 1 start!; <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ewpoints=1</a><br /><br />-- Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:12 pm --<br /><br />Random picks but all are funny,

'This is poorly written and uninformative tosh- and i like cricket. Mr Irani comes across as very dull and very bland on radio and unfortunately his writing is much the same. He has no stories to tell and quite frankly i would rather read the back of a crisp packet. A very poor effort.Mr Irani has no interesting story to tell, either in print or on the radio. I deeply suggest that he changes career and opens a fish and chip shop in Bolton.'

'Books are a wonderful thing, they expand the mind, inform, inspire us, unlocking new interests and passions that can change the rest of our lives. This however is the exception, it is badly written, inane drivel from a bitter ex cricketer with delusions of grandeur, that anybody buying it and reading it would actually be less intelligent afterwards than if they had never picked it up in the first place. Avoid at all costs. '

'I'm a big reader of cricket books and this is truly one of the worst i have read in years. Its poorly written and offers little or no insight into what happens in the dressing room or on the pitch. I don't know if i was spoiled by reading Atherton's Ashes before this (which is excellent by the way and strangly addictive) but i really didn't enjoy it at all. And his gripe with Nasser Hussian throughout gets on my nerves as Irani comes over as being very Jealous of Hussian's achievements in turning England around.'
This is the most favourable review of his book.......

'Without doubt the best book ever written from one of Englands finest sportsmen. Its a joy to read from start to finish, informative , funny but always believable as Ronnie the Red gives us an insight into his fabulous world where only his opinion
Published 10 days ago by P.Lasticred.'

Made me chuckle!
NipHolmes said:
St Ronnie's book reviews make great reading by the way, out of 50 reviews 38 have 1 start!; <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ewpoints=1</a>
What's also funny is that none of the reviewers that gave it 5 stars have reviewed any other books apart from his!!

Ha, just the review title is enough!

An ideal Christmas present - for someone you despise, 9 Oct 2009

By big withy -: No Boundaries

This is by some margin the worst book I've ever read - well, to be honest I lapsed into speed reading mode after a couple of chapters, as the turgid writing style and bitterness of the author became too much to bear. Who does this guy think he is? They say that everyone's got a book in them and if this drivel can get published then maybe that's true. What Irani has comprehensively proved is that by no means everyone has got a WORTHWHILE book in them. The book - like the author, if his Talksport output is a fair representation - has no redeeming features whatsoever. You have been warned.

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