Is it Mancini's brand of football that gets fans backs up?

It's certainly what gets the media's back up. I think neutrals, rightly or wrongly, expect that for the money spent and the number of "top" players we've brought in we should be a more entertaining side to watch.
I just want us to win football games and whilst "sexy" football is great to watch, i dont expect it all the time and results matter.

Much more control of games is something i really would want to see this season given the squad we have.
Jesus Christ! One bad result and he is being questioned.

Mancini cannot be accountable for Kompany and Dzeko defensive mistakes; individual error is beyond the control of the coach.

He is addressing the lack of creativity with Nasri, Sneijder and Cerci; David Silva and Balotelli let him down by bottling it againsts United.

His style of play may not always be Arsenal football, but Mancini football is succesful football;something i'm sure most Arseanal fans would cherish at the expense of their 'good football'
His brand of football may not be the best to watch and admire , but it is successful . There were plenty of times last year when we played amazing football and got the results aswell. But you can't judge on the style of play for the upcoming year based upon a pre season game where we haven't yet acquired all the players Mancini wants.
AW88 said:
Jesus Christ! One bad result and he is being questioned.

Mancini cannot be accountable for Kompany and Dzeko defensive mistakes; individual error is beyond the control of the coach.

He is addressing the lack of creativity with Nasri, Sneijder and Cerci; David Silva and Balotelli let him down by bottling it againsts United.

His style of play may not always be Arsenal football, but Mancini football is succesful football;something i'm sure most Arseanal fans would cherish at the expense of their 'good football'
You have read the date of the OP, haven't you?
Adam-mcfc said:
lostgalaxy said:
The football style is OK.

Just needs to inject some hearts. And some balance.

The problem with Sunday was De Jong turned off.

I'm really worried about that and all the issue regarding his contract.

Another element that should be added to the team was the type of Vieira. Not just experience but composure. I see his replacement in Boyata and Razak but Mancini don't have the guts [or maybe power] to throw them into regular first team.

Barry's better than Milner in terms of composure.

Kolarov and Micah are the type of fullbacks that don't press and harrass the wingers. Starting both of them is not a good idea. Clichy and Zaba do the harrassing better.

Balo and Dzeko don't seem to combine with each other.

To sum up:

1. Make De Jong happy. He's even more important than Tevez.

2. Play Boyata and Razak

3. Rotate Dzeko and Balotelli

4. Take pressure off Silva, maybe just by playing Aguero and Tevez

5. Bench Kolarov

6. Let the chair man do the half time dressing room talk when it matters

Well, it's not an ideal world.
This is the most absurd thing I've ever read, you can't be serious? This has got to be a joke. Benching silva and playing Razak? Wtf! I understand you want to bring in youngsters (we all want that), but there's a time and a place and a certain situation to do that in. You dont bench starters in important games to play unproven teenagers. Even baconface doesn't do that.

Where in the post did I say to take Silva off?

Who's being absurd?

And don't call the opponent names. Can't beat them that way. Suddenly it's a different match from the FA semi. Why?

Because their top man changed his attitude. He knows about respecting the opponent.

While Mancini thought he could now play with two strikers and rape them.
We often play a defensive game. We have world class attacking players such as Aguero, Tevez (at present), Silva, Toure, Dzeko and hopefully Nasri. Our world class defenders are: Kompany with a Good def midfielder in De jong! The rest are ok or bobbins. Why use defensive tactics when thats claearly not where the talent lies with in the squad!!!??? Also players with fire in their belly are needed ( IE bellamy) not lazy, dis-interested show ponies like Balotelli!

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