Is it really necessary to slag the club off

Does that include City fans who were denied an away derby ticket?

That would be roughly 4500 City fans.

That was unfair mate but I think most Blues now are happy that we taught the Rags a footballing lesson. More of the same in the 2nd leg please.
yeah. Let’s forget about the crucial injuries to crucial players. Klopp is already filing his excuses for next year just because he might lose a couple of players for a couple of weeks to the African Nations cup. So I guess it’s fair to say the injuries HAVE affected our form.
But don’t let that stop you attacking the team
If the squad can't beat Norwich without Laporte or Sane then we may as well pack it all in. Wolves and Newcastle and even Palace were samples of the strength of the squad and it's mentality. Not good enough this year end of.
It was more i came off reading a lot today about everyone from the tea lady to the board being arrogant shithouses,it wasn't about shutting down anyone,i read more than most so it all added up and i got a bit exasperated
The tea was shit though, with no biscuit and I was promised the trolley was going to be well stocked and was the best run trolley in football.
Liverpool are the best side this season & we were the best the previous two seasons.
We obviously can't win the league every season but i would have liked to have pushed Liverpool a bit harder this season but they'll absolutely walk the league and beat our points record & that is annoying.
We've had two absolutely brilliant seasons under Pep & two ( so far) not so good seasons.
If at the end of this season we've still won a cup or two (even if they are the League and FA Cups) then i'll still be over the moon
At the rate their going they will smash our points record other than us i dont see how they can drop points they do look more vunerable in the champions league so theres hope they wont do the double.
to the OP
if things need to be said
yes it is
especially for match going fans
i hope the 2nd half of the season is much better than the 1st
to the OP
if things need to be said
yes it is
especially for match going fans
i hope the 2nd half of the season is much better than the 1st
If you think calling everyone at the club arrogant and shithouses and the players dont give a shit and arent trying then fine
If the squad can't beat Norwich without Laporte or Sane then we may as well pack it all in. Wolves and Newcastle and even Palace were samples of the strength of the squad and it's mentality. Not good enough this year end of.
I suppose they should have packed up and gone home after losing 3-2 to Palace last season and decided to not go for a clean sweep of domestic trophies last season.

They could have given up after blowing a two goal lead at home to United the season before.

Come to think of it, City may as well have thrown the towel in after losing home and away to West Brom over Christmas in 1967-68.

Far to many bloody armchair 'experts' pontificating one here.
The last two seasons we’ve set the bar so high so naturally we would be disappointed about this season in the league anyway so far. The amount of silly games and shite performances we’ve threw away this year isn’t justifiable just because Laporte is injured. The last 10 years has been a dream and I Hope Pep stays for a long time, but we have to get rid of this old mindset of ‘ well we was shit 20/30 years ago so it doesn’t matter if we don’t win anymore’ etc

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