Is fascism back with us?

Happy new year to you mate!! Not seen you around, hope you keeping well

So which bits about communism aren’t accurate ?

is a form of far-left - check
authoritarian - check
dictatorial power - check
forcible suppression of opposition - check
strong regimentation of society and the economy - check

All very observable with the communist states that exist today. I know you’re probably sitting there saying but it’ll be different with a communist party in Britain… despite all evidence that political theory bower great it looks on paper is the first casualty when power is achieved.

If you think a communist regime in the UK (or anywhere else) would be all cuddly and democratic you’re living in cloud cuckoo land mate.
All very observable is states that call themselves Communist, but then North Korea calls itself Democratic. They are authoritarian states, not Communist states, don't buy the Cold War propaganda stuff. A Communist society by definition is stateless, classless and governed directly by the people, it is the ultimate in democracy. All class distinctions are eliminated. A society in which everyone is both the owners of the means of production and their own employees. The concept of property is negated and replaced with the concept of commons and ownership with "usership". The means of production are held in common, negating the concept of ownership in capital goods. Production is organized to provide for human needs directly without any use for money. Communism is predicated upon a condition of material abundance and all members of the state are considered equal to one another.

Happy New Year pal, i haven't been around since before Xmas, life and all that.
politically I’d say liberal democracy which has a bigger focus on the individual than the East and other parts of the world, who focus more on the collective.

From a non political point of view outside of language and stuff like that I love how we socialise in the west and I prefer our food, fashion, hobbies, working practices… I’d be absolutely fucking lost in the Middle East or China.
And how come it needs preserving (like you said), what's endangering it?
And how come it needs preserving (like you said), what's endangering it?
The article said low birth rate, not saying I think that’s an immediate problem but it’s not fascism to think that.
Happy new year to you mate!! Not seen you around, hope you keeping well

So which bits about communism aren’t accurate ?

is a form of far-left - check
authoritarian - check
dictatorial power - check
forcible suppression of opposition - check
strong regimentation of society and the economy - check

All very observable with the communist states that exist today. I know you’re probably sitting there saying but it’ll be different with a communist party in Britain… despite all evidence that political theory bower great it looks on paper is the first casualty when power is achieved.

If you think a communist regime in the UK (or anywhere else) would be all cuddly and democratic you’re living in cloud cuckoo land mate.
The greatest argument of a Communist is that it has never been done correctly anywhere before...

The unspoken corollary to that claim is this:

And if you let us, we will do it properly here, and it would be wonderful..:)
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Following the events of violent insurrection in the US just over the past 12 months its clear the US is creeping ever closer to a full blown fascist state. There are rumours that there are factions within the US army are ready to defy the current US commander in chief and support the previous disposed one.

The rise of fascism is happening all over the world Turkey, Hungary, Brazil, India, China, Russia and course in the UK. In particular in the UK we have a government that wants to overturn a jury lead court case because it doesn't like the outcome. Or remove free testing for Covid kits so that it can pretend the pandemic is all over and it no longer exists.
Maybe I am missing something but>>>

Fascism it doesn't goose step in with jack boots more creeping in with carpet slippers
The US military is a huge burocratic machine. Factions of the military can’t just decide to turn on the president. Nor was it a remotely feasible scenario that Trump, for example could wake up one morning, decide to nuke France because he felt like it, and the people with the actual fingers on the trigger action that order.

People are divided for sure but we’re a long, long way from fascism.
People are divided for sure but we’re a long, long way from fascism.
I couldn't disagree more.

Republicans - under duress from Trump - are promoting the idea that the 2020 election was stolen and that massive voter fraud occurred. This lie is believed to be true by most Republicans. Moreover, officials responsible for voting integrity who have stated time and again that the 2020 election was fair - are in many instances being replaced.

This is huge. Officials responsible for election results in Republican jurisdictions are being replaced if such officials claim that the 2020 election was fair.

The USA isn't a long way from fascism at all - it's coming to you in 2024. And this time the Republicans will "find" the 11,780 votes.
The greatest argument of a Communist is that it has never been done correctly anywhere before...

The unspoken collolaey to that claim is this:

And if you let us, we will do it properly here, and it would be wonderful..:)

Do you mean coronary... as in, to have a massive coronary?

I couldn't disagree more.

Republicans - under duress from Trump - are promoting the idea that the 2020 election was stolen and that massive voter fraud occurred. This lie is believed to be true by most Republicans. Moreover, officials responsible for voting integrity who have stated time and again that the 2020 election was fair - are in many instances being replaced.

This is huge. Officials responsible for election results in Republican jurisdictions are being replaced if such officials claim that the 2020 election was fair.

The USA isn't a long way from fascism at all - it's coming to you in 2024. And this time the Republicans will "find" the 11,780 votes.
So let me get this straight... When liberals thought 2016 was a Russian/Trump collusion job, and Madonna wanted to bomb the white house... And some nice Comedian had a Trump bleeding head as prop and there were cries of he is not my President, and California wanted to secede, none of that signalled the coming of Fascism.

Mask Mandates, and Vaccine Mandates don't signal fascism. When Democratic election board officials changes election laws without the approval of their legislative bodies, non of that signalled Fascism...

But Republicans finding 11,000 more votes in 2024 will?

Let me simplify:
Republican= Evil
Democrat= Good

Got it!

Do you mean coronary... as in, to have a massive coronary?

Thanks for the correction.
So let me get this straight... When liberals thought 2016 was a Russian/Trump collusion job, and Madonna wanted to bomb the white house... And some nice Comedian had a Trump bleeding head as prop and there were cries of he is not my President, and California wanted to secede, none of that signalled the coming of Fascism.

Mask Mandates, and Vaccine Mandates don't signal fascism. When Democratic election board officials changes election laws without the approval of their legislative bodies, non of that signalled Fascism...

But Republicans finding 11,000 more votes in 2024 will?

Let me simplify:
Republican= Evil
Democrat= Good

Thanks for the correction.
There was a huge 2016 Russian interference attempt to influence the outcome of the presidential election in favor of Trump. It's not clear though how effective that campaign was.

Mask mandates and vaccine mandates = fascism? I guess you don't wear seat belts and regard driving laws as an imposition on your God-given right to drive as you choose.

You said:
"Let me simplify:
Republican= Evil
Democrat= Good"

Actually, you've almost captured it exactly. Except that it's not Republicans who are evil - it's that most Republicans leaders are so. Possibly most Democrats are so too.

Politicians are political creatures (of course) - it's astounding to me that most Republicans would rather stay in office than state obvious truths - such as Biden won the 2020 election fair and square; that climate change is real; that COVID is real and that vaccines, masking and social distancing are all important mitigations against this disease and so on.

Probably, should Republicans somehow have hit upon pro-science and fact, you'd find most Democrats opposing science. "Republican" and "Democrat" are labels afterall - and a review of history illustrates how party positions have shifted over the years.

I prefer Democratic policies. But I'm OK with more conservative policies.

I'm not, however, at all in favor of science denial. And that's where most (Bush isn't there nor are many traditional Republicans, but the Trump-worshipers are another breed altogether) Republicans are. Fucking anti-science assholes who promote populist ideas - anything inconvenient is a lie, regardless of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary.
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