Is it Mancini's brand of football that gets fans backs up?

K.Reeves right foot said:
GStar said:
We have a fantastic squad, playing at a pedestrian, unimaginative, uninterested pace.

When we pass and move and keep the tempo high, we look good, we score goals, we win matches.

When we don't we hang on and rely on individual moments of brilliance.

Mancini has showed no long term plan to change from the kind of football which, whilst making us generally hard to beat, will also make sure we never realistically continuously challenge for top honours.

Top teams dictate the game, they don't let their opponents dictate them. Mancini allowed WIgan to dictate the game, and they should have punished us, along with a string of other matches.

I really don't see why he persists with this, it failed us last season when he promised CL and it's failed this season when we should really have been right up there at the top.
i don't need to post as you said it all. spot on.
waspish said:
We are 3rd in the league! Yeah poor tactics indeed!

We are third not only due to our own results. The fact liverpool, imploded in the 1st half of the season, arsenal, chelsea and spurs have all fucked up, and gone through bad patches, have kept us in it!

But hey-ho fuck it, were 3rd, doesn't matter how we got there, we are so i'm happy!
Mancini is copping for a lot of unfair criticism to be honest.

Style of play is nowhere near as slow and pedestrian as some are making out. It is very much based on keep it tidy at the back like all good teams do. You can see the intent with the way he pushes the full backs on and has the midfield in advanced positions for a lot of our games. The only games where his style of play has become defensive was Spurs away, Arsenal away and United at home where you could say our needs came before a performance.

His signings will come good. There is far too much slating of players like Dzeko, Kolorov, Boateng, Balotelli, Yaya, Milner and to a lesser extent Vieira (whom I hope will be no more than a coach next season). All have shown us something that tells us they are good players and I keep saying it but they will all be better for their first season in the premiership. I don't know how many times it has to happen for it not to sink in but foreigners coming to England are rarely at their best in their first season. All of these are young players that will improve under Mancini and once they've fully adapted to the premier league.

The players that have improved under him; Hart is back from Birmingham as a regular starter and playing very well in the main. Kompany has gone from decent midfielder/defender to possibly the best centre half in the country. Richards has gone from the scrap heap to the verge of being an international player again. Lescott is showing some great form, De Jong is now the best player in his position in Europe imo, a far cry from the player who was turning into an £18m flop under Hughes. Zabaleta is playing better and Tevez goal scoring record under Mancini has been phenomenal. Adam Johnson is also a much better player under the guidance of Mancini.

Team spirit; to me there is one player unhappy and that's Tevez. A player known to leave a club every two years and one who put in a transfer request. Apart from him, I don't see too much unhappiness and from the training reports everyone seems to enjoy training.

His communication skills; Again his English is fine, he tells the press what he wants to tell them and that's it.

Despite this post I can't say I'm not a bit concerned. Our form since Christmas, when we did have a chance to make a case to go for the title, has not been good.

Overall though I'm very happy. We have a manager who's philosophy I like. What he's done to the defence compared to what it was like under Hughes is incredible, even with two shocking full backs according to most on here. I like his signings too. They've not all come off in their first season but by this time next year I expect posts like 'Kolorov best left back in the prem' and 'Boateng best centre back in the prem' because that's the nature of football and its supporters.

People think I'm daft but in 2/3 years of Mancini as manager I have the belief that we will be contenders for every big trophy we're in.

Forza Mancini, that's for you, Dave!
waspish said:
We are 3rd in the league! Yeah poor tactics indeed!

Indeed, 7 points behind top spot.

Also still in with a chance in the latter rounds of two cups.

Wonder what people expected from this season.
waspish said:
We are 3rd in the league! Yeah poor tactics indeed!
I'm surprised it's taken 5 pages for this papering over the cracks statement.It's not the draws or defeats that have bothered me as much as the manner of them.I'm not one of those who expected instant success just because we spent money.I did however,expect much better football than we're being served up with now.The lack of pace,the lack of urgency,the lack of communication between players and constantly giving away possesion has got worse lately when we were all told that we'll be much better when everyone's settled in.
moomba said:
waspish said:
We are 3rd in the league! Yeah poor tactics indeed!

Indeed, 7 points behind top spot.

Also still in with a chance in the latter rounds of two cups.

Wonder what people expected from this season.

Bearing in mind this is just about the poorest top 4 in Premiership history... I genuinely thought we might have won it.

Up until about two months ago I was convinced we had the players (and manager!) to go all the way.

But he's been sussed out as a one-dimensional manager, even by the journeymen managers in this league.

It's only the occasional "bit of magic" by Tevez that is keeping him in the top 4.
Soulboy said:
moomba said:
Indeed, 7 points behind top spot.

Also still in with a chance in the latter rounds of two cups.

Wonder what people expected from this season.

Bearing in mind this is just about the poorest top 4 in Premiership history... I genuinely thought we might have won it.

Up until about two months ago I was convinced we had the players (and manager!) to go all the way.

But he's been sussed out as a one-dimensional manager, even by the journeymen managers in this league.

It's only the occasional "bit of magic" by Tevez that is keeping him in the top 4.

Sadly it would seem that we wont be seeing as much of that either in the coming months.
anymore than 2sheiks said:
I'm surprised it's taken 5 pages for this papering over the cracks statement.It's not the draws or defeats that have bothered me as much as the manner of them.I'm not one of those who expected instant success just because we spent money.I did however,expect much better football than we're being served up with now.The lack of pace,the lack of urgency,the lack of communication between players and constantly giving away possesion has got worse lately when we were all told that we'll be much better when everyone's settled in.
Taking into account only League matches and bearing in mind I have only seen a few of the away matches on the TV, I can count on the fingers of one hand the games I have really enjoyed this season.

A lot of the home matches have been awful e.g. Blackburn, United, Birmingham, Bolton, Everton, Blackpool, Fulham, Wigan to name the worse ones - I expected a better style of football with all the money that has been spent.
It's worrying that we're starting to resemble the shambles of a team that played on the American pre-season tour. Slow, dour, unimaginative. We need to be a little more direct but i dont think we have the players for that. Look at how quick Kiev were in the last third of the pitch. they were quick and direct and very effective.

I'm hoping AJ returns soon and provides a little spark to ignite the team again.
if we can go back to the two derby games in the lge cup, after we lost to that owen goal i thought we were only a couple of players away from the finished item, since then we have taken all the pace out of the team its as if we are trying to build the perfect team who will just walk the ball into the net. tbh i think anyone with a football brain and that includes most posters on here could have gone beserk with a cheque book and built a side not to far away from mancini's. imo mancini really hasnt done what i thought he would do (yet) lets hope it changes for reading and make it right versus kiev

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