Is anybody gonna be watching it then?

Wasn't going to bother watching but it's about football and something close, so turned it on after about 15 mins...

I thought it was very well done, and genuinely moving. A real human tragedy.
Good cinematic piece. Bit dramatic, and not sure the painted Bobby Charlton in a particularly good light.

Personally if I was a United fan I am not sure I would be particularly happy. I thought it swung dramatically from being pro-united to making them look rather stupid (which wasn't the case).

A tragic disaster, but I don't think films like this help the issue.
With her disability precluding her from any form of work, she finds herself overdrawn at the bank and being pressed for repayment. "I dropped a line to Martin Edwards, asking him if it was possible to have a couple of thousand pounds in advance (of the payout from the testimonial match) to meet my commitments but he said it was not club policy."

"It's not just me that has been affected. Other families have been torn apart, yet all these years and not a penny from United to ease the suffering. The club believe they have no financial or moral obligation for the Munich disaster. Everyone connected with the game receives enormous salaries, even complete strangers whose lives have not been damaged by Munich."

"I saw those terrible scenes in the hospital after the crash. I stayed at Ray's bedside for eight weeks and I was there when Duncan Edwards died. Ray would ask me every day who was the next to have died."

"The airline flew us out to Munich and gave us daily expenses. Even my local priest offered financial help - but there was nothing from United."

"United have handled things so badly that some of the survivors and their families want nothing to do with Tuesday's match. I'm not sure that Ray wants me at the match but I feel that I have every right to attend."

United were unavailable for comment.
What in fuck's name was that accent from Dougray Scott? A weird Scottish/American/Italian combo. Couldn't focus on anything other than the shower of shite accents. Shocking.
They made Busby look/sound more like Don Corleone, but apart from that, it was largely good I thought.

It's a dramatisation, so of course there are historical inaccuracies and whatnot. The bit about the phoenix for example; would have been better to make the point of rising from the ashes without referring to the crest.

Anyway, things like this transcend footballing rivalries. It was a human tragedy, and one which I thought they portrayed quite well, and emotionally. Was worried about what Murphy was going to be like before I saw it; but Tennant's acting made him alright.
I haven't seen it all but have seen a few bits of it and from what I've seen it did seem fairly well done, as someone who likes David Tennant's acting I think he did quite well and I might watch it at some point. I agree on the strange accents though and it is terrible to hear about the club's treatment of the families. It was a horrific tragedy, lives were lost and really a football rivalry holds no place in something like that, it was a very sad thing to happen.
I did'nt realise sir blobby got treated for baldness while in hospital. A fine head of hair he had when leaving hospital

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