Is Cook out of his league?

no fucking chance. the way he has composed himself and what he has said
the last couple of days has shown him to be nothing short of world class!

onwards and upwards!
i agree completely, this guy has already proved himself in his field and has held some top positions, we need to remember we are heading in a completely new direction and with a completely new structure. these guys are winners and we should enjoy the ride.

12 months ago i wouldn't have thought we would be standing our ground against clubs like Milan and as Cook says we are 12 weeks into a 10 year project, we have only had 22 days to buy and sell and look at the quality brought in.
The guy is top notch, he will look after City and nothing will stand in our way, you just have to be patient.

The transfer window is still open, truly believe we will still pull off a massive coup.

Tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc
Cook is really admired in the world of sport and this is just simple KAKA did not want to play for us / and they did not want to sell in this transfer window .

Lots of other world stars to go for ...and its a class team who can spot the world star of tomorrow.
sweep said:
Max Woosnams Tash said:

Don't know whether you've seen this article from the Guardian. Gives a proper balanced view of what GC was up against during the Kaka negotiations. Apologies if you have already seen this or it's been posted on another thread

"They bottled it," he says of Milan. "We weren't naive. It was just that the world we entered into was unprofessional. We engaged a lot of professional people to take care of this deal. But it was all a bit too sophisticated for Milan."
Aye, what experience would AC Milan have in transfer negotiations, they're only a football club.
I bet they've only ever bought players like Kaka though,never sell one like him
The player never had any intention of coming to City , he's since said as much ......... if he'd been interested he would have made some positive feelings known , but he clearly didn't ......... it would appear , on the face of it , that it was Milan themselves , and the players father , who were doin' most of the pushing for the actual cash deals on offer , not the player himself .

They had more than enough chances to get the player involved if he'd wanted ...... City officials visited Milan four times ........ but if the player isn't interested in the move you're always gonna be bangin' your head on a brick wall , and you could just tell the way that these talks were going ...... no real progress was being made whatsoever.

Cook did his best , he had no reason not too ...... but kaka huggin' that Milan shirt really said it all.
Out of his league? No way the man clearly knows what he is doing. He was met i think with firstly a player who was not keen to come here, then a team of mercenary how much men. To put the tin hat on it the political head of state is involved not wanting to lose face or votes , and finally Kaka is a brand and has deals with addidas and armani etc to be sorted out. Cook went as part of a professional delegation and was met by the wheel tappers and shunters to try and sort it all out. Cook will put the interests of adug and the club first it is what he is paid for and i applaud him for it. They thought we would pay anything to get him and i am glad we wouldn't.
Seriously, is someone passing magic mushrooms round this forum? First we get 'swap Robbie for John Terry' and now we get, 'Cook is out of his league'???!!

Cook has been involved successfully in the most complex and lucrative negotiations seen in sport never mind football. His credentials are absolutely impeccable and watertight. I know were reeling a bit from the Kaka thing but seriously people...just think what youre saying before you post.

If were going to attract the biggest names in football, which I believe eventually we will, we need the best negotiators and Cooks track record speaks for itself.

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